#124 I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies

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Warnings: dark theme, suicide attempts

Requested by Prettypsycholover

Before you read, I'd like to inform this will be a bit different from other chapters I've done before. It'll contain man x man with enemies turned to lovers (if you can guess who I was talking about) So if you don't like the romance between these two, don't read.

Not everyone will like it, but it was requested. And most importantly, at the end of the day, love is love🏳️‍🌈

To all my LGBT readers, I love you with all my heart 💖🌈✨

Joker stopped running to catch his breath. He was panting hard. His whole body hurt like hell from the cuts of all size from Baterangs bit into his pale skin, drawing blood. His white shirt now all torn and soaked in red liquid. His feet felt like they were burning from running nonstop for hour. The clown looked back and saw the shadow coming towards him: Batman was getting closer, and he knew there was no time for a little break. He turned back around and started running. Tonight, the luck wasn't on mister J's side. Batman paid them a little "surprise visit" while he was robbing a bank. He somehow got separated from his baby doll: y/n, and the henchmen. His pistol ran out of bullets long ago. He was weaponless and was on his feet, being chased by the dark knight for what felt like forever. The clown saw an alleyway and quickly took a turn into the passage only to realize what a huge mistake he had just made. It was a dead end "Fuck!" Joker cursed under his breath before turning back, but it was too late. As he spun himself around, the clown was met with the taller vigilante in all black, standing there, blocking him from escaping. Though Joker wouldn't let the Bat see that wave of worry washing over him. Instead, he flashed his number one enemy his silver teeth as the Bat approached him. Batman wasn't smiling at all, no, he looked like he wanted to tear Joker in half by his bare hand from all the bullshits the green haired man put him through. Part of Joker wanted to take a step backward, but he knew that'd basically mean showing weakness. So he stood still, keeping that evil grin on his face, waiting for whatever the Bat had for him. The dark knight was in front of him a matter of seconds, and just like how Joker expected, Bat grabbed him by the collar of his white, buttons up shirt, and slammed the back of his head against the hard, brick wall behind. In Joker's mind, he was growling in pain. Though what the Bat saw was his archenemy cracked that disturbing laugh that just by hearing it made Batman want to break the clown's neck so the laughing would stop "Where are them?" Batman asked in a dark low voice as he tightened the grip on J's shirt, and brought his own face a bit closer to the clown's. Joker knew too well just what Batman was talking about: the many bombs hidden under Gotham's street. No one but the clown himself and the Bat knew about this. Innocent people had no idea they were risking their lives just by walking home. Instead of answering, Joker's laugh got louder, and it made Batman felt sick. This twisted dog. If it wasn't up against everything Batman was standing for, the dark knight would surely snap Joker's neck by now "Go to hell!" Batman said and spat at the clown's face. Though Joker just looked at him what that look Batman couldn't describe. The clown could feel his Batsy's saliva ran down his nose, passed his lips, and he didn't miss such opportunity to stick his tongue out and taste that bit of the Bat into his own mouth "Hmmm, Batsy, I've never thought you'd taste so good" Something in Joker's eyes twisted as he locked his eyes with the Bat's. His words and action made Batman's face scrunch up in disgust "Fuck you" The Bat hissed "Oh, I'd love that" Joker's comeback took Batman a bit of guard. The dark knight didn't expect it to turn out this way. No, this dog was sick. He was trying to toy with him. Batman had to remind himself that. Otherwise, he'd lose his mind as the lunatic clown was giving him that Cheshire Cat smile "I'm not gonna ask you again. Where are them?" Batman asked louder, his voice not at all playful, but when was the Bat ever in playful mood anyway. The Joker was about to continue with his chitchat, but as he opened his mouth for another round of vexing, something snapped inside him: maybe, he could use this as a negotiation. Maybe, Joker could finally get what he had been secretly dreaming of since day one. Let's see how much Batsy wanted to save his beloved Gotham's citizens.

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