#26 hush little angel

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His little angel is suffering from PTSD. The clown doesn't know how to cope with this, but he won't give up. He needs to see the smiles and laughs on her beautiful face again.


Tonight marked the 1st year anniversary of the night the Joker fail. Fail to protect his queen. Not a single second in a day that he could bring himself out of the thoughts of that night. That night was one of the nights his anger got the best of him. He took it on y/n, when she had nothing to do with how the heist didn't go as he planned, had nothing to do with how the cops showed up. But as always, y/n willing to let him take all the anger out on her so he could felt better, only because she loved him. So she took all the kicks, punches, slaps without any complaint. Y/n could always put up with the physical abuse from her clown lover. However, she wasn't that tough when it came to emotional abuse. The Joker went too far that night, not by his dreadful hit, but by his dreadful words. God how could I let those words slip out of my mouth? The thoughts of what he said to y/n that night. The last thing he said to her: "You're too naive to realize, y/n. But I don't give a fuck about you. Oh, sweetheart, I never loved anyone. I never loved you, and I never will" The sight of y/n looked absolute broken, lying on the floor, covering in bruises haunted him every single second of every day. And with that, she was gone. The Joker went to his office to destroy some more things. When he was back in their shared bedroom, y/n was goon. All that was left of her was the note that says:

 All that was left of her was the note that says:

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

His heart dropped after reading the note. He noticed the picture in the frame on the nightstand was gone. It was a photo of him and her when they were at their hideout home in the middle of the wood. They didn't have many photos taken together since J wasn't that type to take cute pics with his girlfriend, but y/n begged him so he finally agreed. The photo actually turned out really good. Y/n looked so happy, and J looked at her with the look he never looked at anyone else. The look that tells how he truly felt about her. The Joker could never say how he felt toward her, but the look in his eyes that day said it all, and Frost managed to capture it. That photo was the only thing y/n took with her before she left.
Joker immediately went out looking for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. After that night, the clown would drove around Gotham every day in search for his queen. It had been a year now, and he never stopped looking for her. Through his hope was starting to run thin with every time he thought he'd found something that would get him to her, only for him to go to the place and met with no sights of y/n. No, he won't give up. He was just tired, tired of having his hope crashed down in pieces over and over again. If he could have just one more chance, he'd hold her tight in his arms and never let her go. He wished he could take back all those horrible things he did to her, all the beatings, the cruel words.

What if I never see her again? What if she never get to know the last thing I said to her that night wasn't true? What if she never get to know how I really felt? How could I be so stupid to let her walk away? How could I do this to her?
Why didn't she come back? She always come back to me, so why this time different? What if she never forgive me? What if she hate me?

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt