#44 stubborn clown

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Y/n watched as the Joker was busy with his work in his office. His hair was a mess, and from the bag under his eyes, he didn't get any sleep for so long. He never took care of himself. For everyone else, J May looked intimidating, but for y/n, she knew he was exhausted. His body needed rest, but he wouldn't let anything slow his work down. Not even if he was slowly killing himself from the inside.

"Baby" Y/n cautiously walked inside the room. J lifted his head up, looked at her for just a few seconds before harshly replied "What?" Then his attention went back to the paper on his desk. "Did you eat today?" Y/n asked "Don't have time" He shortly answered. "When was the last time you sleep?" She shot another question. J sighed and looked at her again "Look, doll, daddy's very busy right now. He wants to be alone so he can finish his work"
"It's almost three in the morning, J. You need some rest. You need to take care of yourself. Stop torturing your body" Y/n raised her voice. She was worried about her boyfriend. Though the Joker didn't see it that way. His eyes got shades darker, annoyed someone interrupted his precious time. The Joker shot her a murderous look, a look that would send shivers down anyone's spine, but not y/n. Sure she was scared of him sometimes, after all, he was the Joker, but he was also her boyfriend, right now she only worried about his health. Y/n knew this would only lead to a fight, if she continued to argue so she just sighed and walked out the room.

The next day, y/n was reading in her and J's shared bedroom when she heard noises coming from downstairs. Something wasn't quite right. She placed the book down, quickened her pace downstairs. Y/n stopped in her tracks once she saw two henchmen carried J by his shoulders into the house. His head hung down, and his left shoulder was soaked in blood. Batarang still buried deep in the bloody wound. Bruises and cuts littered over his pale body. There was no need to ask what happened. Though this wasn't the first time J got hurt during a mission or a fight with Bat, y/n still couldn't bring herself to get use to the sight. Plus, this time, the wound looked pretty bad. She knew it was before J was tired. He didn't eat, didn't sleep. Her worst fear was that one day, he was going to make mistake that cost him his life. The henchmen placed him on the couch as his personal doctor started to do the work. J growled as he saw y/n walking to him. He knew what she was going to say before she could even open her mouth.
"You can't keep doing this, J" Y/n said with worried in her voice.
"You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do, honey" J said, getting irritated.
Before y/n could say anything more, a henchman walked to him "Boss, we found the man you want dead's hideout. Should we go finish him ourselves, or wait for you, sir?" "Tell them to get the car ready. I'm finishing him tonight myself" J suddenly grinned. Y/n just watched in disbelief "Are you seriously still going out there?!"
"Watch your tone, y/n" J warned. He called her by her real name, he was getting pissed now. Though he wasn't the only one pissed at the situation "No, J, you listen to me, you going out there in this condition, and you'll be the one that dead-" "SHUT UP!!" Joker suddenly shouted at her. Making the poor doctor flinched, he really doesn't want to be in this situation. No one wanted to be near the Joker when he was mad. "You listen to me, you stupid bitch. You are not allowed to talk to me like that. What you think I can't shoot you? Think again, honey. Just because I keep you around all these time doesn't mean I won't get rid of you. Do you know what happens to people who speak the wrong words to me hmm? That's right, pet, they got bullet. Right in the head. You are no exception. Don't think you're special to me, y/n. You are just like the others. Just a toy. Now shut it or I'll make you" Y/n felt like the world stopped. His words cut deeper than a knife. It wasn't his threatening that hurt, it was how he say she was just another toy. Of course he was the Joker, y/n knew how cruel he can be, how he can do horrible things, but she never thought he'd call her like that. Just a toy. After everything they had. None of them said anything, they were just stared at each other. The Joker was panting with rage, y/n was crying silently.
"A-all done, sir" The shaking doctor cautiously spoke. J growled and stood up from the couch. Y/n just watched, she could tell it took him a lot of effort to just get on his feet, let alone go to a dangerous mission. But him, being the stubborn clown he was, called for Frost to get things ready. He was going out. Y/n wanted nothing more than to hold him tightly in her arms so he couldn't go out there and her himself killed. Though she knew there was nothing she could do to stop him. It pained her to look at the man she loved with all her heart in this condition. J stumbled to the front door. Just as he was about to walk out the house, he collapsed.
"J!!" Y/n shouted as she rushed for him. She caught him just before he could hit the ground. "J, what happened? J, baby, can you hear me? J!!" She frantically shaking him, but there was no response. He was out cold. "W-what happened to him?" Y/n asked the doctor who rushed to him, concern written over his face.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora