#148 living dreams in fluorescent lights while you and I are running out of time

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Requested by @therealjacyg via Instagram

Y/n was tired. Tired of this life she was living. She loved her boyfriend: Harry Styles, but his lifestyle left her no choice but to travel from here to there almost 24/7. Y/n understood it was his job, his life, what he loved to do: to sing to his fans and be on tour. It would be selfish, if she were to put a blame on him, but sometimes, she just wished she could stay at one place for a while and relax, instead of having to spend most of her time on a plane. She was just... exhausted.

They were in Gotham city, and would be for a couple of days before moving on to the next stop. Harry was at his concert, having a good time while y/n excused herself to wander around the city. She always loved being near her sweet boyfriend, but after having seen and been in his concerts for countless amount of times, she just wanted to have a little time for herself.

"Don't go too far, and be careful, okay?" Harry spoke as he packed her lips, making her giggle. Y/n promised she wouldn't be too far from the arena where the concert held, and she'd be careful. After all, this was Gotham, the city with highest crime rates. But what could possibly go wrong?

After walking down the street for a while, a club caught y/n's attention. It looked more elegant than any night club she had been before. She wasn't the club goer, just went to the places with Harry from time to time, but this place: there was something about it that drew her into walking towards the entrance. Y/n didn't know why, but it was almost like something was calling her name, inviting her to joy the place. In front of the building: it read: Smile and Grin.

The man guarding the door let her in without hesitation after seeing her appearance, dressed in luxurious Gucci outfit which Harry bought her. To short it up, the way she looked, the way she dressed and the way she walked made her look outstanding compared to other drunk souls lined up at the entrance. Well, being the famous Harry Styles' girlfriend and having to walk along side him at red carpet events from time to time, y/n sure learned how to be classy.

The first thing had y/n's mouth hung open in awe after she entered the club wasn't the blasting music, it wasn't all those flashing fancy light nor people drinking and dancing. It was how gorgeous the place was. Everything was made of gold, pure gold it made y/n wonder who was the owner of such luxurious place, who could afford all of these. Whoever it was, they sure wasn't just some normal people, the place was fit for a king.

Y/n made her way to the bar. She wasn't the one who liked to dance nor act slutty. She just wanted a drink and be by herself. Silly her, this wasn't a place for such innocent, shy girl at all. After three minutes of sipping on her beverage, a group of drunk men approached her. "Hey pretty, you're all alone?" One of them asked in a slurry voice, his hand was fast to find its way to her thigh. Y/n suddenly felt so insecure. She could smell strong scent of alcohol and cigarettes coming from them it actually disgusted her. She quickly got up, about to walk away, but before she could do that, a hand grabbed her arm rather violently stopped her. The man yanked her back toward them with that dark, low chuckle of his. And before y/n knew it, she was cornered, trapped by those dirty pigs "Oh, come on, why leaving so soon, babe?" One of them chucked "Let me go!" Y/n hissed. She tried to sound strong and confident, but the crack in her voice betrayed her "Don't be so boring. Let's have some fun" The other man spoke up as he leaned his face close to hers his hot breath landed on her skin and it made her sick. Y/n was scared, but also mad, mad at everything. At these scumbags, at herself for ever entering this place "Please, let me go" Y/n closed her eyes as one of them started to go for her neck, licking his way up along her delicate skin before stopped at her jaw, his hand roaming all over her body. She was shaking like a leaf. It was all happening in the middle of the club, but no one gave a fuck. It sickened her. Y/n felt tears fell freely down her cheeks. That was when out of the blue, a mysterious bullet made its way inside the man's head, the one who was assaulting y/n. She screamed as the man's blood splattered all over her. The rest of the men jumped away in shock and horror as they watched their friend's lifeless body on the floor. People nearby also screamed and moved away from the scene. There was a moment of complete silence - even the music stopped - as y/n and the rest of her attackers just stood there mouth hung open, looking down at the dead man on the ground before they looked up to the source. They were met with a green haired man with pale skin, red lips, blue eyes and a lot of tattoos flashing them a grin. Of course, everyone knew who the man was: in front of them was the infamous Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker

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