#34 goodbye

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"Boss, we found where they keep the goods" Frost informed the Joker who was chilling in couch with y/n. Once y/n heard what Frost said, she looked sad, and it didn't go unnoticed by the Clown Prince. Of course she was sad, because this meant J had to go, and the movie night with him will have to wait, though y/n knew it was his job. "Be careful, baby" She said and kissed the tip of his nose. As J was about to walked away, he changed his mind "Would you like to come with me, baby?" He saw her face suddenly lighten up. The Joker usually didn't bring his baby girl with him on a mission, he didn't want to risk her getting hurt, but he figured this mission wouldn't be dangerous. It was just them going to get the goods aka drugs, and weapons from abandoned warehouse. What could possibly go wrong... right? Just an easy task, they didn't even bring many henchmen with them, just him, y/n, Frost, and a few henchmen. Once they arrived at the warehouse, Joker and y/n got inside while Frost and other men guarded the way just in case. The warehouse looked like no one was there except for the two of them. How easy. "How come there's no one guarding the goods, baby?" Y/n asked, sensed something wasn't quite right. "Maybe they don't think we'll find out about the place" J shrugged. "Baby, don't you think it... isn't right?" Y/n stopped J, but he was always reckless. "You're worried too much, baby. I'm the Joker, who would dare scam me" J chuckled and kissed her forehead before led the way. Y/n followed behind, she still felt that something was wrong. Y/n took in her surroundings, she looked everywhere in case there was something hidden in the shadow, and that was when she saw it: a tiny digital clock set at the corner with some kind of wires and sensor. "J!!" Y/n yelled to warn her king, but it was too late. He crossed the line. Just at the moment Joker turned his head to look at his girl, the explosive went off. The strong impact sent y/n flew backward, her back hit the cold hard wall making her growl in pain. Shards of glass, and parts of the building flew through the air. The place was engulfed with smoke and debris. Y/n felt sharp pain on her abdomen. She instinctively placed her hand to where it hurt only to feel liquid soaked her palm. Y/n didn't need to look to know it was blood, she got cut from some of the broken glass flying through the air from the explosion. "Fuck" She hissed through her breath. When suddenly it hit her "J!" Shit. "J, where are you" Y/n shouted at the top of her lungs which only made the pain on her wound felt a hundred times worse. She had to cough a few times because of the dust that filled the air made its way into her lungs, making it even harder to breathe. Everything hurt. It hurt like hell, but she couldn't care less. Right now, all that mattered was the Joker. "J" Shouting again. No response. Panic started to kick it. Where is J?! She couldn't find him! The last thing she saw of him was his beautiful face turned to look at her, then it was as if he just disappeared into the fire from the explosion, melted to be a part of them. No, no, it can't be. Just the moment she was about to have mental breakdown, the dust started to settle, and her eyes landed on something, a figure of a man lying in a pool of blood, there was some kind of part of the building collapsed on his legs, trapped him. Y/n approached the figure, each step made her wound stings like a bitch. Her heart dropped once she got close enough to see who it was. "J!!" Y/n called out. Suddenly forgot the pain she felt, she rushed to him, kneed down beside the Clown Prince. His eyes were closed. His body filled with cuts, however, what worried y/n most was that thing that landed right on his leg, making it impossible for him to move. "J, baby, talk to me. Can you hear me?" His chest went up and down slowly which gave y/n some sort of comfort. J was alive, barely, but alive. Y/n stroking his cheek frantically, hoping to get some response, after what felt like eternity for her, the clown finally opened his eyes. After blinked a few times, his blue orbs finally focused on her brown ones. "Baby" J said barely a whisper. Y/n never thought his voice could sound so weak it broke her heart. J extended his hand to cup her face, but even lifting his own hand seemed to take too much energy. He caught up blood. Y/n felt sick at the sight of him, her physical pain was nothing compared to the pain inside her heart at the sight of her king. "Relax, babe, everything's fine. I'll get you out of here" Y/n tried to comfort though she wasn't sure J or herself. She made an attempt to move the thing out of his leg, it didn't budge. She tried again, still the same, y/n couldn't get move it out off his leg. The fire that was burning the building started to get closer to them. Y/n knows they didn't have much time. Using all the energy she had, she still couldn't get J out. It was way too heavy. Every time she use force to try to move it, the pain on her abdomen only got worse, and it only made she bleeding more. J noticed this too "Baby, stop" He said with a weak voice. Y/n looked at him with teary eyes. "G-go" J said "No, no, not without you" Y/n said and went back to push the thing out of him again, same result, it didn't budge "God. Fuck!!" Y/n hissed, never felt so desperate. "Y/n" J said again, he used all the energy he had left to grab her arms "Baby, baby" J tried to get her to talk to him "Baby, I won't make it out alive, I just want... want you to know that I lo-"

