#37 three of us

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Requested by AwkwardSunset
(Sorry I took so long to finish this request. The idea just didn't pop up 😂🙌🏻)

"They're right behind us. Faster!!" Y/n yelled from the backseat. Looking back to police cars chasing after them. The Joker was in the driver seat while his queen, Harley Quinn in passenger seat. Though the cops were getting closer and closer, the three of them still managed to laugh their maniac laughings the whole ride.

Joker and Harley were king and queen of Gotham. They caused uncountable chaos together. Y/n was the most skilled and stealthy assassin in Gotham. She and the Joker met at Arkham, Joker saw something in her, and decided she could use her skills to help him so when his goons came to get him out of the hellhole, he took y/n with him. Of cause Harley wasn't fund of the Joker having "another woman" living in the penthouse, but after him telling Harls it was just for work, she seemed to let her guard down. The first heist y/n went with the psycho couple went perfectly. Joker knew y/n was the perfect henchgirl. He took y/n with them on every mission ever since. Some missions, it was just him and y/n. This caused the two of them to grew closer and closer. Y/n was for once in her life scared, scared she had gotten too close to the clown. Her heart raced uncontrollably every time she was near him, was this love? Y/n wasn't sure. She had never got such strong feeling towards someone before. She doesn't understand why does it hurts every time to see Harley in the Joker's arms.
The worst part was she felt like she was betraying Harley since Harls was just started to open up to her. Y/n was the only girl in penthouse so Harls felt it was good to have a girl to talk to sometimes. Some girly stuff only girls could understand. They started to become "friends" If Harley felt like she needed someone to talk to, she'd turn to y/n. Of cause she loved Mr. J, but sometimes men just don't understand so y/n was her solution. The same goes to y/n as well. "Hiya girly how about a girl night out tonight? Just you and me" Harley said with a playful voice "Umm J okay with that?" Y/n questioned because she knew how the Joker hated it when his queen go out without his permission. "Yeah I already asked him. Now let's go" The pink and blue girl said before kind of dragged y/n out the door without waiting for her answer.
Another fun night with Harley. The two girls were just driving around causing chaos around Gotham. Y/n had to admit, having Harley as a friend was good. She never had a female friend before.


"Y/n, you ready?" J asked while loading the gun, getting ready for tonight's mission. "Yeah, where's Harls?" She asked curiously since she couldn't find Harley anywhere. "Tonight's going to be just the two of us. Harley's not feeling well" The clown said and took her hand, leading her to the purple Lamborghini. Y/n could felt her cheeks turned red at how the clown king spoke, and how he took her hand in his. Since Harley wasn't with them, y/n took her spot on the passenger seat. They broke into some jewelry store, the Joker said he had this diamond necklace in mind that he wanted to steal.
Y/n saw Joker grabbed the necklace, it was beyond beautiful, fit for a queen. No doubt he was getting it for Harley. Y/n hated how her chest arched at the thoughts, when suddenly the clown made his way to her, holding the necklace in hand. Before y/n could ask anything, J gently put the necklace around her neck, caught her off guard. "J, what?! Isn't this the necklace you said you wanted to get?" Y/n asked, beyond confused. "It is. And it looks beautiful on you. Keep it" J simple said, and walked pass her to the door. Y/n just stood there, completely speechless. What just happened? Why did he give me this? Wasn't he supposed to give it to Harley? "Hey, are you gonna come or just wait here till the Bat arrives?" Joker's voice brought y/n back to reality. She followed J and hopped into the passenger seat.
After around 10 minutes of driving through the city, they could feel they were being followed. J looked to the back, before turned his head back to y/n "We've got company" With that smirk on his face, there was no need to tell who it was "Batsy batsy batsy" She said with a smirk on her face. After leaving with Joker and Harley for so long, y/n started to find amusement in these kind of situations. Suddenly hearing loud thud on the car's roof, the Bats jumped on their car. Still, her and the clown's laugh mixed together in the purple Lamborghini. Their laughs mixed perfectly, and their eyes met. As y/n looked into those blue orbs, and for a second, she saw something she couldn't quite sure... lust? It was more than that... love? No, it couldn't be. He was not capable of that word, not even for Harley. She must hallucinated it when she thought she saw it in his eyes. And he smiled at her. That smile... it wasn't his signature evil smile. She couldn't tell what it was. She had never seen him gave this smile to anyone before, not even Harley. Why was he smile at her like that? Then y/n felt like nothing else matters, they both felt like nothing else matters, not even the Bat on the car's roof, as they lost in each other's eyes. But the moment ain't last forever, y/n broke the contact, she looked in front of them to see they were leading into Gotham's river! "J!!!" Y/n shouted, fear suddenly took over her. However, all she got in response was his maniac laugh.
Oh no, was this how it supposed to end? Him jumping out of the car, saving his own ass while I drown into the bottom of the river?
Of cause he'd do it. He's the Joker who am I kidding
He'll forget about me in a heartbeat, and live a happy life with Harley
"Y/N!!" J shouted. Finally brought her to reality.
"Wrap your arms around me"
"I said wrap your arms around me!!" J wasn't the good one when it comes to patient, and from the his tone, y/n decided it was better to do what was told instead of asking. Once she got her arms around him. Y/n shut her eyes tight. She could felt herself being thrown away and hit the hard ground, however, even she had never being thrown out of the car before, she still got a feeling it shouldn't hurt this less. She hit the ground, but it was as if something or someone was protecting her from getting more hurt. Her head didn't hit the ground like how it should've been in the situation like this. Instead, she felt a hard on the back of her head, protecting it from getting any serious damages. She could also felt weight on top of her. Slowly opened her eyes, she saw no one but the Joker himself on top of her. His arms wrapped tight around her in a protective way. Their faces were only inches apart. She could felt his hot breath on her lips, and she could've sworn he saw how her cheeks turned red. So he saved me. Once again y/n saw that spark in his eyes, but it was gone as soon as it appeared as J broke eye contact and stood up. He extended his hand for her to grab, and y/n took it. She was still speechless. The two of them just stood there, looking at each other until "May I interrupt?" They both turned their heads to see the Bat of Gotham standing there. For once y/n actually glad that the Bat showed up, broke them out of the awkward silence. "Oooh ya know I'd love to stay and have some chitchat, but this pretty lady and I are kinda busy right now" Y/n couldn't help but blush at how J called her when out of the blue, Joker pulled her close to him, he got a smoke bomb out of his pocket and thrown it at Batman. Was the smoke settled, the two of them were nowhere to be seen.

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