#152 I carry band-aids

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Requested by @vampire.soldier via Instagram

He didn't even know until it was all too late, didn't even try to shield her body with his own until her scream in pain eventually got his attention. The Joker turned back around her direction just in time to see y/n falling to the ground with blood pouring out from the side of her head. And that's when he felt as if the whole world around stopped turning all at once. The sounds of gunshots, people screaming and yelling suddenly became silence for mister J. He couldn't hear them, couldn't see the chaos surrounding him, no, all he could focus on was her body laying on the ground, completely still. She wasn't crying no more. She looked... dead. And for the moment, all Joker could feel was numb, nothing but numb. The fact that he was standing in the middle of bullets rain flying from side to side, inches away from his head couldn't bother him. Nothing else mattered. For the Joker, it was just him standing there alone, in silence, watching y/n in the pool of her own blood. His henchmen started circling themselves around the king and queen of Gotham. Joker - didn't even know what he was doing - slowly walked toward y/n. Every atom of him was taken aback by shock and... horror. He kneed down in front of her body "Baby?..." The word left his mouth as a soft whisper. He, for once, didn't know what to do. Hesitantly, Joker gently placed his hand on her cheek, as if in hope she'd respond, but there was no reaction coming from her, nothing at all. He didn't even know if she was alive. The bullet grazed her head looked pretty badly. "Y/n?..." He whispered her name, still no answer. His hand - shaking very visible - slowly moved from her cheek up to the gunshot wound on the side of her head. Her blood soaked his hand, soaked the entire side of her face. Him being extremely careful as he lifted her unresponsive body up from the ground and to his arms, cradled her against his chest, and that's when realization washed over him: he might not be able to see her open those brown orbs he loved so much again, might not be able to hear her angelic voice saying and screaming his name again, might not be able to touch her delicate skin, might not be able to throw a closet fist nor dreadful kick toward her again, might not be able to hole her in his arms or kiss those kissable lips again... he might just lost her forever. Once the reality hit him like a truck, Joker was able to snap himself back to the world around, and that's when all hell broke loose "Kill them. Kill them all! Every single one of them except for the rat who pulled the trigger. He's mine!" The clown shouted the order to his goons before returned his attention back to his princess. His men already got his way cleared as Joker hurried to their getaway car with y/n in his arms.

On the way to the doctor's, mister J used his silver jacket to wrap around her head in order to stop the bleeding, it almost did nothing at all, just slow it down a little, but it was better than nothing. He kept calling her name, but she wouldn't call back. He needed to get her fixed. She was his, all his, she mustn't leave without his permission. They needed to bring her back. He just couldn't... wouldn't, he wouldn't lose her. She could never be free from him.

Once they made it to the destination, y/n's body was being taken away from his embrace to the stretcher and hauled away. Joker demanded to be with her through the whole thing, but a hand placed on his chest stopped him. He turned to look, it was Frost. How dared he. The clown was so close to pulling out his gun and shot the right-hand man in the head for such an audacity, but Frost pointed out just in time "Boss, let them do their work. They'll work best if we give them space. It's for her own good" As much as Joker hated to admit, Frost was right. So he just stood there, watching y/n getting further and further away from him until she was out of his sight.


Second felt like minute, minute felt like hour and hour felt like eternity. Joker didn't stop and sit back for once ever since y/n had gone into the room - where team of the best doctors were doing everything in their power, trying to bring her back to life - he kept pacing back and forth in front of the door, running his hands through his hair the green lock was all over his face. Fuck! Why'd he even care? Wasn't she supposed to be just a toy that he could replace with the new one at any second? Why'd it feel like he'd lose what was left of his mind if he were to lose her? What was wrong with him?

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now