#11 there could only be one queen

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Requested by AwkwardSunset

Y/n's POV

Y/n was at smile and grin club. Usually she wasn't that type of girl who parties, drunk, do drug, enjoy night life or anything, but after what happened: her boyfriend, ex boyfriend had broke up with her, not to mention she had got into a fight with her parents so she left the house. Her best friend was away to visit her family in another town so y/n still couldn't figure out where will she be staying: probably some motel she could afford. To sums up, her life was a mess and she figured some drink would numb her problems a bit. Anyway the reason she got herself into this luxurious club that only rich and gangster mob crime boss could enter was because she was friend with one of the door guards, Dylan. Y/n thought about asking Dylan if she could stay with him until she can get back on her feet again, but then she thought that would be too much to ask since they weren't that close. So she decided to shut her mouth and just let the liquid seep through her throat and numb all her problems for a while. Just when she was lost in thoughts, y/n felt someone grabbed her shoulder, she turned around to see a man with brown hair "Hey beautiful. Why so sad hmm? You know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be here all by yourself. How about you let me buy you drinks then we go back to my place? I can make you really really happy" The man said with a smirk, his hand now started to roam down her shoulder to her breast, his other hand slightly snaked to her thigh, lifting her dress up. Y/n quickly pushed him away "Not interested. Thank you" She said before turned back. The man's smirk suddenly disappeared, clearly wasn't fond of being rejected. This time he roughy pulled her by her arm and forced her to face him "What are you doing?" Y/n said "Oh c'mon doll face. I know you want it. Let me make you feel real good" "No I don't want it. Now let me go" The man started to get real pissed now. He yanked her out of the bar and suddenly pulled her against the wall, his body hovered over hers, mouth inches away from hers. Y/n could feel his hot breaths on her lips. She started to get panic at the situation now. Apparently the drink she just had only made her body too numb to fight back or do anything. And the people around were too drunk to care about what was going on. The bastard's hand now found its way to her inner thigh. The other was firmly wrapped around her throat. Y/n felt her air supply being cut off, and the guy's other hand was only sliding upper her inner thigh. Y/n tried to get him off her but he was too strong and all the people around were either too drunk or too focused moving their bodies on the loud music to give a shit. No one was gonna help her. "P-please I don't want this" Y/n's pleaded, but it was useless. Tears ran down her cheeks as she realized there's nothing she could do now.
Joker's POV
The Joker was sitting on his favorite chair in his favorite spot in the VIP lounge. The spot that could makes him see his entire club. Hands on his cane, the Joker kept his eyes on his property: Harley Quinn, who was dancing in the gold cage that had "Property of Joker" written on the top of the cage. This way, everyone knows whom the girl belongs to. But then something caught his attention out of Harley. From the corner of his eye, Joker found a guy hovered over a girl. His hand around her neck and the other found its way between her legs. The girl, however, clearly wasn't enjoying it. She was crying. Usually the Clown Prince wouldn't give a fuck, but this time, as he looked at the girl's face, beyond scared, he felt something inside his heart, something he never felt before. And seeing that guy hurting her angered him in the way he doesn't understand why would I be angry when it wasn't any of my business. The Joker tried to shake the feelings away and turned his attention back to Harley. She was going all the way down the golden pole in the middle of the cage, then slowly back up. Her hips turned toward Joker in a way that usually would makes him erecting hard in his pants, but this time, all he could think of was that poor girl who was being sexual abused by that man. Hell the Joker tried so hard not to think about her and just focus on his harlequin doll who was pulling a show for him. But he just can't. All he could think of was how scared that girl looked and how rage took over him as that scumbag was touching her. Harley glanced up at the Joker in the most seductive way possible only to find that the place where he was sitting was now empty.
Y/n's POV
Y/n was shaking, crying. She keeps begging for the man to let her go, though her voice was like a whimper mixed with gagging as the man was still chocking her. He seemed to ignore her begging and crying as he just keeps going further. His hand was now touched her panties and he started to pull them aside. *Bang* Before he could go any further, his body fell to the ground. Y/n just stood there in shock. She doesn't know what just happened. All she knows was people were screaming, and that the guy who touched her was laid on the ground. Y/n looked down at herself and shocked even more as she saw that her dress was covered in red liquid. It took her a few seconds to realize it was blood, but it wasn't hers. She looked at the man on the ground and saw that on his temple was bullet hole as the pool of blood started to get bigger and bigger. Y/n was still in shock. "Are you hurt?" She heard a voice said, but in her panic state, her brain couldn't form a word to answer. "Hey hey are you hurt?" She heard the same voice said, but this time closer. It was only when the owner of the voice standing right in front of her and slightly shook her shoulder. "Doll..." Y/n looked at him this time to see that in front of her was a man with green slicked back hair, very pale skin, red ruby lips, few scars on his face, he got several tattoos: "J" under his left eyes: on his cheekbones, "Damaged" on his forehead, and several more that visible through his white botton up shirt. Y/n looked down at his hand to see that he was holding a gun. She knew very well who he was: the most feared man, most dangerous, the psycho murderer, Clown Prince of Crime, the King of Gotham, the Joker. So the Joker just saved me?!
