escaping the ghost riders | stiles stilinski

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the train station was eerie and quiet, no one had arrived for days. that was until the ghost riders brought in a boy, possibly your age with brown hair and moles that were scattered across his face like constellations.

he looked lost and confused, you noticed that he seemed more aware than anyone else here, you wanted to tell him what was happening. suddenly he was dragged behind one of the poles of the train station by the creepy guy you'd noticed hanging around.

you heard muttering and then the boy reappeared, he looked around until his eyes met yours. he walked towards you and sat next to you on the bench.

"hey, i'm stiles." he introduced himself, he seemed agitated as if the man that had dragged him behind the pole had some connection to him- and it wasn't a good one.

"i'm y/n." you said, looking around to check that no one was listening.

"you're aware of what's happening?" he asked.

"yes, i've been here for a while... it's driving me crazy." you kept your voice down as to not alert anyone.

"have you tried to find a way out?" stiles asked, worry spreading across his face.

"yes... i've tried but there's no way out... well there is one way but the boy died trying to get out. there is no other way." you sighed.

"well, i'm going to find a way. we're going to find a way." he grasped your hand and you looked over at him, his dark brown eyes staring intently into yours.

"okay, stiles. but i'm not entirely optimistic." you say sadly, you hadn't cried since you got here but you felt a tear fall down your cheek. stiles reached up and wiped your cheek with his flannel shirt.

"hey... i'll get us out of here, okay? i promise." the way he spoke made you believe anything he said.

"okay..." you smile slightly as his face got ever closer to yours, your heart started beating faster.

"hey, love birds," the guy who stiles seemed to hate, peter, cleared his throat as he stood in front of you both, "sorry to interrupt but we need to get out of here."

stiles broke away from your gaze and glared at peter, "well, have you found a way out?" stiles snapped.

"woah, alright. no i haven't, but i was hoping your little girlfriend here may know something?" he raised his eyebrows at you.

"uh, no... i don't, the only exit is the way the ghost riders come in and out..." you said, but they already knew that.

"useless. typical." peter tutted.

"hey, don't talk to her like that!" stiles whisper-yelled, "i'd like to see you come up with a smart idea for once."

peter looked stunned, "alright, stilinski. i'll leave you and your girlfriend alone, yell for me when you have a plan. it's not like anyone here would notice." he rolled his eyes.

"sorry about him," stiles turned towards you, "we'll find a way out, with or without him." he smiled, his smile warmed you up inside and gave you hope.

"stiles?" you whispered.

"yeh?" he said quietly.

"when we get out of here... i hope we can stay in tou-" you started to say but he stopped you.

"i want to stay more than in touch with you, y/n..." he cupped your cheeks with his warm hands and leaned in towards you, his soft, pale lips kissed yours.

you heard a groan from the corner of the train station and stiles pulled away slowly, turning his head to look over at peter who was staring at the two of you and shaking his head.

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