#137 amnesiac

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Warning: violence

Inspired by the movie Amnesiac (2014)

He groaned as his senses started to come back. He didn't even open his eyes yet, but he was already greeted by strong wave of headache it made him feel like he was spinning, like the world around was spinning. Fuck! What happened? Another groan left his mouth and he started to move around "Puddin? You're awake. You're finally awake" A sweet voice entered his ears made him open his eyes eventually. The first thing he saw was a beautiful girl looking down at him with soft smile on her face. Her skin was so pale, unnaturally pale. Her long blonde hair - which had pink and blue dipped on either side - almost touched him as she leaned her face down. A heart and "ROTTEN" tattooed on her face. She was sitting on the edge of the bed which he was laying in, apparently. The man was confused. He couldn't remember anything. Why'd he have such violent headache. Who was this girl? Who was him? "It's so good to see those eyes" Her voice filled with relief "Who are you?" The clueless man finally spoke. His voice so hoarse it was as if he hadn't had any water in forever "Puddin, you don't remember me?" The girl tilted her head to the side just a little. He was silent "Do you know who you are?" She shot another question. Silent from his side was the same answer. She sighed. Though that soft smile never left her face "That's okay. The doctor says you might suffer from memory loss, temporary, they hope" "Who are you?" He asked the same question again "Puddin, I'm your queen, and I'm gonna make you all better"


"Where am I?" He - with a bit of struggling since his head was pounding like hell - slowly walked inside the kitchen where the pink and blue girl was humming softly to herself, flipping the pancake with that apron on, her back facing him "You're in the kitchen, puddin" she giggled a little "No, I mean where am I?" His voice a bit louder. The girl turned around to face him, soft smile on her face and a plate of pancakes in her hand "You're home"

"Puddin, you've been unconscious from the impact" The girl finally spoke after she was done feeding him the last bite of pancake. It was her little deal: she'd only explain things to him if he agreed to let her feed him "What happened?" The man asked "It was an accident, puddin. We were on a drive and you lost control over the car, drove it down the river. You hit your head with the windshield" He instinctively touched his own head where there was bandaged wrapped around it. It felt so hard to believe: when your whole life suddenly got taken away from you and you had absolute no clue about anything, about who you were, about your entire life. He felt like he was going insane. If he were all by himself, he would without any doubt "God, I don't remember anything. Not even my own name"
"Your name is Jok- ... J, I mean J"
"What's your name?"
"My name is Harley. Harley Quinn" Harley introduced herself with the brightest smile.


J stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. His own appearance surprised him... shocked would be more accurate. What bothered him wasn't the fact he had amnesia, well that bothered him too, but not as much as the green hair, shaved eyebrows, silver teeth, pale skin and a lot of weird tattoos. Why'd he have "JOKER" tattooed on his abdomen and "Damaged" on his forehead? Where'd he get all these faded scars on his face? Why'd his skin so pale, just like Harley, what happened to them? So many questions ran through his head, questions about his own life, and he couldn't answer any of them. Who was him before the accident?


"Baby... wake up wake up" Something ticklish on the tip of his nose and a sing song, angelic voice made J open his eyes. A girl was playfully booping his nose. Her giggle was music to his ears. She wasn't that Harley girl. Her skin wasn't as pale. She didn't have any strange tattoo. She looked... normal, compared to him and Harley. J didn't know who this mysterious girl was, but when he looked at her, he felt something... something he didn't feel when he looked at Harley "Who are you" J asked barely a whisper. The girl pressed her hand to his cheek. Her touch felt so good. She looked so familiar, yet J couldn't tell who she was. He just found himself liking the feeling of "home" when he looked into her brown orbs. It brought him peace "Who are you?" J asked again. The girl gave him a soft, sad smile as she gently caressed his cheek with her thumb "Who are you?..." "Wake up." "What?" J furrowed his nonexistent eyebrows "Wake up..." . . . . . . " Puddin, wake up, wake up!" His eyes snapped open and the mysterious girl was gone. In front of him was Harley gently shaking him, looking down at him with a bit of concern in her blue orbs "What happened?"
"You're talking in your sleep, puddin"
"I... I don't"
"Hush, darling, it's okay. The doctor says we need to keep your brain as rested as possible, which means not a lot to think about, nothing to think at all, not even in your sleep" Harley handed him two capsules with a glass of water "What's this?" "It'll shut your mind, give your brain some rest. Trust me, puddin, I always know best" J hesitated for a while. His mind traveled to the girl he saw in his dream. Funny how he'd just met her only a minute in his head, but he felt like he could count on her to take care of him in such vulnerable state. With this Harley girl who claimed to be his "queen" he had that twinge feeling in his chest that something was off. He didn't know why'd he feel this way, but he shook the feeling away, telling himself it must be his brain playing with him, the effect from the concussion "Puddin, it's for your own good" Harley spoke a bit louder when fifteen seconds passed and she found herself still holding the offerings. J reluctantly took the pills from her eventually. Only a minute after drank the med down his throat, he lost the battle and drifted into dreamless sleep where he could only see black, not a single sign of the smile of that mysterious girl he saw earlier.

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