#40 betrayed

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Requested by AwkwardSunset

Y/n tossed and turned in her and J's shared bed. 3:00am and he still hadn't returned home. J had been acting weird lately. It was as if he tried to distant himself from her. This broke y/n's heart. She tried to told herself he had a lot to do: taking care of his clubs, dealing with business, pissing off Batsy, and running the whole Gotham. Though the feeling wouldn't go away, the feeling that her Clown Prince had changed. Not to mention this was the fourth time in a week he just gone doing his "so called business" He said he'd be back before 24:00 but here she was lying in bed alone. No call, no text, nothing to inform her that he was going to be so late like he usually does before. She called him multiple times, all was directed to voicemail. At first, y/n was dead worried that something bad happened to him, but now, it was kind of a pattern now. When he'd return, and she'd asked him where have he been, he'd just shortly replied with "work" and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, his back facing her. Every time, she could smell the alcohol from him. He barely touch her in almost a month. Not even a kiss or some sweet talk. When she woke up, he was already gone. It was as if he didn't acknowledge her existence. This had been going on for awhile now. The Joker used to be so obsessed with y/n when they first started dating, but now he just don't give a fuck about her. Y/n had a bit suspicious that night he returned home, and she saw a lipstick stain on his shirt. When she asked him, he said some dancer bumped into him, making her lipstick smeared on his shirt. Y/n tried to convince herself to believe him, but she couldn't get rid of that sank feeling in her chest something was wrong. She sat up, and grabbed her phone, looking at the time, it was 3:26am. Still no text, no call. Sighing, she tossed her phone away. Just at the moment, the door opened and Joker himself stumbled inside. Almost fell to his feet, but managed to hold onto closet for support. Y/n could smell the alcohol. Great, the jerk is drunk again. "Where have you been, J?" Y/n asked her usual question "Work" Here come his usual answer. J just thrown himself down onto the bed, turning his back towards her as always, and fast asleep, leaving y/n sitting there with teary eyes. She wanted to scream, to cry, to yell at him. Million questions ran through her head. She wanted to ask him why. Why was he so cold towards her. Was she not good enough for him? Was he got bored of her? But y/n knew it would only lead to a fight. Angry Joker was the last thing anyone would want to deal with. Especially if he was also drunk. So y/n just sat there in silence. A single drop of tear ran down her cheek, followed by the others. Finally her exhaustion got the best of her so she laid down next to him. Even all the pain J brought her, y/n still craved him. She cautiously wrapped her arm around him. She missed him so much. Holding him in her arm supposed to make her feel better, but y/n felt lonelier than ever. She doesn't even know if J was still hers, and it broke her heart even more. As she was drifting off to sleep, y/n could swear she saw a single strand of pink hair on his shirt.


A single drop of water landed on her cheek, another one followed, and another. Y/n opened her eyes. She had a terrible headache. She quickly noticed that she wasn't in her bed in the Joker's penthouse, instead she was lying on the muddy soil. Y/n shot up, confused and panicked as hell. She took in her surroundings and gasped. She was literally in the middle of the woods. Nothing but huge trees, vines, and branches around her. How did I get here? What happened to me? Why can't I remember anything? Suddenly the rain that was light started to pour heavily. Y/n got on her feet. She needed to find some shelter before started to think what the hell happened to her. She found a small cave she could use as shelter and made her way inside. Her clothes were dirty from the mud. Y/n felt like her head was going to explode. She ran her hands through her hair, and started to pull on it as if it was going to help her getting the answers of her so many questions. Her mind suddenly went to the Joker. Where was him? What happened to him? Was he trying to find her or was he the one who did this to her? The last thing she remember was falling asleep next to J. Knowing the Joker, if he wasn't the one who did this to her, there was no way he was going to let her be taken away. Even though he doesn't give a fuck about her (or so she thought) she was his property. The Joker would never let anyone take away what was his. His pride was too strong. If J wasn't the one who brought her here, then the only answer y/n could think of would be that he was also in a trouble. Is he hurt? Is Batsy got him? Or worse is he... is he dead?! The thoughts made her feel sick, and finally y/n let out a loud scream. Trying to numb all the weight on her chest. All of this was too much. She felt like she couldn't take it anymore, and so she screamed, screamed, and screamed letting it all out. Why is this happening to me? Her screams blended into the sound of pouring rain. J, where are you?

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя