#78 emotion(less)

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Requested by Citrusdrop

Joker walked down the long corridor of Van Criss laboratories, the tip of his shoes occasionally kicked the bloody corpses laying on the ground, red siren lights still flickering on the ceiling above, but there was so sight of life except for the clown and his men roaming over the place. His glare wondered around until it landed on the body of a woman with blonde hair lying on her stomach, bullet hole on the back of her head. She was a daughter of Professor McGarrett, it was a shame the professor himself took a sick leave today. So he got away from the maniac clown, but at least, Joker got his daughter. Mister J snickered as he looked at the body, proud of another job done well. He was here for one thing: a new toxin that would make the clown hold the upper hand over the cops and also other crime lords. After walking over the sea of corpses for a while, mister J finally came to a stop in front of his destination. There was blood splashed on the glass door which its control was already malfunctioned. Joker slid it open with ease and made his way inside. There it was, a bag that contained what he came for lying on the table in the middle of the room. His lips curved into an evil grin as he made his way to it, grabbing it in hand, he was about to turn back and leave when he suddenly caught a slight movement in the corner of his eyes. Joker stopped in his tracks, acknowledged someone was in the room with him. He slowly turned his face to the side, keeping that evil grin still on his face, just to see a girl figure lowered herself down to hide behind a desk. Even though their eyes locked for a second, it seemed like the girl still had her hope that Joker didn't see her it made the clown couldn't help but let out a low chuckle "Ooh come out come out wherever you are" Mister J said in a sing song voice. He pretended to be looking around in search for her as he started to walk her way until he was standing in front of her so called hiding spot. Slowly kneeling down, he could see a trembling girl curved up in a ball as their eyes met for the second time. Though her expression made mister J confused, a grin faded from his face, she didn't seem scared like he expected, no, she seemed... emotionless. As if she was only hiding because she was programmed to, but not actually terrified by the situation or actually knowing what was going on it made mister J want to know more about this girl. The evil grin returned "Got cha" J said as he violently grabbed her by her arm and pulled her up with him. Still, there was no sight of fear in her face. She didn't even let out a single sound, no whimpering, no crying, no begging for her life like how his many victims he killed before did. Now that she was standing in front of him, she didn't even look at him. She just kept staring at nothingness "What's your name?" Joker asked, tightened his grip on her to gain her attention "Project X, sir" The girl spoke with a stern, emotionless voice it took J by surprise. Not many people could get the Joker dumbfounded, and it only increased his interesting in her. J opened his mouth to say something more, but for once, he didn't know how to make a come back so his mouth just hung open. Part of him was mad at how his girl made him like this he wanted to shoot her, but the bigger part of him curious to know more about the girl Project X, huh The clown thought to himself. He didn't see anything but grabbed the bag with one arm, "Project X" in the other and rushed out the room, out the building to his escape car before the cop would arrive.

Project X sat in complete silence the whole ridein the back of the van. Joker had one of the henchmen held her at gunpoint just in case. Though something told him she wasn't going to snap or do anything. She just sat there emotionless, not even a slightest sign of fear in her eyes, nothing. They made it to the penthouse. Joker dragged her straight to the basement, locked her there despite how sure he was the girl was not going to try to escape. She didn't protest when he took her down to the dark, cold room, and he doubted if she ever understood what was happening, considering whatever drug she was on or whatever made her this way. The clown then ordered Frost to find out who she was. It didn't take long for the right hand man to walk up to his boss with iPad in hand "Got anything?" Joker asked as he took another sip of his coffee, his other hand still placed on the keyboard of his laptop as he leaned back against the comfy armchair in his office "Boss, she is not human" Frost said in a stern voice. If this was anyone else, mister J would think it was a joke, but coming from Frost, this was not some bad joke. The clown frowned "What do you mean she's a ghost?" "No, sir. She's a secret weapon, top secret, a robot professor McGarrett created under the responsibility of the government. They named her project X. Her ability is endless. If we can control her, no one can up against us, sir" And with that, the clown's face broke into huge grin before he started laughing. Laugh with all his heart his head rolled back, and the room filled with the maniac laughing that sent shivers down Frost's spine even though the man sure heard his boss laughed many times before, this was different, this was pure evil. First, Joker thought the toxin was all he wanted, now he knew that tiny gas contained in the bag was nothing compared to what he had took with him. Project X would take him to the highest, and not even Batman could stop him. All he needed to do was just make her his, make her surrender and do whatever he ordered.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now