#80 nothing lasts forever

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Requested by Pandalion23

The Joker tossed and turned in his king size bed, looking at the other side, her side, only to be met with nothing but thin air. Y/n wasn't there, and she will never be again. No more laughter, no more kisses, no more of the feeling of her soft, delicate skin lying beneath his own, no more of the girl who used to follow him around like a lost little kitten, no more of the girl who'd follow every lead without asking a question, no more her. And it was all his fault. Time passed and the clown was still trapped inside his own mind, haunted every single second by the voices inside his head kept screaming at him that he did this to her. Thousands of lives he had taken away by his own hand was nothing compared to the feeling of her fragile body lying in his arms, her small and bloody hand pressed against his pale cheek, using all little straight she had left trying to held it there, to savor the feeling of him for the last time before she closed her eyes. She wasn't crying hysterically, no, she was so calm. Embracing her last moment with a soft smile on her face. That smile. Mister J's worst fear was that one day, he'd forget that smile of hers. The memories of y/n was the only thing kept him going, the only thing he has left of her. If he forgot, he'd completely lose it.

After hours of trying to drift into dreamland where he'd be able to meet y/n again and still couldn't shut his mind, couldn't stop thinking about that night, he gave up and got out of bed. Making his way to the balcony, letting the cold wind blew through his toxic green hair. Joker looked at the view of Gotham from the 30th floor of the penthouse, this was his city, his kingdom, still all the crime he had committed, the people he had killed after y/n was gone was no fun. He tried to laugh at the whole world, but he couldn't force the sound of joy of out his mouth, couldn't when y/n wasn't there by his side. Joker was no king without his queen. Sighing, mister J once again let his mind traveled back to that night, the night he failed, the night he had to live with shame ever since. It was haunting him in everything he do. Joker had just realized how it felt being the victim one after y/n was gone. After she left him, he had been the victim of his own mind, haunted by the voices reminding him all of this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't because of his own reckless, impulsiveness.

It was supposed to be just one of easy missions. He should've known, should've known it was a trap. The building was on fire, yet his careless behavior still told him to go further, down to the basement, chasing the son of bitches who dared mess with him. It wouldn't bother him so much if he was all by himself. J wouldn't mind, if his impulsiveness and temperamental got him killed one day. After all, it was what made him the Joker, he lived every day with danger and risk. But y/n was in this, the only person he ever loved and loved him was dragged to this because of no one else but him! The building collapsed right when the Clown Prince and y/n were at the basement, combat fighting with some low lives criminals which he should've known they were just baits, just to lead the king and queen of Gotham to the right place, then boom! the explosion went off, causing the two of them to trap underneath thousands of tons of concrete and dust. It was almost impossible for them to even breath considering the little amount of air that was slowly running out and pressure of the crumbled walls on top of them. 

After the smoke cleared, mister J trying to search for his queen, he found her lying next to him and that was when he realized what a huge mistake of his. It was the clown's biggest mistake to bring y/n with him. Her condition was so much worse than his, with sharp glass buried deep in her abdomen causing crimson blood to flood out, her left leg got stuck underneath the concrete and he could see the bone exposed on her knee where the skin was supposed to be. The sight made him feel sick, and he sure never got disturbed by blood and gore before. He was always the one inflicted them on people, but now that he watched his girl in this shape, he felt sick. He wished he could be in her place. Joker used all the energy he had left lifted himself up from the dust, sharp pain instantly made its way to every inch of his skin the second he moved. His body was filled with cuts, but he couldn't care less about his own physical pain. All that mattered right at the moment was y/n. Joker grunted as he slowly crawled to his baby doll "Baby..." His voice came out so quietly which was very unlike him. It wasn't the physical pain that drained the dominating and intimidating out of his voice, it was the pain in his heart as he looked at the only person he cared for lying there like a weak doll "Baby..." J spoke again, this time he gently shook her vulnerable body, but not too rough, scared that he would cause her even more harm. Still, it was enough to make y/n opened her beautiful brown orbs. She wasn't able to focus at first, but then her glare found her king's ocean blue orbs and she smiled. Even in the excruciating pain she was, she still gave him a smile, knowing the Joker liked it when she smiled, so she gave it to him. Though she looked so tired and exhausted. "Baby...." Joker spoke again for the third time, for once, the king of Gotham was speechless. He wanted to tell her he was sorry, wanted to tell her that all of this was his own fault, that he would never forgive himself for doing this to her. He wanted to tell her everything will be okay, that she was going to be fine, but as he looked at the ugly truth in all its glory in the form of deep wound in her stomach and the blood pouring out of her little body, he knew what was about to happen. So all he could do was swallow the lump down his throat. His hand found her cheek, running his fingers softly pass her soft skin, pushing the strand of hair out of her face "J... it's hurt" Y/n finally found her voice. She must've been in so much pain since she never complained about pain before. She wanted mister J to look at her as a strong woman, but the pain she was feeling was unbearable. Still she forced a smile for him. Deep down, y/n knew this too, she knew she didn't have much time left so she decided she'd want the last thing her mister J saw of her to be that smile he loved so much. "Shhh it's okay, princess. Daddy's here" J cooed. He gently lifted her head up, placed it on his shoulder as his strong arm wrapped around her tiny body, her leg was still stuck under that concrete. Y/n whined a bit during the progress since her movement made the glass cut deeper inside her, but she let him. Despite how much it hurt, there was nothing y/n wanted more than being in the love of her life's arms, and she sure wanted to spend her last moment in his arms. Her body was shaking, she was shivering due to blood loss "Baby, I'm cold" Y/n said barely a whisper, and mister J tightened his grip around her, trying to give his girl some warmth.

