#170 the wrong victim

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Warnings: violence, disturbing content, suicidal thoughts.

7 terrifying phases that serial killers experience - identified by Joel Norris, a psychologist and the author of Serial Killers: the Growing Menace.


Aura Phase - the first phase serial killers experience is withdrawal from reality. It may go unnoticed by those closest to them, but life has lost all meaning for the killer. Their senses are heightened. Violent fantasies begin to form and they feel the urge to act on them.

Pointless. Everything became pointless for y/n. How could a 21 year-old college student with bright future awaiting suddenly lost all goals in life? Lately, y/n found herself isolating from everyone more and more. She figured she'd rather be alone than to be surrounded with those fake friends. They all deserved to die. They all needed to die. Y/n was never presented as a violent person. Just a shy girl who had no friend, sitting in the back of the class. A nobody. That's why there was no way anyone could have sensed the culprit homicidal ideation dancing in her dark imagination. No one could have known behind the way y/n was looking at them through her blank expression, an intensely detailed and fully formulated plans of how she would give each of them the slowest and most painful death. No one, not even her parents, had a single clue about how y/n masturbated to the thoughts of her murdering all of them by herself.

She needed to make her fantasies come true.

Trolling Phase - this is the phase in which the killer starts to search for their victim as well as looking for a place to commit the crime or dump their body. This phase can last for months or just days, until the would-be serial killer has found the perfect victim.

Y/n's heart hammering fast against her chest just by the thoughts of how she actually was starting to put her violent fantasies into action. She told her parents she had to stay late at night at campus to get a group project done. She was, in fact, observing. Y/n knew just who she wanted to be her first victim, the oh-so smartest girl in class who thought she was better than anyone, who always picked on y/n. Amy was the name. Y/n hated her with such passion. Guess Amy wasn't really that smart, because if she was, she would've known what was going on in y/n's mind behind that emotionless expression on her face as she looked down and walked away every time Amy shamelessly thrown shade at her and made fun of her in front of everyone.

Y/n had it all pictured in her head, how she would kill the bitch. The only things left to do - in order for y/n to achieve her plan - were to find the right opportunity to attack, places to commit her first crime and to dump the body.

It took only few nights of observation, and y/n finally found her answer.

Wooing Phase - this is when the killer sets out to gain the victim's trust to put them at ease before attacking them. They may present themselves as charming, wanting to help - or harmless and in need to help themselves. This phase is experienced by only the most organized serial killers.

It was late Monday night. The parking lot was rather empty with only one car parked in the park. The click of Amy's heels echoed through the place as she made her way to her car. Alone. Or so she thought. Poor girl. It was a bad idea to stay so late in the library and walked to the car with so many heavy books in hands every night it became a pattern. A pattern that y/n came to learn. The fact there were so very few people outside at this time only made it easier for y/n. Amy had no idea she was being followed.

As always, Amy was having a difficult time putting all the books in her car it almost looked pathetic.

"You need a hand?" Amy almost jumped and dropped those textbooks to the ground. She didn't expect a company.

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