#77 it's gotta be you

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Requested by gothicgirlherbert12 & Maddiecharpx I combined the two requests together because of the similarities xx

Three years. Three years of not seeing the Joker's piercing blue eyes. Three years of sleeping all by herself in the coldness, not being able to have the pair of his strong arms wrapped around her tiny body. Three years of not being able to hear his beautiful laugh. Three hardest years of y/n's life. And now she was going to meet the man who still held every spot of her heart, but no, y/n wasn't going to pleasure him by letting him know the effect he still had over her, no, after the degraded action he had committed, she wasn't going to let it pass just like that. Y/n had worked up her courage for so long, and now was finally the time. She was going to let him know just because he was the king of Gotham doesn't mean he had the right to sleep with her just when he had the desire, then just go around and fucked some other sluts like she meant nothing. It hurt. It hurt like hell after found out she was nothing but one of his many sex toys he kept to use only when he had the urge and throw away after having his way with her. Now y/n stood in front of the luxurious club owned by the clown himself. She swallowed the nervousness down her throat. She had this. She was going to face him, to see how he'd react after trying to get her back these past years, but all his calls got rejected. She was sick of him, of all the shit he had done. Sick of no matter how many times she forgave him, he'd go back to his true color, sleeping with every whore that thrown themselves at him. She was sick of him, yet every bit of her still longed for his touch. It sickened her how she could never bring herself to actually hate him, how she still hurt every time she heard about her mister J and his so many girls. She wanted to move on. Just like Harley did. Now the pink and blue girl was happy with her red haired lover after completely moved on from the clown, and y/n would be lying to herself if she said she didn't jealous of Harley, of how she could live a happy life while y/n was still trapped in the Joker's spell. She wanted to forget about him, the way Harley did, but she was lost too deep in those blue in his eyes to find a way out. Maybe, after having spoken her point clear in his face, it'd help her move on. So here she was, walking into his club.

Mister J sat in his usual spot in his throne like chair, both hands resting on the tip of his cane, surrounded by beautiful girls ready to offer themselves to the king.

"Take away your things and go. You can't take back what you said, I know. I've heard it all before at least a million times. I'm not one to forget, you know."

That voice. He could never forget that voice. Mister J's expression turned from dead serious and intimidating to confused one, his eyes started wandering around searching for the source until his glare landed on her. Standing beautifully on stage was her. She was as gorgeous as ever in that little gold dress. The Joker's eyes locked on y/n in shock and disbelief. After trying to reach her, to bag for forgiveness for what felt like eternity until he gave up, too tired to call just to get his heart broken when his line got cut off, and she was here in his club, right in his eyes. The clown looked like he had just seen a ghost as he unconsciously stood up and walked over until he was standing in front of the glass window in the VIP lounge that allowed him to see his entire club. Y/n was actually there.

"I don't believe. I don't believe it. You left in peace, left me in pieces. Too heart to breathe. I'm on my knees right now."

Y/n lifted her glare up from the audience, looking up at the spot where J would normally be when they were still together, and her eyes met his. Three years passed, but he still be in that same spot looking down at her just like how he liked to do before it all went down hill.

"I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit it tears me up. I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough. Oh that same old love, that same old love."

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now