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Guys, I just published my Niander Wallace (Jared's character in Blade Runner) x Reader fanfic!! It called Lab Rat. Go check it out xo

P.s. I'm still writing Joker x Reader. Don't worry :)

Once again, Gotham's night sky was lit up by the mixture of lighting strikes zapping from above to the ground, flashing of gunshots being fired, and the explosive being went off. It was another night the city was filled with sounds of mad storm and mad fight between the two outlaw gangs. The street got soaked in rain mixed with blood that even in the dark, the crimson water flooding the sidewalk could still be seen. The king himself stood there in the rain in all his glory. His gun drew at his side. His hair stuck with his forehead from the pouring rain. Though it still looked as green as ever. His silver teeth gritted behind those red painted lips as his blue orbs, that got shades darker, burning hole through the low life criminal standing in front of him. His name was Tim. Unfortunately, it took Tim a little too long to realize what a huge mistake it was for someone to mess with the man who ran the whole city: the Joker. Tim was a mob boss whose men had just been killed by the clown. The sight of bodies laying face down in the puddle of rain and blood confirmed Tim he was all by himself, confronting the psychopath "P-please, mister J, sir, I'm begging you. It was a mistake. I... I didn't mean to disrespect" Of course, the scumbag only said this because he knew he had lost, because he was all alone now that all his men were dead. Joker cracked his neck as he slowly raised the gun at the trembling man in front of him. He couldn't let a single life live, it'd set an example and the others would think they could pull this shit on the Joker. Also, mercy wasn't in his dictionary anyway. Bang! A finale shot followed by loud thud ended Tim's life and tonight's event. Mister J dropped the arm, that was holding the gun, to his side. He then closed his eyes, and rolled his head back as he allowed the heavy raindrops to wash away the blood on his body. Though it wasn't his. Tonight was a long night, and the clown couldn't wait to come home to his baby doll.

Bored to death, y/n flipped through the channels, not really paying any attention to what was in the screen. It was almost like her finger just automatically push the button on its own. Her mind was more with the rhythm sound of raindrops tapping the windows actually. It was such a typical boring night for y/n: sitting here at home, listening to the sound of pouring rain, waiting for J to come home.
The door swung open made y/n turn her head to the direction. Mister J was Home. Though instead of rushing, jumping to his arms and showering him with kisses like she'd normally do as a greeting, y/n had that look of surprise on her face. It wasn't something she saw everyday: the Joker was all soaked from head to toes, rain water dripping from his body to the floor, creating a puddle around his feet. She could've sworn he was shivering, but tried not to show it too much. He looked like a lost puppy who got thrown into a river or some sort! Y/n used to see him get soaked in other people's blood, not in rain, but oh well. Still, there was no deny she had the urge to take her phone out and snap a picture, but y/n knew that'd be the definition of digging one's own grave. So instead of doing so, she decided to break the silence after a few seconds "You're all wet" Y/n knew she should've thought of something better to say since her matter-of-face state made the Joker growl "That obvious?" He responded sarcastically as he entered the room, leaving wet trail on the ground "Aww, baby, come here. You're gonna catch a cold!" Y/n quickly jumped up and to the wardrobe, grabbed a fluffy towel and made her way to get clown lover "I don't get sick, pumpkin. I'm the Joker" Mister J snickered, but didn't protest when she dried his hair up with that pink towel. Y/n had to stand on her toes to reach him due to the high different. Joker unconsciously let out a soft purr. It felt so good to have his princess spoiling him.

After the Clown Prince was all dried up and changed into one of his Batman PJs, y/n guided him to bed. She tugged him in before got onto the soft mattress by the love of her life, laying next to him. He must have been so tired that he was fast asleep within minutes. Y/n kept her eyes open for a while as her face facing his, just a few inches away. She took in the detail of those scars on his face, the veins under his eyes. She didn't stare at him in a creepy way, but in an admirable way. He looked so beautiful, so peaceful in his most vulnerable state. His chest raised up and down slowly. He was no doubt the most beautiful art God ever created.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin