#164 please

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Inspired by the Walking dead & Maze Runner: the Death Cure

It was all the their fault. Those government, politicians, scientists, secret organizations shit wanted to make a new weapon for military purpose. Joke's on them. Well, joke's on the entire world. The experiments didn't turn out as how they wished. It resulted in deadliest epidemic spreading worldwide with no cure nor treatment. The contagious disease passed on by unknown virus from people to people. In the blink of an eye, more than half of human population was infected.

The virus transferred via bites and scratches. It flow through a person's bloodstream, taking over their cells and making its way right to the brain. During the incubation period which lasted about 3-4 days, the infected victim would slowly get weaker and weaker as the virus began to multiply their insides. They would first feel as if they catch a flu, slowly getting worse and worse until boom, they turn. Once the virus traveled to their brain and nervous system, it would cause inflammation in the brain and all their memories would be erased, completely gone they wouldn't be able to remember their loved once, nor themselves. They would turn into something... inhuman, something blood-thirst and would turn their teeth towards other human, ready to tear their flesh apart.

Those who were infected and has already turned were called as 'cranks'

Gotham City.

A bloody scream broke Joker out of his sleep. The clown immediately shot up in his king size bed in the master bedroom in his penthouse, his eyes widened. Looking to his left, his princess wasn't by his side! The scream only got louder. This voice. J could recognize it anywhere, it was y/n's. She was in danger! Quickly grabbed the gun from under his pillow, Joker made a run toward the source. He jumped down the stairs in three quick strikes. Once he made it to the kitchen, horror was written all over his face as he watched y/n being cornered by three cranks. Her scream in fear mixed with its growl was pure nightmare to the Joker. Without thinking for a second, J rushed over to the scene and was in front of y/n in a heartbeat. He aimed the pistol at one of the ugly monsters' face and pulled the trigger. Dark, crimson blood and part of brain splattered through the back of its head. Though before it could even hit the ground, one of the other two left grabbed J by his hand - that was holding the gun - and managed to got him to the ground. Its friend quickly followed. And the king of Gotham was on the floor with two cranks on top of him. J tried to get them out by putting bullets in their rotten heads, right at the brain. He shot, but the first attempt fell since he could barely aim considered how they were all over him. One of them tried to bury its teeth in his neck, the other went for his abdomen. He couldn't get bite! One bite meant one thing: death. Quickly, Joker eventually managed to pull the trigger again, this time, the crank - who was aiming for his throat - fell to the ground with a bullet between their eyes. And before he could turn to the last one, in a flash, y/n stabbed it from the side of its head, the knife stabbed through its brain causing it to stop moving altogether as it fell to the ground. All three of them were dead. Leaving mister J and y/n there. J stayed on the ground for a while as y/n leaned against the kitchen island. Both of them were panting hard, trying to catch their breath.

Even though mister J got his penthouse at the highest security, some of these human-eaters managed to sneak into the property via the open garage. He had to get that fixed as fast as possible.

"Baby... are you okay?" Y/n was the first to break the silence. Her voice cracked as she was still taken over by fear and panic she haven't even stopped shaking like a leaf yet. Y/n reached her hand out for J and he grabbed it. She the pulled him up on his feet "I'm... I'm fine" His voice sounded a bit out of breath. His face turned even paler than it already was. Y/n could sense something was wrong. Something in his eyes, something she never saw in the Joker before even though this wasn't the first time he fought those cranks. Though she assumed it was because this time, it was so close "Did you got bite?" He asked as he turned to look her in the eyes. His hands already starting to roam over her body in search for any bite marks or scratches he so scared he was going to find one "No... no, they didn't get me" J sighed in relief once he heard her response "Good... go to sleep" He gently patted her shoulder "I'll be there in a minute" Y/n's brows furrowed a little "But I don't wanna be alone" Her voice so small. After getting so close to death, y/n didn't want to spend a second away from her mister J's protection "I have thing to do. You'll be fine. I'll be just a minute. Ill have the guards look after you. Go, I'll follow you there short enough" J gently shoved her shaking body and from the look on his face, y/n knew he wasn't in the mood for negotiation. Y/n didn't know what was he going to be, but I'd be just a minute. So she didn't say anything more and she started making her way back towards their shared bedroom. Never again would she be out of the comfort of their bed at night all alone for some hot tea.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now