#177 movie night

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Requested by rinkzs

The Joker stepped out of the bathroom connected to the bedroom with only a white towel wrapped around his waist, his green hair still wet and his muscular abs had that glow-after-a-shower. Usually, y/n would have her eyes on him, proudly admiring the ravishing sight, but not tonight. Mister J found her curled up in their king size bed, watching something on TV. She was so lost in her own little world it looked like she didn't even acknowledge his presence yet. Joker went to the wardrobe and put on only his black ARKHAM trousers before climbed up on bed by her, and that's when she noticed him. Y/n gave him a smile as she scooted over a little to make him room. Once he adjusted his position, she snuggling into his chest. So clingy. Mister J chuckled a bit and wrapped his arm around her, kissing her head. It was until now that he saw they were watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Classic. J leaned back against the headboard a little more, eyes on the flat screen and so were y/n's.

The movie was good, but it was such a long day for the exhausted clown that he lost to the battle with himself and drifted into unconsciousness after 30 minutes passed.


The sound of ocean waves crashing the shore slowly brought Joker out of his slumber. Yet it was so relaxing it made him want to sleep for hours more... until it hit, his penthouse located in Gotham downtown, no where near beach and instead of his silk mattress, J found himself laying on harsh sand. His eyes widened and he quickly jumped up. Spinning himself around, his heart dropped to his feet at the realization, he was at a beach, a strange lonely beach. What happened? Had he been kidnapped in his sleep? Who would dare. He was the Joker! Mister J didn't have time to process when the sounds of shouting and heavy boots bouncing against rocks and sand caught his attention. A group of men in weird clothing, it looked like they dressed in British soldier uniforms - around the era of American Revolutionary War - bright red and all that. J didn't even run as the 'soldiers' got closer. Was he supposed to? Were they the real soldiers or just some dudes in costumes? He wouldn't know! Right now, he was just confused. He was so damn confused when one of them grabbed his wrists and pulled them behind his back "Just the man we've been looking for" One of them said and before J could protest or even say anything, the other announced "Let it be known that the pirate will be executed at dawn by the next sunrise" Pirate? Executed? "Wha-what... what the fuck you're talking about?! Let me go! Hey, let me go!" J protested. Though no matter how strong he was, one man couldn't up against six.

"I believe I have my right to get a lawyer. I need a lawyer!.... or Batman!" Poor J. There was no way for him to wiggle away as the soldiers dragged him into some building, down the stairs to the basement and down the corridor. It looked like a prison, no, it was a basement prison. Though everything about the place was so old-schooled, not just some old-schooled, it looked like something from completely another age, throwback in time, but Joker couldn't care less about that right now. He was about to be executed tomorrow! They reached the cell at the end of the long passage and he was thrown inside the cell "Wait wait, you can't do this to me" He rushed to the bars, his hands around the metal rails but all he received was insulting look from them soldiers "Filthy pirate" One of them spoke, shaking his head in the process before all of them walked away.

"I'm not a pirate!" J shouted after, but it was no use. He slowly backed away from the bars, his mouth still opened. Was all of this some kind of a joke? A prank? Where was y/n? Was she okay? He never felt so lost. Joker kept backing away until his back made contact with the brick wall behind and he slowly slid down the wall until he was sitting on the cold ground. He closed his eyes, trying to think straight. Everything was too much, even for the Joker.

"You must be Jack" The voice coming from the cell next to his got him snapping his eyes open. J felt like he got hit by a lightning strike his entire body was so numb. Not a living soul was supposed to find out his deep, dark secret, his real identity. Joker slowly turned his head to the side. He fell offended beyond limits when he made eye contact with a creepy, dirty, old man with grey beard and no hair flashing him something between a dark chuckle and a scary smile, rotten teeth on full display. Even though J was crazy, he could tell this man was way more disturbed than him. It looked like the man had been held in here for forever, never saw sunlight and definitely hadn't had a wash in years.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now