#176 ashes ashes we all fall down

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This is the last 10 chapters of this book!

Should I make a book 2 to continue with Joker Leto fanfiction or not? Comment and let me know!

Warnings: violence, abuse

Y/n could see her reflection in his blood, the pool of red liquid beneath her feet. Just by looking at it made her feel sick. The sight, the metallic smell, the tension in the air, everything made her feel so sick in the stomach she had to hold back the urge to vomit. It all went downhill in the blink of an eye that she couldn't process it all. All y/n remembered were yelling, screaming, crying and hitting. Every inch of her skin was covered in bruises and cut which after all, became a part of this roller coaster she called relationship. Though how did it end up so violent? The shock must have made her forget she was still holding a dagger in hand, the dagger which she had just buried it deep in his body. Y/n would have continued holding the weapon for God knew how long, if it wasn't for how her body was trembling so badly that the knife eventually dropped to the floor on its own. The sound of it breaking the silence made y/n jump out of her skin. She still found all of this so surreal, as if she was stuck in between the nightmare and lost dream. She held her shaky hands out and looked down. His blood soaked her palm proved it wasn't just sone twisted illusion.

What if he couldn't make it?

Oh God, What have she done?


It was one of those nights again. Mister J and y/n seemed to have 'one of those nights' so often it became some kind of a routine now. Well, what else could she expect from being with the Joker except for a toxic relationship full of abuse. Those nights included the maniac clown turning y/n into his personal punching bag where he would scream hurtful words at her as the tip of his expensive, heavy boot made contact with her stomach in a dreadful kick. Y/n would just lay there on the ground like a good little girl she was. Though tonight was different. Mister J went too far it got to the point y/n believed the love of her life was going to kill her. She was so scared. Yet she would never want to hurt him. Her body and soul belonged to him. She was utterly his. Joker could do whatever he pleased with his property, he had the right to! How could she commit such affront.

"Mister J, please" y/n cried. She stood trembling in fear. Her body was already covered in bruises and cuts, her hand clenched so tight to the doorknob her knuckles turned white. Her legs prepared for the run, in case he'd charge at her which mostly would happen at any second. Joker stood there, his bloodthirsty glare blazed hole through her soul. His chest heaved and his silver teeth on full display as a dark growl came from his throat echoed through the atmosphere. He looked like an hungry lion, ready to lunge at its prey and tear it to pieces. The clown could feel how glorious the fire of rage was burning inside him and he had to take it out on somebody. With no warning, mister J ran toward his victim and y/n didn't wait until he'd get to her. The poor girl quickly slammed the door shut right in front of his face. Silly her. It was the worst mistake someone could make. No one should have done such disrespectful actions towards the king. His strong punch smashed into the piece of wood almost sent y/n to the ground from the impact. Y/n used her whole weight leaning against the door, but for how long could she keep him out before he broke the door and got to her. The second hit cashed into the wood and it sent her a couple inches away before she quicky got back at it, her hand quickly grabbed the doorknob when he tried to twist it open from the other side "Please" Y/n sobbed. She could feel how eager he was to get inside and hurt her. Mister J could feel her fear radiated through the wooden door and it only evoke that blood-thristy monster inside him. His lips curved into a sinister smirk, Joker kicked the door with all his force and the finale hit broke the door into pieces. Y/n fell to the ground along with the piece of wood around her body. The clown stood tall over her. He licked his lips as he looked down at his toy laying there, he could feel all the blood that was about to be shad. Y/n was too sore to stand up to run and hide. The most she could do was crawl away slowly as the monster hovering above her started talking his step toward her. And in that moment, y/n was so sure she was going to die. The natural instinct inside her told her to do something to defense herself. Her eyes happened to land on a dagger laying on the ground in front of her, and without thinking, y/n reached her hand out and grabbed the weapon just the moment mister J grabbed her ankle in a brutal grip and started dragging her toward him. It all happened in an instant, he didn't see her seizing the dagger, she didn't know what she was doing. It was out of her control when her brain told her to do something to save herself - just like when a person would jump away when touched a fire - y/n automatically turned around when she was close enough to J and stabbed him right through his chest with all her straight. No one saw it coming. Y/n, too, was utterly shocked by her own action. The next thing she knew, she was looking him in the eyes with her grip still around the handle where the sharp blade buried deep in his body. She saw his pupils dilated and his mouth ajar. No one said a word. Both of them were simply too stunned. Seconds later, crimson liquid started to run down from his mouth. He was panting hard in order to try to take some air into his lungs. It wasn't a good idea. The more J tried to breath, the more blood gushed out of the wound. His body started to shake before he couldn't take it anymore and fell forward right on top of her. It was until this moment that y/n was finally able to get herself out of her trance. He wasn't moving at all. His unconscious body laying on top of hers and she could feel how his warm blood soaked her. What was she supposed to do. Y/n felt so helpless. She screamed at the top of her lungs for his henchmen, someone, anyone to come and rescue her sunshine "Help! Please, somebody help!" Her voice carried through the atmosphere and it took a while for Frost and other henchmen to rush to the scene. Y/n didn't even move an inch, afraid if she were to move or to try to move him, it would make his situation worse. The second most disgusting feeling she ever felt her entire life was when they moved mister J and she could feel how the knife slowly made its way out of his body. The first being when she pulled that sharp metal inside him, she could still feel how his bone and muscle tried to stop the object and nothing sickened her more.

