#136 they say I'm a monster. they say I have no heart

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Warnings: dark theme, violence, sexual abuse

Inspired by the episode of Code Black, one of my all time favorite shows.

Everything hurt. It hurt so much. Why does it hurt? Every inch of her body felt like there were thousands of sharp needle pierced through her skin. She felt herself so lack of energy that even moving a finger seemed like a hard task. Her mind so groggy. Her hand a little bit wobbly out of control. She had no memory of what happened. Why couldn't she remember anything? Y/n slowly opened her eyes. The first thing that greeted her was the white, dim light on the ceiling above her head. The light was so little, but in her condition, y/n felt that little amount of light blinding her she had to shut her eyes before reopened it a few seconds later. The steady beeping sound coming from her side brought more senses to the little girl. Now that she was more awake, y/n could feel something on her face. She wanted to get it off of her, but she was too weak to lift her hand. Y/n used that little energy she had turned her head to her left, she was met with some type of machines, medical machines. She also noticed her hand was hooked to in IV pole. The thing on her face was a breathing mask. All of these were enough to tell her something bad has happened to her, something very very bad. A wave of panic suddenly washed over her. She wounded up in a hospital with no memory of what happened at all. The only thing she knew was pain. There was pain everywhere.

Y/n started to move around, as much as she could. She let out some mumbling sound. And that was when a woman in a nurse uniform happened to walk by. The nurse's eyes landed at y/n, and she immediately rushed to her once she saw y/n was awake "Y/n, you're awake. It's okay. You're safe now. Please, take it easy" The middle aged, friendly looking nurse spoke to her in reassuring tone. She saw y/n seemed to be uncomfortable with the breathing mask, so she took it off for her sake, considered she could breath by herself now "W-what happened? Why... why am I here? Why does everything hurt. It hurts so much" Y/n cried. The nurse gently touched her arm, comforting her "Y/n... you don't remember anything?" There was pity in her voice. She wanted to make y/n feel better, but the way she spoke, the way she looked at her only confirmed y/n something really bad had happened to her. She never felt so scared "Y/n... you were found unconscious in an alleyway next to Smile and Grin... a man... the Joker was assaulting you" Hearing the nurse's words made y/n feel like she got hit by a lighting strike. The nurse spoke some more things, but her brain couldn't process anything anymore as the awful memory started to rush through her. Y/n wished she couldn't regain it at all, but after she got one piece of it, the rest flooded through her head all it once it almost made her throw up right at the spot.


Y/n remembered it now. Y/n was at Smile and Grin, the club owned by Joker himself. She usually wasn't a club goer, but she had a stress day she figured some drinks and loud music would help. She saw him, the Joker sitting in the VIP section. Y/n liked to think she imagined it, but as she sat alone at the bar in her tiny dress, she couldn't help but feel like someone was staring at her, it was the clown himself, devouring her alive from the lounge. Y/n tried to look away, but every time she glared at him, his eyes were always on her it made her feel so uneasy. So she decided to leave the club. Getting the most dangerous psycho clown's attention wasn't something anyone would want.

Just as y/n was walking down the street, just a few steps from the club, someone grabbed her violently and pulled her into a dark alleyway. It all happened in an instant that before y/n could even have time to process or to react, she found herself being pushed with her face pressed against the cold bricks wall there was no way for her to wiggle away. Y/n screamed for help, but it almost-immediately resulted in a cold, rough hand covered her mouth. She then felt someone's hot breath landed on the back of her neck as a husky voice filled her ear "Shh, just relax. It's okay. I'm gonna make you feel so good" Y/n couldn't see the man's face, but the way his lips slightly touched her skin made her feel sick. Then, the man's free hand started to snake in between her legs, lifting her dress up. His hand reached her inner thigh. Tears started to fall freely down her face as the realization of what was about to happen hit. But no, y/n wouldn't just do nothing as she was about to be raped by this rat. Her hand sneaked in her purse. Y/n grabbed a tiny pocket knife out. The weapon had always stayed in her small bag, never being used before. It was a gift from her friend, with the initial of y/n's name craved on the handle. She always kept it in her purse just in case, never thought the day she had to use it would come. She was so scared to do anything, but when she felt the scumbag's disgusting hand reached her panties, she lost it. Without warning, y/n pushed the knife back into his stomach using all her force. The man didn't see it coming. He didn't think a little girl would fight back he yelled in pain and let go of her. His hand grabbed his stomach where blood was pouring down. Y/n used the opportunity trying to run away. Though before she could escape, the monster was fast enough to grab her hair and drag her backward. Y/n screamed, squirmed and kicked without even looking, still she couldn't overpower him. He was too strong. She did stab him, but the ankle and the size of the weapon being too small didn't leave enough damage to stop him, just a cut that would leave a scar. And to make things worse, he was sure pissed at what y/n did "You bitch" y/n heard him hissed, then in a flash, her head was being slammed against the wall the impact knocked the breath out of her. She felt warm liquid ran down her face. Her body felt limp as the floor came rushing in. Y/n laid on the ground when the first kick delivered right at her stomach. That monster didn't give her a second to rest when the second hit landed at her ribcage, leaving her gasping for air. Y/n couldn't get up, couldn't even move. Her vision got so blurry all she could do was lay there like a broken doll as the man kept kicking her mercilessly. By the time he was pleased, y/n was at the verge of losing consciousness. Her eyes closed and she felt numb. Though she could still feel his dirty hands violently ripped her dress out of her. Then everything turned black

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