#103 second chance

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Requested by unicornnnni

She left. After all of the abuse, she finally left him for good. The Joker told himself he didn't need anyone, he didn't need Harley Quinn. Screw Harley! Let her live her fantasy life with her plant friend. That was what he tried to convince himself every minute of every day. Though his body said otherwise.
It had been quite a while since the former psychologist walked out of Joker's life. Three months to be exact. Three months of the king without his queen. Three months of mister J having to lie to himself he was fine without anyone by his side, without anyone being there for him when the voices inside his head assaulted him. Sleeping pills became his only friend, the only thing that could lull his mind into dreamless land of sleep. Though it felt so cold sleeping all by himself, alone with his thoughts in the king size bed he once had someone to share it with. God, what was wrong with him? He used to be doing so fine before that little doctor entered his life. But now that she came and gone. It was as if he made him feel... things. The Joker wasn't supposed to be capable of human feelings. Apparently, it seemed like Harley had made him feel those things. She made him feel love and loved. Now that she lift, she made him feel... lost and lonely. The Joker could lie to the whole world, but deep down, he knew he couldn't lie to himself. He wasn't the emotionless clown he used to be before he met Harley. Right in the moment, he just needed... someone.

Sadly, no one could see behind that maniac grin and psycho laughter was a cry for help.

*Smile and Grin club
Mister J sat on his throne like seat in the fancy couch with his hands on his cane. Tonight was just another night he was going to meet with a low life criminal who wanted to do business with him.
The Joker wasn't the one who liked to wait, and everyone was aware of such fact. Thus, it didn't take more than a minute for Frost to walk through the gold beads "He's here" The right hand man stated. Mister J just nodded, signaled Frost he was ready for the meeting. Frost went back and returned seconds later with a man with an eye tattoo on his forehead followed behind. The man went by name "Monster T"

Monster T walked to the clown, attended his hand out. Though the Joker didn't flinch. Both his hands stayed on his cane. It was just a mere second and monster T already shown his stupidity. He should've learned how things were done with the king of Gotham before coming to meet him. One mistake, and it could end his life "He doesn't shake hand" Frost spoke from behind. Monster T mouthed an oh before took a seat across from him.

Before the conversation began, monster T whistled. It took mister J off guard just a little until the clown saw a beautiful young girl entered the lounge. She was in her tiny black dress that barely covered anything. Though her curves weren't what caught Joker's attention, no, what bothered the clown were bruises of all sizes littered her skinny body... skinny to the point of looking unhealthy as if she hadn't been fed and was left starving. The sadness visibly in her eyes didn't go with the blood red jam lipstick on her lips and her smoky eyeshadow. Her outfit and make up presented her as a professional prostitute. Though her bruise and expression presented her of a lost girl who was silently crying for help it almost reminded him of how Harley looked after he beat the hell out of her. It was beyond obvious she was scared and paranoid as the little girl made her way to monster T's lap. And the Joker found himself staring at the poor girl without even realizing it. He could see her flinch when monster T's rough hand placed on her hip. His rather violent touch made a small whimper left her mouth. It was clear he was hurting her just by touching her already sore skin too rough.

It turned out Joker didn't pay much attention to half of the things that were said. His thought turned toward monster T's toy. He didn't know why, but he felt bad for her. The Joker had never felt sorry for someone, but she looked so scared. Even though he sure seen a lot of fear in people's face, there was something about her that made her different. Something about her that made him want to protect her from this pig roaming his dirty hand all over her bruised up body.
After a while, monster T ordered her to go get him a drink, and that was when her name was revealed "Y/n, go get me some drink" "Y-yes, sir" It was also the first time J heard her small voice. Y/n got up from his lap, and monster T slapped her butt pretty hard as a show off, making her take few steps forward. The low life criminal didn't even have a clue how close he was to death since the moment he sexual assaulted her in front of mister J, the clown almost lost himself and shot the man dead. He didn't know why he felt such strong urge to claim y/n as his. In the past, after Harley left, everything seemed so pointless... until now that he found himself unable to take his eyes off of y/n as she walked away to get her owner a drink.

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