Everything felt like a twisted dream. She didn't even remember when they carried Joker out the room, but now, she found herself laying on the ground in the exact same posture. It took her quite a while to slowly got herself up from the ground with her shaky legs, another while more until the dagger dropped to the floor to completely snap her out of it, and that's when the ugly realization hit. She hurt him. What if he died? The thought of that made her feel so rotten from inside out.

She couldn't stay anymore. Even if he did make it, she couldn't be around him no more, couldn't risk the chance of hurting him again.

"W-where is she?" Was the first thing Joker asked after he woke up. The first thing he noticed was that y/n wasn't there before he then noticed a huge bandage wrapped around his chest. It was a close call. The knife missed his heart only by an inch. His voice hoarse and it was a lot of struggling to promp himself up on his elbow "Sir, you should rest" Frost placed a hand on J's shoulder, not daring to do too much when the clown spat his hand away "Where is she?" J asked again, this time his voice was more dominating than the first. Still hoarse, but at the same time dominating. The right-hand man gulped. He knew his boss wasn't going to like the news he had to deliver; y/n had ran away.


It was night and it was raining. Y/n was cold to the bone, but at least, the rain let her know she wasn't crying alone. She didn't have an umbrella with her, didn't have a place to go but she couldn't stay either. The thought of him punishing her the worst way possible after what she did never was the reason she ran away, it never crossed her mind. The only reasons being she was too shame and didn't trust herself to be near him. What if she hurt him again? Before she left, she was informed he was gonna make it and that was all that mattered. Even though this was killing her - staying away from him - she did it for his own good. So she could protect her J from herself.

After a couple more, she heard the sound of tires approaching from behind and her heart raced when she saw his purple Lamborghini pulled over next to her. The window was rolled down and mister J tried not to let it show on his face too much just how relieved he was to find her. It was a miracle he could still drive in this condition "Get in the car" He said. Regardless of how much y/n wanted to do that, she had to be away from him "No..." Y/n shook her head, hugging herself. Her small voice could barely be heard over the sound of raindrops hitting the ground. It was the first she ever dared to disobey him.

Joker growled "Y/n, get in the car"

"I... I can't" She stuttered through her sob.

Mister J rolled his eyes "It's raining, you'll catch a cold... come on, let's go home"

Y/n shook her head from side to side violently like a little child, more tears ran down her face but it blended in so well with the rain "I'll hurt you" She whimpered.

"You won't"

"I already did!" She argued in her small voice. What a stubborn kid.

"It won't happen again. Come on, y/n, I don't have all night" He beckoned but when he saw her lips puckered up even more and the tip of her nose got more red, so were her eyes, he sighed. She was such a child. Mister J got out of the car and walked over toward her. Pain written over her brown orbs when she saw how he was struggle to walk properly "Where else would you be hmm?" Joker asked once he stood right in front of her. To answer his question, y/n slightly shook her head, she had nowhere to go. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, whispering just loud enough for her to hear "Let's go home" "But-" "No buts, y/n, you and I are gonna get sick if we keep having this argument in the rain" His voice surprisingly calm and soft. Y/n didn't say anything, but didn't protest either when mister J guided her into his car. She didn't see it, but a soft smile appeared on his face for a few seconds before he got in behind the wheel and started driving home.


With his back resting against the headboard of their king size bed, mister J let y/n used his lap as a pillow. She was sleeping lilke a baby as he ran his fingers through her hair. He didn't want to think what would happen if he didn't find her. There was no way for a little girl like her to survive on her own in this cruel world without him being there to protect her. After all, he was too glad she was safe and sound under his protection to be mad at her.

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