would you rather [2]

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due to the success of my first 'would you rather' chapter, i bring you... part two!

 part two!

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1. double date with stydia or scallison?

2. have stiles' bat or a gun?

3. have isaac or jordan as your brother?

4. be a banshee or kitsune?

5. become a ghost rider or nogitsune?

6. star wars marathon with stiles or play video games with liam?

7. would you rather risk your life for scott or stiles?

8. be stuck in an elevator with liam or be the bait with theo?

9. hunt down kate argent with derek hale or leave beacon hills with peter?

10. party at lydia's lake house or derek's loft?

11. be captured by kate argent or the dread doctors?

12. save kira from the skin walkers or resurrect allison?

13. hiking in the woods with malia or running track with liam?

14. coach finstock or mr douglas as your teacher?

15. have melissa as your mom or noah as your dad?

16. go to college with scott or stiles?

17. date allison or lydia?

18. share an apartment with lydia or malia?

19. mason or corey as your best friend?

20. who would you rather saved you from being hurt in the final showdown against an enemy- scott or stiles?

i might make part three some time if this is as popular as part one. enjoy!

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