#49 addicted

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Warnings; Dark theme

We're all addicted to something, whether it be cigrattes, drugs, alcohol, or them fucking blue eyes.

"Stupid bitch!" His voice burned through her ears as another kick made its way directly to her ribcage. "Fucking useless" Here goes another one. Y/n only let out a weak whimper from time to time to please the psychotic clown who stood tall over her fragile body which lying on his feet. She was his personal punching bag, his personal slut. Despite how many people telling her to stay away from him, that he was no good for her, she choose to ignored all of them, and stayed with him. The Joker completely had her wrapped around his finger. No matter how many broken bones and bruises he had given her, for her, he was God. She worshiped the ground he walked on. He was like a drug, a drug she wanted all for herself. Y/n was addicted to the Joker.

And her addiction to him was the reason why now, y/n was crying hysterically, shaking Joker's lifeless body, trying to stop the blood gushing out of his abdomen "J, oh my God, J, please wake up. What have I done!!" She ran her fingers which clothes in his blood through her hair, pulling on it, about to lose her mind, if she hadn't already lost it. "J, I'm so sorry. Please wake up. J, J!!!"


The song ended once y/n pulled all the way up the pole in her golden transparent cage. Dancing sure did gain her some sweat. All eyes were on hers, but she couldn't care less about these drunken men. There was only one person she danced for, her mister J. She turned the seductive gaze to where mister J normally sit, but was disappointed once she saw his throne was empty. That's weird. Y/n thought. He always enjoyed her show, he knew it was for him, and him only. He knew she enjoyed it when he looked at her with nothing but lust and hunger in his eyes. He knew she lived for the moment he stalked over to her, panting hard, circling her like a wolf to its prey before he fucked her like an animal. So where was he now? Frowning, y/n got out of the cage. Even though every man looked at her with needs, they knew better than to do anything further than watching. They knew this was the Joker's girl, touching her would be signing their death certificates.
Y/n walked to the VIP lounge, J was nowhere to be seen. She then walked around until she heard the familiar grown coming from the room she just walked past. She took a step back, and listened carefully. That grown. She could recognize it from any where. The grown y/n used to believe only her could make him grown like that. Her blood boiled once she heard the unfamiliar moan of a woman mixed with her man's grown.
She swung the door open, the scene unfolded in front of her was like a knife stabbed right to her heart. Joker was on top of a woman, both naked. They were both shocked, and turned their heads at y/n. What happened next was so fast y/n doesn't even know, but as the rage took over her, she reached for the gun hidden in her tiny dress, the one he gave her, and aimed it at the woman's head, then bang! Blood spattered. The white bed sheet were now red. The Joker grinned at her. Though y/n killing a slut wasn't something the Joker surprised, no, what made him surprise was his little doll now aiming the gun at him. She wouldn't dare. Still keeping the grin on his face. He was right, y/n would never ever point a gun his way "in her normal state" but now anger blinded all her vision, it was as if she had no control over herself, and she pulled the trigger. Joker didn't see that coming, he heard the second gunshot, the next thing he knew was a sudden sharp pain on his abdomen. He looked down and saw red liquid gushing out of it. He then looked back at y/n, this time the shock expression on his face was real. The moment Joker and y/n made eyes contact, she started to know what she had just done. Y/n's eyes widened as she rushed to J. He fell back down to the mattress beside the woman's dead body.

Y/n was okay with him beating her, calling her names. The only thing she wasn't okay with was seeing her man with another woman. She had a very unhealthy obsession with him, addicted to him, she lost control once she saw other women touched what was hers. She let her rage got the best of her, and there she was, trying desperately to wake J up. She stroked his cheek, used to bed sheet to press on his wound to stop the bleeding, it was useless. He was turning even paler than he already was. "J, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Please, wake up"

The gunshots sound alerted the Joker's henchmen, and they rushed to the room within seconds. They were shocked to see their boss lying there. No one ever got the Joker like this before. "I... I didn't mean to" Y/n chocked through her sobs. The henchmen were too shock to to anything until Frost made his way to y/n and Joker. He pushed the other henchmen aside, and quickly got to the two of them. "M- mistah J was with her, and I... I lost it. I didn't mean to"  Frost just nodded. "Call the doctor" Frost ordered, and y/n obeyed like a good little girl. Frost seemed to know what he was doing, at least better than y/n as he inspected Joker's wound. At least he wasn't crying and panicking.

Minute seemed like an hour for y/n as she waited outside the room while the doctor was doing his job with J. The door opened, and y/n suddenly rushed to the doctor "He's fine, miss" Y/n never felt more relieved, but then, she realized how big her mistake was. What he would do to her. Sighing, y/n knew she would embrace the consequence. She was ready to take all the kicks, the fists, the slaps mister J got in store for her. She made a real big mistake, and if he was going to kill her, she wouldn't do anything to stop him. After all, she was his property, and he had all the right to do whatever he wanted with her. She had already disrespected him enough, so if his wish was to kill her for disrespecting him, then so let it be. She'd embrace her death, the death she deserved.
Y/n cautiously walked inside the room. There he was, her mister J sitting on the couch. His hand holding the big bandage on his abdomen, and his other hand... oh boy, his other hand was holding his favorite pistol. Joker beckoned y/n to come over. She walked to him, the tears that ran down her cheeks weren't for the fear for her life, it was for the guilty washed over her. She hurt him. She did this to him. She was ashamed. Y/n took her spot on the couch next to Joker, she kept her glance on her laps, ready for the punishment. Joker purred, and titled her chin up with his finger, he looked her in the eyes "Pumpkin, I must say... what you did is quite surprising" Mister J said. Y/n looked at him like she wanted to say something, but she knew she had to wait for his permission first. The Joker nodded, allowed her to speak. "I... I didn't mean to hurt you. I made a mistake, and I'm ready for the consequence. The only thing I want you to know is that I'd never mean to hurt you. I'm sorry, you can kill me now" She looked down again once she was done with her speech. Joker growled "Kitten, what did I say hmm? Always keep that pretty little head up" So y/n looked up at him again. Joker looked at the gun on his hand, he seemed like he was debating. She expected him to hit her, to yell at her, and then put the bullet in her head. But no, he tossed the gun away, before placing his hand on the back of her head before pulling her over with force. His lips crashed onto hers. Y/n wasn't expected this at all. "I should kill you... for what you did" Joker growled through the passionate kiss. Then he pulled away and said "But I decided...I'd punish you the other way instead. Prepare for tonight, kitten. I'll make sure you won't be able to walk properly for weeks"

He could never kill her. The Joker could never kill y/n. As much as he hated to admit, he couldn't live without her. He was addicted to her.

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