#128 just like you

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Warnings: suicide attempts, depressive thoughts

Inspired by the beautiful song: Just Like You by one of the very special people in my life: Louis Tomlinson

No stars could be seen tonight in Gotham. The sky was dark. Completely dark just like her soul. Y/n, stumbled a little from the alcohol in her blood, managed to take herself to gotham bridge. Ignoring the rain drops hitting her skin, she swung her leg over the barrier, the other soon followed. If she were to take one more step ahead then... y/n looked down at the darkness beneath her. Suddenly, the sound the river made became so peaceful, so aesthetic. As if it was calling her name, inviting her to turn her back on those pain consuming her heart, and join it down there. Y/n didn't even wipe away those silent tears running down her delicate cheeks anymore. She couldn't tell which were the tears, which were the rain, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. She have had enough, enough of fighting, enough of crying. The whole world was against her. No matter what she did, it all turned out wrong. Her life was just a joke gone wrong. She just tired of wishing on the stars. The solution of all her problems was down there, at the bottom of the river. All that left to do was jump, and she was ready for it. Y/n closed her eyes and spread her arms out. She didn't fear anymore. Her heart was calm, utterly calm and finally at ease. Nothing could hurt her anymore.

The Joker was speeding through the street. His grip on the wheel rather tight. He let out a low growl at the thought of how ridiculous tonight turned. It was supposed to be a good deal, but those stupid, low life criminals had to fuck it up, and in result, mister J had to teach them a lesson by putting bullets in their brains. Oh how he couldn't wait to come home, have a nice bath and sleep the night away. Gotham bridge appeared in the view up ahead. He crossed it a million times, so it shouldn't be any different... until the clown accidentally caught something at the corner of his eyes. With the rain pouring down, there was no one on the bridge, no one except for a little girl standing at the very edge of life and death. He knew what she was doing. Anyone could tell what was going to happen next: pour soul was about to end her life. Mister J couldn't care less. None of my business. He thought and shrugged before drove pass the scene. Joker was about to forget about her after three seconds passed when out of the blue, with no warning, a sudden flashback of his personal experience, the one no one knew about, hit him like a truck:

It was the darkest time of his life when everything came crashing down all at once. His sidekick, his partner in crime, his harlequin doll decided she'd no longer be his property. After all the abuse, she walked out of his life, left him in a black hole of rage and confusion. The Joker thought she was the one, he was wrong. Even if he'd never admit, deep down, he knew he was wrong when he saw her pecked her things. The worst part was that Harley made him feel like he was the foolish one to ever think after he corrupted her mind, after he created her: turning her from doctor Harleen Quinzel to Harley Quinn, she would be able to handle the life of madness with him, that she would be able to put up with it every time he hurt her mentally and physically. That was what Love was all about, right? Why'd she run away? She said she loved him. She promised she wouldn't hurt him! How could he be weak to let her slither her way inside his damaged heart, toy with it then leave like everything they had, every laugh they shared meant nothing! Oh, he could still remember that night very well as if it happened just 24 hours ago: watching her leaving with her so called savior: Poison Ivy when he should've been stronger. He should've killed both of them then laughed. But all he did was nothing. That night he was so lost, so numbed that he couldn't find the point of living, couldn't when he felt like the joke was on him. The feeling so intense it made him scream at the top of his lungs as he took his gun out of the holster and pointed it at his own temple. In the heat of the moment, Joker was so close to pulling the trigger and ending it all when in a flash, something snapped inside him. That something made his finger froze in place on the trigger: why choose to give up like a loser instead of proving them wrong. His eyes darkened and his red painted lips curved into vicious grin as he thought of the many ways to have his delicious revenge. Then, he laughed. The agonizing night when he thought he had lost, he was eventually able to see the light and laughed with all his heart. No, he wasn't the one that lost. The joke was in fact on them. Joker could still remember Harley's and Ivy's scream when he poured down the hell on them, but that was another story. Though he didn't want to think what would happen if, that time when he had the gun barrel against his skin, he didn't wake up just in time. Mister J was able to save him from himself. However, that girl on the bridge, something told him she wasn't going to wake up by herself the way he did. He, out of all people, knew it all to well how it felt after coming so close to actually doing it. He knew how terrible it felt. He was the Joker, he wasn't supposed to give a fuck about some girl, but she reminded him of himself, mirrored the clown so perfectly he almost see his own self standing there, ready to jump. And with that, Joker was unable to drive away any further "Fuck" He growled and banged his head against the window as he stamped his foot down on the break before taking a sharp turn.

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