#89 it takes love to heal

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"In coming" Y/n heard her colleague yelling, signaling her another patient had been sent through the entrance, and she hurried there, walking alongside the patient in stretcher as the man were being hauled to the emergency department. She was a med student at Gotham general hospital. Working at night shift meant she could never just sit back and close her eyes for more than five seconds, even if she wasn't even the real doctor or nurse. This city was always busy, and for some reason, Gotham managed to make countless number of people at all ages get sent to the hospital everyday. Either stab wound, bullet wound, some drunk teenager got into a fight and ended up here. It was always like this, and the number of in comings being sent here seemed to be twice time increased at night.
The GCPD written on the man's shirt beneath his heavy gear suit told y/n the man was a cop. And even with all the protection this man wore, the bullet still managed to get through his bulletproof vest and into his chest, just inches away from his heart. What kind of bullet could do that? What kind of weapon could make the high quality body armor looked nothing different than just a thin cotton fabric? But most importantly, who owned it? Who did this poor cop got into a fight with? Y/n knew she had no time to wonder, she made her way to help the doctors bring the cop back to life. Though minute later, another nurse yelled "We got four more in comings" Y/n turned to look and saw four more cops had been sent through the entrance with doctors and nurses rushed to them. The four newest patients hadn't even been sent into their quarters yet, and y/n already saw at least twenty more new cops were being hauled into the hospital. All of them were in a very bad shape just like this cop she was dealing with. What had they been trough actually? Who could take down the whole GCPD team? It didn't take more than minutes for the emergency room to become a living hell. Every single nurse and doctor were running from side to side, trying to save lives. The real problem was that there were more patients than resources in the department.

Then, something made y/n look away again, something she didn't know what, but as her eyes landed on the newest in coming in the stretcher who was being hauled in the room, y/n found herself unable to look away. She knew she should stay focus on the patient in front of her, but she just couldn't look away. She didn't even see who this patient across the room from her was, but she knew whoever he or she was, that person was different. There were four uninjured cops guarding him, all were armed. Y/n wondered if those cops were trying to protect that person from danger, or if they were trying to prevent the person from causing other people danger. Something told her it was the last. Even though y/n could tell by the heart monitor she saw the doctor just placed to the patient he shouldn't be able to harm anyone, something told her that wasn't just any normal patient. Something made y/n sense that danger radiating from the sufferer. "We need help there" One of the doctors walked to her quarter and nodded towards the mysterious inmate who got y/n unable to look away "I'll go" She said, her voice a little too eager than she meant for it to come out.
Y/n walked across the room to the person, and once she was standing right in front of him, she felt all the air had been knocked out of her body, of course, everyone knew about the king of Gotham, in front of her was the Joker!. Y/n had never seen him in person before, let alone up close. His pale body was covered in bullet wounds, and now it started to make sense what happened to those cops. They got into a fight, and even if Joker took down so many of them, seemed like they also got him as well. Though there was still one thing disturbed y/n, all the people around him seemed to be police. Where were the doctors? Y/n looked around, every patient in the room was surrounded by team of doctors and nurses excepted for him. The only thing she saw on the clown was a breathing mask on his face and a heart monitor and that was it, the doctor who putted this on him already left for other patient "Hey, are you free?" One of the nurses tugged on her shirt, making y/n turn to the side "Excuse me?" Y/n said "Are you free? We need help with that cop over there" Her co-worker pointed to the cop on the left side of the room who already got plenty of doctors around him "Umm excuse me, but are you not notice there's like no one taking care of him?" Y/n pointed at J, and her friend made an ohh face as she looked at the clown before saying "He's fine. Someone already gave him the thing to help him breath. We have more important patients to take care of" This caught y/n off guard. More important patient?! How could that came out of someone who was a nurse's mouth! Even though y/n was just an intern, she was taught every patient was equity. The fact that she treated Joker different just because he was a bad man made her sick, the fact every doctor and nurse here was willing to let him die because they hated him made y/n sick. How could there call themselves someone who saved lives? Just because he did bad thing didn't give them any right to let him die. And so y/n spat to the nurse's face "You know what, no, I'm staying here with the Joker, and I'm going to help him. If you don't mind, I have to get to work"

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin