baby let me love you goodbye (part 2) - I'm half a heart without you

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"You said you wouldn't hurt him!" Y/n looked at Bruce as if her husband betrayed her the moment he walked through front door with little blood on his armory Bat suit. It wasn't his, and he didn't have to tell who did he have a fight with "God, y/n, not this again" Anyone could tell how tired Bruce was, tired of fighting with the clown just to come home to have another fight with his wife, who also happened to be the clown's ex, and seemed to take the clown's side, no matter what. Their marriage life wasn't that kind anyone would want to have. Each couple had their ups and downs, but for the two of them: they seemed to have trouble finding just one bright moment when they weren't fighting. Both Bruce and y/n often found themselves in heated arguments over the same old topic: her didn't want her husband to hurt her ex psychopath lover "We talked about this many time before" Bruce's voice was harsh as he tried to walk pass y/n, but she blocked his way "Yes, and you said you'd leave him the fuck alone!" She hissed at her husband's face. Bruce took off his Batman mask and rolled his eyes with loud sigh, clearly so didn't having to have this conversations with her again when all he wanted was to have some rest after such long day, and maybe have his wife massaging his tensed shoulders. Obviously, that wasn't going to happen, at least not tonight "I said I'd leave him alone as long as he didn't cause any shit!" And with that, he pushed her to the side and walked pass her. Thought before he could storm away, y/n's voice coming from behind stopped him "And that means you have to be so violent towards him? You, out of all people, should've known how he is. He have issues, he's not normal. His brain literally can't function the same way others does. He's just lost. He's not a monster, stop treating him like one. It's not his fault people like you making him this way!" "People like me?..." Bruce slowly turned around to face y/n "People like me? Oh, please, y/n. You! Out of all people should've known how he is, should've know he IS a monster. May I remind you how I found you that night crying on the street with bruises on your cheek like a complete pathetic bitch who, until now, still can't wake the fuck up, still can't see what a monster that twisted dog is. After everything he have done to you, you still take his side. That's fucking pathetic!" His voice raises until he was screaming at her. His words cut deep it made y/n's eyes get watery. He had never said something like this, not before. She stood there, watching him with her mouth slightly hung open, though there was no sound came out. Her bloodshot eyes filled with rage, but there was also another thing: disappointment... even sad, maybe. The fact Bruce didn't hurt her physically didn't make him any better than Joker. No, it was even worse. Mister J never looked at her with such disgusting in his eyes. No matter how badly Joker hit her, how cruel his words were, y/n could always see love in his eyes as he looked at her. But this, all y/n could see in Bruce's eyes was disgust as if she was so dirty, so low for ever gave her heart to the clown. It hurt. It hurt more than all the abuse she had ever experienced. Bruce knew by the look on her face his his words got to her, but instead of comforting like how mister J would do every time y/n was sad, he turned back and walked away. The second y/n was alone, she allowed hot tears to roll down her cheeks.

Once again, y/n found herself alone in mister Wayne's king size bed. Looking at his side just to meet with emptiness, and the fact their bed was so huge were the perfect combination that made y/n feel lonelier than ever. Fuck! Why couldn't she get used to it. Y/n lost count how many time she had to sleep alone after getting in a fight with her husband over the same thing, which in resulted, he went to sleep in spare bedroom, leaving her alone with her tears and her thoughts. Mister J always let her cuddle with him every night, even though he wasn't the cuddling type. No matter if he was mad at her, at the end of the day, he'd always let her use his chest as pillow and he'd have his strong arms wrapped around her: that was when she felt safest, when she was in the Joker's arms. Then, something snapped inside y/n; the only place where she knew she was home was back in mister J's arms. She had it all and she ran away from it. What had she done?

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