#90 my old man is a bad man, but I can't deny the way he touches me

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Warnings: smut, prostitution, sexual abuse

Requested by @_queenofpromises_ via Instagram

Sitting in his usual spot in his VIP lounge in his club, the Joker's eyes stayed lock on that little fine piece of meat swaying her hips in the glass cage on the center of his club. Y/n turned her back towards him, going almost all the way down that gold pole just to bend her fine ass towards the clown, giving him the best view as she slowly got up. She was his favorite. The only girl that could sleep with the infamous clown more than one time, since he didn't kill her right after having his way wth her like the rest of his sluts. Y/n knew that too. She knew he liked her, but just for how she could pleasure him. Nothing more. However, the same thing couldn't be said about y/n. Of course the sex was great, but every time mister J called for her service, every time he touched her, y/n couldn't help herself but felt something towards him, towards this bad man. She knew how wrong this was. She knew she shouldn't have developed feelings towards him. She knew he would never feel the same. She knew he would kill her eventually, if he were to find out she fell in love with him. Love, it was prohibited word for the Joker. So y/n decided to put her mask on, hiding the real feelings deep in her heart as she faked smile at the crowd and winked at her mister J. She putted on her playfully smirk, hidden that face of the broken girl who was hopelessly in love with someone she couldn't have away. It was her secret. No one was supposed to know.

The song ended, mister J whistled for her. Y/n made her way out the cage and to him. She knew she was the center of attention as she walked through the sea of people, all eyes were on her. All the men were devouring her alive with their lustful gazes, but that was it. No one dared touch her anyway, that "Property of Joker" sign placed on the top of the cage was more than enough to warn them not to put their hands on any girl stepped inside the glass cage.
"Baby" Y/n giggled once she walked through the gold beads "Oooh come to daddy" Joker beckoned from the couch. Y/n didn't need to be told twice. She took a seat on his lap, and mister J wasted no time connecting his mouth with her neck, sucking and biting on the soft skin, making sure to leave marks in form of red lipstick and hickeys "My naughty little slut" He growled between the crook of her neck "You made daddy so hard he's going to make you do something about it" Y/n giggled, knowing what he meant. Seemed like the clown choose her to be his partner for the night again.

The Joker stomped on gas pedal with y/n on the passenger seat. Once the car came to a stop in front of his luxurious penthouse, he wasted no time walking her to the destination even though y/n didn't actually need someone guide her way, considering the many time she had been there. She followed the green haired crime lord down the corridor with gold accent decorated the place, she knew which room he'd stop at. The clown stopped in front of one room, just like how y/n expected. He opened the door and stepped aside, lady first, always such a gentleman. She entered the now familiar room with the sound of the clown closed the door behind. It wasn't surprising that the moment the door was shut and they were alone together, her body was pinned against the wall as the infamous criminal tried to get the tiny little piece of clothes out of her body as fast as possible, he was eager to have a taste of her. In one hard movement, mister J ripped her tiny dress in half by his bare hands, there was no bra nor panties beneath that fabric. Thus y/n was now completely exposed body to him. She could see how his icy blue eyes got filled with lust and desire the second that dress landed on her feet. He let go of her, and stood still, only inches away, admiring her body, admiring his little play thing. His chest raised up and down in fast rhythm, he was panting hard. The way he looked at her was no different than a hungry lion looking at the fresh meat.

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