#109 we were a promise meant to be broken

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"Would you die for me?" The Clown Prince of crime asked as he looked his princess in her brown eyes. Y/n nodded. "No, that's too easy. Would you... would you live for me?" He asked again. Though this time, his jaw clenched. He was nervous for her answer. He tried not to show how her, a little girl, could make him, the king of Gotham so nervous but his body betrayed him.
"Yes" Y/n spoke truthfully, her eyes never left his blue ones

"I promise"


"No no no J, wake up, please. Baby, wake up" Y/n kept desperately shaking his body. There were so much blood she didn't know what to do! Y/n was also hurt, but all she could care about was the Joker. He wouldn't wake up! She placed her hand on his chest only for her palm to be soaked in his blood "No... don't leave me" Y/n felt like she had no energy left to do anything but to buried her face on the crook of his neck. The emotional pain so strong she could no longer feel her physical pain
"Don't leave me..."

It was supposed to be just a normal date night, blowing some places, shooting some people. But Batman ruined everything. Their car crashed. To say the car was completely destroyed was an underestimate. Y/n was conscious, but the same thing couldn't be said about the clown. He went out cold immediately.
Y/n wanted to get him out of the vehicle but couldn't. There was part of the car stabbed right at his chest trapped him with the cushion. Batman was out of option since, apparently, his car was also crashed and the Dark Knight's condition was no better than the Clown Prince.

"Please, don't leave me"

Y/n didn't know how long she had been holding J's hand caressing his green locks until she heard tires approaching. It was the Joker's henchmen, his last hope.

They managed to get him out of the car. Frost carried him to their car with y/n followed closely. The henchmen were all seemed so busy trying to save J's life none of them spoke a word to y/n. But she guess it was better this way. She wasn't in s mood for chitchat anyway. All that mattered was saving the Joker.

"Baby, please, stay with me" Y/n kept squeezing his hand. It felt so cold and slippery from all the blood.

They arrived at the hideout where team of the best doctors were already there waiting for him. The henchmen put J on the stretcher as the doctors started rushing to him. One of them put some kind of a breathing mask on his face. Y/n wanted to be with him, but for some reason, she got unceremoniously shoved out of the way as so many people were towering over the stretcher trying to help him. They started hauling him down the corridor, and y/n quickened her pace, trying to catch up only for the door to be slammed shut in front of her face. Mister J was behind that door, and all y/n could do was stand in front of the entrance and pray they could bring him back to life.

After eight hours of surgery, he was still breathing, but was in a coma that no one could ever know if he was going to wake up again. The clown had tube down his throat, many IVs connected to his body. The IV fluids bag on the left side of the bed and blood bag on the right.
Y/n never left his side, not even for a second. She watched as the doctor came and checked on him ever so often. Still, the man in white coat, mask and gloves never informed anything to her. It was as if she didn't exist. He'd just walk through the door and check on Joker before leaving. Y/n felt so small sitting there on the armchair next to the bed. Still, her hand never left J's

Three months passed with y/n taking care of her sleeping clown. He'd wake up, maybe not today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next month, maybe next year, but he'd open those beautiful blue orbs again. She just knew it. She knew she couldn't lose hope. Hope was the only thing keeping them going.
Y/n sat against the bed as she brushed his green hair which still as bright as ever. Once the hair was neatly combed, she leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead "Open your eyes, baby... please"

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