#161 monster

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Warnings: dark theme, violence, abuse, disturbing content.

I wanted to write something dark, but I still am not even sure myself if this turned out as profound as it should be? Anyway, if you are easily triggered by what stated above, please skip this chapter.

"Don't you fucking walk away. It's not mine, alright? She's not mine. There. You happy now?" Joker yelled angrily as he violently grabbed y/n's hand to stop her from walking out the door with her bag. Y/n turned to look at him. Her eyes bloodshot "Ooh, so it's not yours now? Because I thought the first time it was 'who cares' " Y/n thrown what he said before in his face, her voice cracked as hot tears streaming down her face. And before she knew it, y/n found herself being pinned against the nearest wall. His face only an inch away from hers, his hot breath landed on her lips "Don't you fucking talk to me like that, y/n. Are you trying to see how far you can push me, hmm? You're a toy. My toy. I don't have to prove myself to you. You have no say in this, in anything. You are mine. Not her. Not that slut. You. And you are lot leaving" His voice rolled out his tongue in a purr-like tone, though the murderous look in his crystal clear, blue eyes and how his body was slightly shaking told y/n just how much that fire of rage was burning so bright inside him. She slowly shook her head from side to side as more tears kept falling down.

Usually, y/n would be scared to death in the situation like this.

Usually, she would crawl into submissive just by seeing the look on his face.

But no, not this time. This time, the Joker crossed the line. He could abuse her all he wanted and she wouldn't hold it against him at all, but not this. Not like this. This was simply too much for y/n her heart was breaking into millions pieces. How could he do this to her?! All of the abuse, the hit, the harsh words could never compared to this. Y/n couldn't believe she would ever find herself in this situation, but oh well.


They were at his club when this girl entered the VIP lounge. She was heavily pregnant, obviously very close to her due date. Y/n found the girl so out of place - what would a pregnant woman be doing in a place like this? She found it even more skeptical when she saw the way the woman looked at her mister J. And y/n knew something was off when she turned to look at the clown and saw the look on his face. Joker was clearly taken aback by surprise as he stared at her in... shock and disbelief. It was probably the most y/n had seen him shown emotions. That's when y/n knew something was seriously wrong "J... who's she?" Y/n asked. Though before the Joker could even answer, the woman cut him off as she placed her hand on her baby bump "She's yours... you're having a daughter"

That one sentence was all it took for y/n to feel her entire world came crashing down in front of her right there and then. Y/n felt like she got slapped in the face by an invisible hand. She felt so numb. Nothing but numb. Her brain couldn't function a single thing for the moment. She didn't even acknowledge when Joker stomped toward the woman and yelled at her to get lost, no, she was... shocked. Too shock to process anything.


What happened after the shock was anger. Y/n never felt so betrayed, so in rage. She couldn't stay with him anymore, knowing he probably got that girl pregnant - in the very same bed they shared - behind her back. She wouldn't care what he would do to try and make her stay. He could go ahead and kill her, but there was no way she was going to forgive him after what he did.

"Let me go" y/n looked Joker dead in the eyes. Her voice was surprisingly confident.

"You are mine" Mister J emphasize each word as his stare boring hole through her soul, but this time, he couldn't intimidate her.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now