#10 rescue

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Requested by @essmeerallda

Warnings: Contains adult material, violence

Y/n's POV

Y/n was chained up to a wall. She was lying on the cold ground. Covered in bruises, wounds. She was bleeding. Her entire body hurts like hell. Chris, the bastard, which was the Joker's business partner, who kidnapped her had used every kind of torture he could think of on her. She got waterboarded, beaten up, stabbed, even raped. How did she get herself into this? All because she was the Joker's girlfriend... was, that's what she told herself after what happened back at the club. Anyway Chris thought he could use y/n to get what he wants from the Clown Prince, despite how many times she'd told him that it was useless, that she wasn't that important to J. Whatever Chris wants, J wasn't going to give him. Y/n even begged for Chris to kill her so all the pain would stop. "Please s-stop. It hurts. You're not going to get what you want from J. I'm nothing to him" Y/n pleaded. "Shut up you bitch. Did I say you can talk to me huh" Chris said before kicked her with all his force on her stomach. Making her caught up blood. Chris walked out of. Y/n just laid there, crying. She was in too much pain to move a muscle. "J please" She cried out though it was more of a weak whimper. Part of her was hopelessly wait for the man that held her heart to come and rescue her from this hell hole. Another part of her knows that this is where she was going to die. J was not coming for her. She was just another toy for him. He got plenty of beautiful girls out there for him so why would he wasting his time and his money for just one of his many toys. Y/n always thought she was something more to him. That she had changed the Clown Prince. That the Joker could actually care for someone, but all of that had been proven wrong.

*3 hours ago*

Y/n was at smile and grin club with Joker. He was in a meeting at the VIP section while y/n was having a drink at the bar. Usually the Joker always wanted y/n on his lap all the time, but this time he just told her to go have a drink and that he needed time alone with all of his business partners. Y/n did what she was told, as always. Time passed by and J was still at the meeting. Maybe I should go check up on him to see if everything's okay. Y/n thought as she walked her way up to the VIP section. She opened the door without knocking: one of her bad habit. The scene in front of her broke her heart into million pieces: two strippers were sitting on the Joker's lap. One of them was sucking his neck, another was doing her job with her mouth down below at the Joker's crotch. Though the meeting was still going on. The Joker glanced at y/n and said "Ugh doll good you're here. Now go get daddy a drink" as if nothing is happening at the very moment. Y/n was shocked, heartbroken, and filled with rage. The next thing she did was either very brave or very stupid as no one ever dared to do something like that to the Joker, but at that point, she doesn't give a fuck. Y/n walked to the Joker and slapped him hard right in the face. The whole room went quiet. All eyes were on her. The Joker's business partners and his henchmen looked at the scene in front of them in shock, mouth opened. The two strippers decided to step out of the Joker's lap. None of them thought someone would ever have the guts to slap the Joker, the Clown Prince, the most feared psychopath, the King of Gotham in the face. Especially a little girl. Even the Joker himself was shocked at what just happened too. He looked at y/n in disbelief, but that shock expression on his face lasted for about 5 seconds before it was replaced by something he was well known for: anger. "The fuck was that hmmm" Joker said in a dark, low voice. The tone he usually said every time before hell was about to broke loose. J was pissed. Beyond pissed. Y/n had just disrespected him right in front of his business partners. If the words spread out that the Joker got slapped by a little girl, all of his image would be ruined. At this point, everyone in the room's eyes went down to the floor. No one dared looking up because they all knew looked at the Joker when he was like this, mad beyond limits, might be the last thing they do. Everyone except for y/n as rage was still got the best of her. "The fuck was that? The fuck was that J I should be the one asking that question" Y/n said, her voice cracked, a single tear drop ran down her cheek as she tried desperately to hold back, but failed. The Joker noticed that and grinned, now took the hint "Ohh guess someone's a little... jealous. These two kittens here" Joker spoke, pointed at the two strippers who just stood there awkwardly "Are just another toys. Just like you, doll face. One of my many toys I kept around for my own entertain and pleasure. Nothing more. Now be a good little girl and go get daddy a drink. And don't think there won't be consequence about the little show you pulled earlier, doll face. Though I do like feisty kitten, someone needs to be punished" Y/n was shocked at what Joker just said to her. His words cut deeper than a knife. Hell it hurts even more than seeing him with those strippers. Just another toy. Nothing more. Y/n was shocked, angry, confused, lost, heartbroken all at the same time.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن