#76 open wide, princess

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Warning: smut

Requested by cutespaceship

Y/n moaned and rubbed her jaw as she looked herself in the mirror in the Joker's luxurious bedroom. It was only six in the morning, mister J was still in bed. She was supposed to lay down next to him, wrapped in his arms at this time of the day, and they would wake up together around noontime, fresh and ready. Yes, noon, since they went to sleep three in the morning last night after driving around Gotham, pisssing off Batsy. But y/n had to be up early. She had an appointment with a dentist. Apparently her wisdom teeth had been bothering her for week now, and it was time to have them removed. It was an early morning and she should return home before Joker wake up. He wouldn't even know she was gone for a moment. Not that she wanted to keep this trip to dentist a secret from her clown lover or anything. She just thought it was unnecessary for him to go with her and scared everyone there. She knew he would go with her. Mister J never allowed y/n to be on her own outside the penthouse. Even though he was overly possessed over his baby doll, there was part of him that worried about her and didn't want her to get hurt by his many enemies. Y/n knew this and she appreaciated it, but some times, she just wanted to do things on her own without having the clown prince there watching over her in every move she made. So here she was, sneaking out of the master bedroom. Y/n glared at Joker, he was sleeping like a baby covered in blanket it made a soft smile plastered on the corner of her lips. She tiptoed out the door, making sure to be quiet.
Y/n didn't know but the moment she closed the door behind, mister J peeked one eye open. Silly her to think she could get away. She, out of all people, should've known Joker slept with one eye open. He knew his little kitten woke up and out of bed the moment she opened her eyes and moved herself out of his arms. But he decided to pretend to be sleeping, just to see what did she have in mind. Joker frowned and sat up against the headboard. Where'd his little minx be heading so early in the morning? Hadn't he told her never to leave his sight without asking for permission first? Growling, J was about to follow after until his eyes landed on something on the nightstand, it was her phone. She must've forgotten to take it with her. So he grabbed it and went to look at her calling history first. Her recent out going call saved under dentist clinic then he suddenly recalled. Y/n had been complaining about her wisdom teeth for a while now. He knew her better than y/n knew herself. He knew she didn't tell him because she didn't want him to go with her, and threatened people there. What a good girl. Mister J chuckled. She didn't really think he'd let her go there alone, did she?
Then his lips curved up into evil grin when suddenly, an idea popped up in his pervert mind. She wanted to go to dentist without the clown's interruption? Ooh she was going to have the best dentist experience she'll never forget.

"Miss y/n, please follow me" A woman in white coat called after ten minutes in the waiting zone at the dentist clinic. Y/n got up from the chair and followed the middle age woman until she stopped in front of a room "Mister Madden, your dentist is ready to meet you. He's waiting inside" The woman gave her a smile before knocking on the door. Y/n heard a raspy voice saying "Come in" and couldn't help but notice how similar the voice was, but she shrugged it off. The nurse slid the door open and y/n entered the room, alone. She was met with a man in dentist uniform with a hat on, turning his back at her "Umm hi" She nervously said. There was something about this man, something she couldn't tell, but it made her feel weird. That was until the man slowly spun the chair around, revealing his face... he looked similar... too familiar to her clown lover himself that it was scary y/n didn't even know but her mouth hung open. He could easily be Joker's long lost brother, or even his long lost twin! No, it was impossible. Y/n shook her head. The man had green eye, tan skin, but that was all y/n could make out of him since he had a mask covered his face that y/n could only see his eyes. A long sleeve coat and gloves. Though it was more than enough for y/n to tell he did remind her of her mister J, even with green eyes and tan skin "Is there something wrong, miss y/n?" The dentist asked since she was kind of dumbfounded standing there looking at him with her mouth hung open. Hell, even his voice sounded like Joker's "Oh, umm, sorry. I just didn't get enough sleep" She awkwardly laughed "Umm shall we begin?" She added as she tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. It was what she always did when she was nervous. Y/n didn't know this about herself, until Joker told her and she realized he was right.
"Of cause, miss y/n. Please, lay down" The dentist gestured his hand to the dental chair laying in the middle of the room. Y/n climbed up to the large dental engine. The dentist came into her view. Y/n just relaxed until his arm reached for the restraints which looked like some kind of seatbelt on the railing she didn't even notice until now. He pulled it across her chest to the other side of the railing, and she was now restrained to the chair before she could even protest. Her brows furrowed. She wasn't a dentist nor that she had any knowledge about how things were done in this industry, but she knew this wasn't how it supposed to work "Ummm excuse me, but is it necessary?" She spoke as she tried to get up, which of cause, couldn't. She was about to speak again, but, without giving her time to prepare nor any warning, this strange dentist grabbed her jaw open and forced a cheek retractor inside her mouth. Y/n tried to wiggle away but it was no use "Miss y/n, would you please stop squirming?" And the dentist broke out a giggle, just a spit second, before returned to a serious expression. Y/n had her suspect. Could it be... no, that was ridiculous. Y/n told herself and shook the thought away. That was until the dentist spoke again "How about if you're a good girl, I will give you a lollipop to suck on after we're done?" And it hit her. Right now there was no doubt. Even though she couldn't spoke properly due to her mouth was kind of busy, the dirty minded dentist could still heard her cursing to be "J what the hell?! How did you" And he broke out his infamous laughing. The clown took off his mask, contact lenses to reveal his icy blue eyes and hat to let some of his green hair fall down his face, after rubbing his face with the long sleeve, the tan was replaced by his true pale skin. Y/n could see the tan spray stained on his white sleeve. "Play pretend! I know I'm sooooo good at it" Joker proudly stated. Y/n rolled her eyes, a bit pissed off that her sweet mister J had ruined her appointment, she lifted her head up as much as she could, looking around and just like how she expected, a fearful man which supposed to be the real dentist in nothing but boxer and vest. His legs tied together, hands tied behind his back, and cloth wrapped around his mouth. He looked beyond terrified which was no surprised. Y/n kicked her legs in the air, why'd mister J do this? She already told him she had to get her wisdom teeth removed! She was so wanting to get the hell out of here since she was sure she wasn't going to get her them removed today, but mister J wouldn't untie her from the restraint "Let me go" She muffled, feeling like strangling him especially when he wouldn't stop giggle and wouldn't take the damn retractor out of her mouth, no, the clown looked around until his eyes locked on various type of dental instruments lying on the grey tray. Y/n knew what he was looking at, and her heart started to race at an incredibly speed. Her eyes widened when mister J grabbed an object with sharp point at the end up in his hand: it was a sickle probe. If anything, Joker with sharp object in hand was not a good sight at all, no, nothing good ever came after that. Especially when y/n was in such helpless position. J frowned as he inspected the little tool in his hand. Y/n let out a sigh of relief when he put it down, however, her breath hitched when Joker turned to the dentist and asked in threatening voice "Hey, what do you use to remove a tooth" No way, he's not going to. Y/n was silently praying, it was until now that she knew how his victim felt when they were about to be tortured by the lunatic clown.

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