They stayed like that in silence even though they had a lot to say to each other before they'd never have the chance again, but none of them could fathom the words. Hour passed, Joker could feel how her breathing got shallow, and it broke his heart. Then he heard it, up above his head, people were shouting. The voices seemed so far away, but the clown could make out one of them to be Frost. They were his men, they were coming to rescue them! "I'm here" Joker used all the he had got shouting the word back "You hear that, baby? Help is on the way, you just gotta stay awake, okay?" J turned back to y/n and that was when he realized her eyes starting to drift close "Hey, y/n, hey stay with me. Help is coming. Stay with me!" J shook her body, trying to keep her away but she was fading away so fast "I'm so try, baby. I'm just gonna close my eyes for a while, okay" Y/n said in a weak voice. Soft smile still plastered on her lips. After all, dying in the arms of the man she loved wasn't so bad and the temptation of closing her eyes and letting the peace lured her to sleep was way better than lying in the poor of her own blood. Then her eyes drifted close "No no no, you can't y/n. You need to stay awake... y/n... Y/N!!!" He yelled at her to open her eyes, shook her harder, but there was no more reaction coming from her. She was gone. "Y/n..." J said again, though this time, his voice came out as a weak whimper since he couldn't find the energy to do more than whisper her name. She was gone. They were so close. If she could hang in there for a little longer until the henchmen could dig them up and give them help, then maybe she was still alive. Jonny and the other henchmen almost made it there just in time to help the Joker's queen, but too bad, almost was never enough.

Joker stopped shaking her body. He just sat there, holding her tight against his chest. He just wanted to hold her like this for the rest of his life. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, knowing this was the last time. The clown felt hot liquid forming in his eyes, threatening to fall down. The Joker never cried, he was not capable of crying, yet a single drop of tear ran down his cheek, followed by the another and another.

The henchmen got to them only to found Joker sat there in silence holding y/n in his arms with tears ran down his cheek. He couldn't care less that they saw him cried. Nothing mattered anymore. 


"Boss" Frost's voice brought Joker back to reality. "You need anything, sir?" Most of the henchmen knew never to get near Joker. The clown lose his mind, for real, after he lost y/n. But Frost was different. He was J's most trusted man, the closest thing to a friend to the clown. Frost really worried about J. He wasn't himself after the incident. The right hand man couldn't even remember when was the last time he saw his boss eat or sleep. Joker went silent for a while, as if he was thinking, then he spoke up "Just bring the car around. I'm going for a drive" Frost wanted to question him. It was the middle of the night, and considering the current state of mind J was in, Jonny had no idea what his boss was going to do. But despite how close he was to the clown's friend, Jonny knew never to push it too far. So he just nodded and muttered a "Yes, sir" before turn to leave.

Joker then pulled out a polaroid photo of y/n, which he took just a week before the incident, out of his jacket and gave it a sad smile. They said nothing last forever. He was going to prove them wrong. He was going to prove nothing could separate him and his girl, he was going to prove the world Joker and y/n were meant to be together, forever  "Just wait for me, baby doll. Daddy's coming for ya"

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