#42 lost

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"Fuck..." Y/n growled as she started to wake up, feeling terrible headache. She placed her hand on her head. She stretched out across her bed. Her head hurts like hell. Growling again. What the fuck happened. Y/n turned her face into the pillow, she tried to let the soft surface she was lying on comfort her and drifted back to sleep. Smelling the familiar scent of her bedroom. As she running her hand through her head, she felt her finger made contact with something very off. Y/n opened her eyes, started to be more awake now. Her fingers run through the strange object wrapped around her head. It didn't took long for her to realize it was a bandage which mostly explained her terrible headache, but... how come I didn't remember how I got these bandage? What happened to me? The last thing I remember is... the hell, I can't remember shit anything. Now becoming fully awake, she shot up and looked around. What the fuck!! She wasn't in her bedroom at her house. The bed she was lying in right now was much bigger than her bed. The room she was in was luxurious. Very luxurious. With fireplace across the bed. Every item in the room was purple mixed with gold accents. The huge window that showed the view of the whole Gotham. If she had to guess, she'd say whoever owned this place was some kind of a billionaire. Though the real questions are how did she get here, what happened to her, and why couldn't she remember anything. Panic started to kick in. She heard a footsteps coming closer to the room with the sound of people talking, but she couldn't make out what they were talking, something like "She's fine, sir. She just needs time to rest" then the doorknob jiggled. Instinctively, y/n rushed to the corner of the room as if it was gonna hide her. It was pathetic attempt, but in panic attacked moment, this was the best she could think of. The door opened. She heard footsteps coming inside. Her heart was beating so fast she was hoping the sound of it beating against her chest won't give her away. Y/n tried her best to control the panic, however, when she see who was in the room with her, y/n wished she could have a heart attack and die right there and then. It was probably better than what she was about to face anyway. In the room with her was no other than the Clown Prince of Crime himself, the Joker!

How the fuck. What the fuck. Why the fuck. Thousands thoughts ran through her head. So Joker kidnapped me?!! Why me. Why can't I remember anything?!! It was obvious now this this was the Joker's room. Probably the master bedroom. Y/n started to think of why was the Joker took her. Her life and his were supposed to be completely two worlds apart. He was the most dangerous criminal. She was just a normal girl with a normal boring life. Never once in her life was she nor anyone she knew got involved with any of his business. Why the fuck did he take her, and what does he want from her? What could someone like her possibly give him? It doesn't matter now, because y/n was pretty this was the night she was going to die. Joker couldn't see her from his angle, and he looked very pissed once he saw she wasn't in bed. Y/n saw the man looking around, no doubt for her. She couldn't control herself as tears ran down her face, and she let out a quiet sob. Covering her mouth with her hand, y/n was praying he couldn't hear her. But it was too late. The Joker turned to the side, and his lips curved into a smile as he saw her sitting there, but his smile wasn't as threatening as y/n thought, it was rather soft and almost kind. As if he was revealed to see her. Joker slowly made his way towards her. Y/n pressed herself to the wall even further. She was trapped. There was no way to escape. This is it. She thought. He probably pull out his gun at put the bullet in my head right here right now. God, what did I do? Why me? Y/n started to cry harder to the point where she couldn't control her sobs anymore. Joker stopped in his tracks as he saw how scared y/n was. "Y/n, baby?" Joker said in a soft voice as he kneeled down to her level. "W-why did you take me? W-what do you want. Please don't kill me. I... I'll give you everything I promise just please don't kill me" The expression on his face when he heard her say those words wasn't something y/n expected. It was like he was... hurt? Like her words broke his heart. Y/n didn't expect something like this from the Joker, especially since he was so well known from his many way of torture people and all the stories she had heard about him. Though it didn't make her scared of him less. Joker didn't say anything for awhile as if what y/n said shut him up.
"H- how did you know my name?"
His face seemed even more confused by her questions. Probably more confused than her at this point.
"Y/n, baby, it's J"
"I know who you are, you freak. Who the fuck doesn't know you? Just please stop with all these mind games and kill me already!!" Y/n doesn't know why she suddenly had the nerve to yell at him, but she was going to die anyway so. Joker looked offended by her sudden outburst. He looked confused even more, then his face expression changed, now he looked... sad.  Y/n doesn't understand what sick game he was playing with her. This man was known to be very manipulative and she also heard the story of how Joker loved to play mind games with his victims. That must be what he's doing to me right now. However, the yelling made her head hurt even more. Y/n shut her eyes tight and placed her hand on her bandage. Joker could see she was hurt. He extended his hand for her "Go away!!" Y/n yelled at him, which only caused her head to hurt more. Now she felt like her head was spinning around. J's eyes got soften. His hand was still reaching for her to take. Which she didn't. She won't fall for his game. However, when she refused to take his hand, J looked even more in pain. Still not giving up, he said "Y/n, baby, pleads just let me hold you" Y/n shook her head no, which she regretted immediately. Now she felt like her head was going to explode.
"Boss, miss y/n's medicine is here" Joker turned his head to the man who just walked in through the door that was opened, a bottle of some kind of med in his hand. Y/n saw the opportunity that Joker wasn't paying attention to her, and out of the blue, she got up and ran to the door. The man with beard wasn't see that coming so he got pushed to the side as y/n ran out of the room. "Get her!!" Y/n heard Joker's voice from behind. She ran as fast as she could. Her life was depending on it. Y/n got to the elevator and got in. She saw Joker and more henchmen rushed towards the elevator but before they could get to her, the door closed.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now