"Stop, no, no, please don't say that, I'll get you out" Y/n cut him off. She wasn't ready for this, wasn't ready to accept the truth. Y/n tried to free J, but it was useless. "Y/n, stop!" J said again, this time louder, causing y/n to stop and look back at him, her teary eyes  made contact with his, there was no sign of madness left in that blue orbs anymore, all she saw was barely a sign of life that slowly draining away. "Baby, can I have one... last kiss?" He asked, it seemed harder and harder for him to even get the words out of his mouth. Tears steaming down her face. Y/n wanted to protest, but deep down, she knows J doesn't have much time. This was his last wish, to feel the taste of her lips pressed against his. Y/n slowly leaned down, gently placed her lips on his. The taste was bittersweet. J used all the energy he had left holding into her. It broke y/n's heart, knowing this was their last kiss. None of them wanted to pulled away, but knowing the fire was getting closer and closer, J pulled away "G- go, save yourself" J forced the words out. Y/n watched as he coughed up more blood. God, only if she could take his place under that thing, she would without any hesitation. Y/n shook her head no, taking J by surprise "Y/n, the fire is getting closer, g- go" He tried to sound command, but he was too weak his voice was barely a whisper "I'm not leaving you, baby, if this was out last moment, at least we're together" Y/n reached for his hand, holding it tight. She had made up her mind, she wasn't going to leave him behind. This way, they were still together. The Joker didn't like this idea at all. He tried to make her leave while she still can, but y/n was stubborn. She was finally ready for their fates.

Just when the fire was inched away from them "Boss, Miss y/n" She heard Frost and the henchmen's voice. The fire made it hard for them to get inside the warehouse, but they finally managed to get in. J was in the state of half conscious, half blank out. "We're here" Y/n shouted. Suddenly feeling hope. Frost and the few of the henchmen approached them. Y/n noticed the concern in Frost's eyes once he saw his boss's condition "Please I can't get him out" Y/n pleaded. Frost ordered to rest of the henchmen to try to move the thing out of Joker's leg. They had to hurry though. The fire is getting closer as minutes passed by, and the whole building could collapse at any second. Frost, y/n, and the rest of the henchmen tried to push the thing, however, it only moved an inch, and time is running up. "No, no, again" Y/n commanded, and they tried again. The fire was nearly reach them now. They tried again, and again, until finally "Stop" Everyone looked at the Joker "Baby, please" Y/n cupped his cheek, feeling her hope crashing down "Frost, get her out of here" "What?" Y/n was stunned "Boss..." Frost hesitated "I said get her out of here" J said again, this time his voice was more dominating, though it made him coughed up more blood. Frost had no choice, he hand to obey his boss's last order. "I'm sorry, boss" Frost placed his hand on Joker's shoulder as if to say goodbye, and J nodded at his most trusted henchman as if to thank him for all these years of loyalty Frost had given him "Take care of her for me" Was the last thing the clown said before Frost forcefully picked y/n in his arms and carried her away. Joker then ordered the rest of the henchmen to leave.

"No, get of me! NO!!!!" Fighting the whole time, y/n tried to get out of Frost's grip to get back to Joker, but Frost was too strong. "No, we can't leave him, no" Soon she stopped fighting, knowing it was useless, and kinda had no energy left to fight anymore.

Y/n looked at the Joker one last time. He was looking at her, and they made eyes contact. She saw J mouthed "Goodbye" to her before the frame reached him.

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