#135 the doctor's in

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Warnings: strong language, self-harm

Requested by rinkzs

Y/n looked down at the two patients files in her hands. It was her first day as a psychologist in Arkham after moved from the psychiatric department of the hospital she used to work for. Since she was well known for her skills of getting inside patients' mind, they transformed her here to Gotham in hope her ability would be able to crack the two infamous psychopaths: the Joker and Tate Langdon.

Her morning session would be with Tate first, then the clown in the afternoon. Y/n studied about the two of them well enough. Tate was a school shooter who, after been declared insane, was sent to Arkham. The Joker, well... list of the things he had done was endless. No one knew his real identity nor what drove him this way. The exact number of people he had killed remained unknown, some said the total amount reached thousands (and was still counting) If not studied close enough, it could be easy to think Tate was a piece of cake compared to the clown, but no, the kid loved darkness so much he became one. Just like mister J, many of talented psychologists had tried to get inside his head, but none of them succeeded. Tate was also well known for his ability in escaping the asylum. The way he got out always leave everyone in confusion. With Joker, they could at least tell how he escaped, but when it came to Tate, it looked like the kid just simply... disappeared. No traces, no nothing. Tate had no accomplices, no friends, completely a loner (with J, he still had his henchmen) yet he still managed to escape - without anyone knowing how - so many times, no matter how they would step up their game, Tate was always one step ahead. Y/n knew these two would be tough jobs, but if she could cure them, it would take her career to the next level Come on, y/n. You can do it. After some pep talk with herself, y/n told herself she was ready. She checked her appearance in the mirror to make sure she looked neat, grabbed Tate's file, her pen and notepad then walked out the office.

The temperature in here wasn't even that low, yet there was something about this place that sent shivers down her spine, she never felt such negative energy so strong. This place was way different from where she used to work, it was the home of the worst of the worst. Every lost soul, fucked up heart was in here she could feel herself being devoured alive by the eyes of all the lunatics locked inside glass cells as she walked through the corridor. Even though she was trained for something like this, she still felt a bit insecure. Y/n shook her head, trying to ignore how those maniac stared at her - as if she was a fresh meat - and focused on where she was going.

After a couple turns, she made it to her destination. A huge metal, rusty door stood there in front of her with two armed guards guarding the place. Seeing the big, frowning guards looking at her without a slightest smile didn't make her feel any better. Y/n suddenly felt smaller than she actually was, but she kept the strong face on, knowing in this place, they ate weak people for breakfast. She shown them her ID card, and they turned to unlock the door, not even a nod at her. The sound of metal against metal as the door cracked open made y/n felt the need to cover her ears, but she kept on her poker face.

Inside the room was somewhat colder than she already felt. Y/n gulped and made her way inside. The sound of metal door got slammed shut behind her almost made her jump "So you're the new doctor?" Here he was, Tate Langdon sitting in a chair, waiting for her. His voice greeted her without any warning almost made her dropped her pen. Fuck! What was wrong with her? She was considered one of the best and she was acting like a lost little puppy! Focus, y/n. "Hi! I am. My name is doctor y/n, and I'm here to discuss about how you're feeling. So let's not waste any time, shall we?" She took her seat on the chair across the table from her patient "Good morning, Tate. How are you feeling?" Y/n asked as she adjusted the notepad and pen, trying to appear professional. She didn't know why, but she felt like this place and people in here were driving her crazy! Tate's silence made her look up at him, she was met with the kid giving a smile "You're just like them" Tate chuckled darkly "This is so fucking boring. You know, I've lost count on how many doctors I've had. All asking the same fucking question: how are you feeling blah blah blah. You want me to tell you what you're gonna ask me next?" Tate leaned closer to her and it made her gulp "You'll ask about my family, if I was abused when I was a kid, about my parents. So I'll save you the problem, I'll tell you what I told the dozens amount of my previous docs, is that cool?" Tate shot and without giving her time to say anything, he continued "My mom's a cock sucker. Literally. She sucks cocks for a living" Y/n kept on the stern face as she noted down on her notepad: Parent issues. Lack of care by his supposed to be caregiver. Possibility emotionally and/or physically abused by mother "So Tate" Y/n glared up at him after she was done taking note "I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but you've done some very bad thing... do you remember when you shot people at that school? Killed more than-" "No, no, no, no. Stop... stop it. What are you talking about?!" Tate interrupted her sentence. He suddenly looked so confused, vulnerable and offended. Of course, y/n had also studied about this: Tate seemed to forget about what he did. It wasn't physical. He had no concussion, no brain damages. It was one of his mental illnesses: Dissociative Identity Disorder (or in other words: Multiple Personality Disorder) He suffered from this without even knowing it, without even knowing he had the issue. When he was in his "normal" state, he was just another teenage boy. Though when he was in his "homicidal" state, he could commit all the greatest horror. And the most dangerous thing was there was no way to tell which "Tate" this boy was at the moment until it might be too late. Y/n knew she had to be very careful "Tate, I..." She reached her hand out for him, but he flinched. Almost as if he was afraid she was going to hit him "Why am I here?"
"I'm sorry. What?"
"You... you guys keep telling me all these stuff. God, I... I do t know what you're talking about. Please, you gotta believe me. I didn't do it. I'm not a monster!"
Y/n could see tears accumulating in Tate's eyes, and she knew better than to push it. He has reached his limit. Just a little trigger could break the already broken boy. So she decided to play along, at least, for today "I know... I know" Y/n nodded in understanding "That would be all for today. Try to relax, okay" She reassured.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now