I am not someone who is loved (part 2)

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Before you came around, I was in a rut. Didn't have a friend, didn't know what it was. You taught me how to dream and how to love. You're my best friend, please, listen to me.

Y/n never experienced such strong torture. They did make sure to teach her a real lesson for running away. She hadn't been fed for four days straight, not even water to drink. They put her in some sort of solitary confinement where she saw no daylight that she had no idea whether it was day or night, but that didn't really bother y/n much. She was kind of used to it. She hadn't seen much of sunlight where they'd normally keep her anyway since her work times were always after the sun left the skies. In fact, the most she had been in the sunlight was when she was with Joker. Her mister J, y/n wondered how was he doing. Was he missed her the way she couldn't stop thinking about him? Y/n hoped he'd move on and forget about her. It hurt to picture the man she loved with all her heart with someone else, but she wouldn't want him to be so heartbroken forever. What a tragedy love story: she loved him and he loved her, but they could never be together. Under y/n's circumstances, she knew if she wanted him to be safe, she had to walk out of his life. And so she did. It killed her, but she had to, it was all to protect him. The look on J's face when she told him he was a monster still haunted her every second of every day that y/n was sure if all these wounds on her body didn't kill her, the heartbreak would. Sighing, she looked down at her own body that was littered in bruises and cuts... again. This time, it was the worst. They never hit her this bad before, but she deserved it: that's what they told. She ran away, so there must be consequences. Y/n rarely moved at all the whole day. Not that she could walk around her cell for some exercise anyway since her ankle was chained up to the wall. Also, she was handcuffed. Y/n closed her eyes as another drop of tear rolled down her bruised up cheek. Though if anything, the physical pain could never kill her as must as the pain inside her heart did, the pain of knowing she would never see mister J again and he thought she saw him as a monster.

It wasn't that y/n really had a choice. She did it to protect Joker. They knew where she was and they threatened to kill J if she wouldn't come back to them. Y/n still remembered the feeling she felt that day when she was alone in Joker's penthouse and his henchman told her there was a letter to her. She was a bit surprised since she was all by herself and didn't think anyone would know her whereabouts. Y/n opened the letter and that's when her heart dropped. It was from them. They knew where she was. How stupid of her to think she could ever be free from them. They gave her 24 hours to turn herself in, otherwise, they'd kill J. Of course, y/n knew the Joker couldn't be taken down so easily. But she also knew what they were capable off. She couldn't be that selfish as to put J's life in danger, especially after what he had done for her. So she made the hardest decision in her life and left. Y/n left mister J even though every bit of her heart longed to be in his arms. She didn't mean it at all when she called him a monster. How could he be a monster when he was the only one who saved her when the entire would tried to drag her down. Y/n would never want to hurt Joker, but she knew it was the only way J would let her go. It was all for his own good.

"What do you want?!" The trembling man flinched as Joker barked at him. He was the clown's personal doctor, also the one who treated y/n. The doctor knew about how y/n left and how Joker had been so miserable ever since. Apparently, J locked himself in the room 24/7. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't function without her. Joker killed 10 of his men because he didn't know how to cope with all these foreign emotions weighed in his chest: lost and confusion. The poor doctor wished he didn't have to come face to face with the clown when J was like this, but he knew it'd be digging his own grave, if Joker found out later that he knew but wouldn't tell. So here he was: facing the monster whose emotional state couldn't be more unstable "Sir... y/n's TC scan result is here" Just by hearing her name, Joker shot the doctor such murderous stare that if look could kill, the poor doc would be dead by now. The doc gulped, fully aware he was walking on thin ice. He cleared his throat before continued "I think... you may want to take a look at it" with that, he handed J the result. Joker roughly yanked it away from the doctor's hand, and that's when his nonexistent brows furrowed as he looked at the picture "What's this?" Joker asked. The doctor knew too well just what mister J was talking about: the tiny object buried in y/n's neck. The tiny object that wasn't supposed to be in human's body "I believe it's a microchip, sir" The doctor said. He could see how Joker's eyes got shades darker it was scary. Of course, mister J knew what it meant: it meant whoever hurt y/n, they knew where she was all along. They knew she was with him. Y/n was never free from them. Then it hit, she was now all alone on her own out there without his protection. Fuck. Joker dropped the paper and storm passed the doc out the room as he shouted for his henchmen to find y/n.

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