#172 give me some sugar, daddy

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Warning: contains smut

"The what?!" "The Joker, y/n, you heard it correctly" Her father spoke in stern voice in hope it would calm his daughter down, at least a little, it didn't. He knew exactly just what would be her reaction and he was right. Y/n's mouth hung open, her eyes widened "What were you thinking. Have you lost your mind?!" "Hey, don't speak to me with that voice" the Night Killer pointed his finger toward his princess "I'm your daughter!" Instead of lowering her attitude, y/n yelled at her father's face. She was shocked and in rage. Her father, the Night Killer, was one of the most notorious crime lords who was feared by everyone. Since y/n was born, she always looked up to her dad as her smartest hero who always made the right decision. That's why it caught her off guards so much when he told her he made the deal with the infamous Clown Prince of Crime, and the deal involved the psychotic clown being her personal bodyguard for a month! Even the stupidest of the stupidest wouldn't be dumb enough as to give their one and only child over to the care of the Joker, even for a minute. How could her father do this to her "Y/n, listen to me. I know you're upset. I know it sounds crazy, but you have to trust me, alright. I know what I'm doing. Do you think I would agree with him, if I'm not 100% sure an assault on your safety won't be sought?" "He cannot be trusted. You, out of all people, should've known that Joker is the last person on earth anyone should get involved with. Haven't you heard they said don't make a deal with the devil?" "Y/n, baby, just calm down and listen" Her father walked up to her, but stopped mid-way when y/n took her steps backward "You got yourself involved with that clown is bad enough. Getting your own daughter involved with him is even worse! How could you still have the nerve to look me in the eyes and call yourself my father-" A sudden, strong slap went across her cheek sent her head turn to the side. Her father lost it and darted over towards her in one strike. The heat of the moment lasted for only a second for the Night Killer. By the time he realized the culprit action he committed, a hand shape already started to form on his daughter's cheek. He never hit her before in her entire life. He made a promise with himself on the day he lost her mother in a sad tragedy that he would never laid a hand on his princess. He couldn't keep it. Y/n slowly turned back to face Night Killer. Her cheek hurt, but the physical pain could never come close to describe the pain in her heart. Hot tears rolled down her delicate skin as she slowly shook her head from side to side. She couldn't believe her father actually hit her. The anger on Night Killer's eyes suddenly gone, replaced by pure terror he could see how scared he, himself, was as he was looking at his own reflection in his daughter's eyes, as he was looking at the way y/n was looking at him. He disappointed her "Y/n, I'm..." Night Killer was completely speechless. He reached his hand out, trying to touch her but y/n quickly took a step backward, flinching in the process "Don't touch me" Her voice cracked "Baby, I didn't mean to-" " No... just don't" Her lips quivering. Y/n took a couple more steps away from her dad before turned around and ran towards her room "Y/n, I'm sorry!" Night Killer shouted after but before he knew it, he found himself standing alone in the middle of the elegant living room. Sighing, the criminal plopped down on the couch, rubbing his temples and letting out another loud sigh. At this point, the Night Killer started to regret agreeing with the Joker, but it was too late to turn back now. The clown hated people who couldn't keep their words. If Night Killer were to change his mind now, it would mean he got to Joker's bad side which would lead to y/n's life being in danger. Thus, whether or not y/n liked it, she was getting the Joker as her personal bodyguard for the entire month.


Throwing his head backward, the liquor burnt down mister J's throat. After all, Joker needed it, a strong refresh considering tomorrow until the next 30 days, he would have to be a babysitter. Him, the Joker, a babysitter?! Just by thinking about it already made his skin crawl. J felt his pride being torn apart, the pride and reputation he built up so high. He would rather slit his own throat off than to be someone's pet, but the joke was on him. The deal Night Killer has to offer, Joker found himself unable to turn it down. Poison X has always been the subject of the clown's obsession. He craved it, that tiny little glass bottle contained such powerful drug. Just one drop could easily take hundreds of strong men down in a matter of seconds. There was only one and it belonged to the Night Killer. Surely, if this was some other criminal, mister J would put a bullet in their head and get the poison to himself like snatching a candy out of a kid's hand. But Night Killer wasn't just some criminal. He and the clown were the two most dangerous sociopaths. J knew he had to be careful with his move.

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