#51 I live for these moments with you

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The Joker, the King of Gotham, the heartless psychopath, feared by everyone. Sometimes, it made y/n wonder how did she end up here. How did she, an ordinary girl who never committed any crime, ended up with the most wanted man. Joker was sure attractive and charming in his way, but the real question was why did he choose her to be his partner in crime, and in life when he could have any girl in the world. Well, the Joker always get what he wants, and he wanted y/n. So here she was, in his king size bed. Any normal people may say y/n was the unlucky girl, having her life belonged to the lunatic clown. But for y/n, being in his arms was the best thing that ever happened to her. Still, after all, he was the Joker. He wasn't the typical boyfriend, that was for sure. He came home with shirt covered in blood almost every night, even though none of them was his. He had trouble control his anger. He abused y/n sometimes. Guess these were what normal people called it an "unhealthy relationship" Of course this was the Joker, he ain't no perfect Prince Charming. But that doesn't mean he was cruel all the time, no, there were times when he was alone with y/n. He showed her his side of him no one had ever seen, and that was what made y/n fall head over heel for him, the moment J was being soft towards her. These rare precious moments were what she living for. This moment, y/n was resting her head on the Joker's firm chest, her arm wrapped around his torso. His arm wrapped tightly around her in a protective way, but not too tight that it hurt. His other hand running his fingers through her hair as he whispered sweet nothing to her. Y/n looked up to meet his ocean blue orbs she got lost in. Her eyes filled with love, unconditional love, just for him. She extended her small hand, and ran it gently over his pale cheek, her fingers ran smoothly pass the scar on his jawline, the scar the showed how strong he was. Normally, the Joker wouldn't allow anyone to touch him, but in these moments, he allowed her. He also allowed her to run her thin fingers over his bright green hair, caressing it. He unconsciously purred in response. His purr was music to her ears. She could listen to it for the rest of her life. Y/n leaned her face closer to his, and placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, which he also allowed her to do so. Actually, the clown secretly loved it, but he would never admit. Y/n giggled quietly before laid back down on his tattooed chest. "I love you" She said softly. "I know, princess, I know" Joker replied. Her wouldn't say it back, but he had his way of letting her know. She was his little doll, without her, his life was just a joke gone wrong. These moments were his way of apologizing for the cuts and bruises he gave her. These moments were his way of letting her know he wanted her, he needed her by his side. These moments were his way of telling her he loved her, at least in his own twisted way, but he loved her. These moments were what they both living for.

Guys, sorry this was so short. I tried to capture the Joker's feeling and his way of showing his love. I promise the next chapter with be longer, oh anndddd... there will also be a surprise waiting for ya in the next chapter. Prepare yourself, kittens ;))

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now