Joker's POV
"Kitten, did someone steal your tongue hmm? I ask you a question" Joker spoke and this time, it brought her back to reality "Oh I umm I'm fine. T-thank you, Mr. Joker" "Call me Mr. J. Didn't catch your name, kitten" Somethings about this girl make the Joker wanted to know more about her. "Y/n" She said with a slight smile. And for the moment her eyes locked with his. As they looked into each other's eyes, the Joker doesn't know why, but he found himself unable to look away. And so was y/n who was now mesmerized by those ocean blue eyes of the Clown Prince. "Puddin" The sound of a woman broke them both out of trance. They turned around to see Harley walked over "Who dis? And why is she touching my puddin?" Harley stated as the Joker's hand was still on y/n's shoulder which in fact, he was the one touching her. For the moment, the clown really annoyed at Harley for interrupting his time with y/n. He sometimes get annoyed at Harls, but what he doesn't understand was why does he so wanting to know more about y/n, to just talk to her, to just hear her voice, to be just the two of them. What is it about her that made him couldn't take his eyes off of hers. He never felt like that with Harls before. Hell he never felt like that with anyone or anything before... weird. "Harls, this is y/n. Y/n, Harley Quinn" Joker introduced. But the way he said Harley's name wasn't like the way he used to say, this time it was lack of passion. "Nice to meet you" Y/n said with a slight smile and reached her hand for Harley to shook it. But Harley ignored her and just looked at her like she was about to slit her throat out. Y/n awkwardly put her hand back. The Joker knows Harley was pissed that he talked and touched another girl, even by just her shoulders. Which only made him pissed at her as well. She doesn't have the right to be pissed or to be mean at y/n. I can do whatever I want. Talk to whoever I want. She doesn't own me. He wanted to yell at Harls for her misbehavior, but decided to let it go since he was kinda tired. "So doll, where do you live? I'll take you home. It's late now. Didn't wanna risk you running to one of those scumbags again. Gotham at night is no place for a little girl" J said. Harley's mouth looked like she was about to say "what" but she kept it quiet. Knowing too well not to disturb the Joker. "I umm just leave my house. Family drama. Just take me to some motel, please" Y/n said. She doesn't understand why would someone like the Joker was being so nice to her. Once the Joker hear this, he smirked and said "Ugh doll. A little girl like you, being alone all by herself in Gotham, a place of very bad guys hmm? Tsk tsk tsk I don't think so. You're staying with me" "What?!!" Y/n and Harley spoke at the same time.
Y/n's POV
The ride to the Joker's penthouse was beyond awkward for y/n. J shoved her in the passenger seat while he drives. He told Harley to sit in the backseat which only pissed her even more. Y/n could feel the deadly stare Harley gave her from the backseat and it sent shiver down her spine. Y/n feels like this whole things was just a dream. Why would the Joker do this? He's a murderer. He doesn't save people, but why did he save me? Let alone letting me stay with him. She wanted to ask him, but then decided not to. Knowing the Joker was very unpredictable. One wrong word and it could be the last thing you do. Though y/n couldn't get rid of the feelings she felt when looked into those blue eyes of the Clown Prince.
When they arrived at the penthouse, y/n couldn't help but stare in awe at how beautiful it is. Joker led y/n to the guest room "This is where you sleep. I'll get the goons to get you clothes" J said with harsh voice before walked away. Harley hooked her arm with J's thought y/n could've sworn she saw Harls glanced her way while walking away with the face that said "he's mine"
Y/n doesn't know what it is, but for some reason, seeing Harley with the Joker makes something in her chest aches. Wait, am I jealous? No, stop it y/n. He's a criminal. You can't feel this way toward him. Plus you have nothing compares to Harley. They're both psychopaths. They're made for each other... But why is it hurts so much?
*3 days later*
Y/n thought about escape but then realized she wasn't got kidnapped or anything. The Joker saved her and let her stay with him in the most luxurious place in Gotham. Plus she had nowhere to go anyway. Y/n tried to think of why would he do all this? As far as she knows, the Joker definitely wasn't someone who would just save a little girl's life and offered her a nice place to stay. He must wants something from her. But what? Sent an innocent girl to do some dirty jobs for him so that no one would suspect? But so far, he haven't said anything about any of that. Every day, Joker would let her join him and Harley for breakfast and dinner. Y/n would sit opposite Joker while Harley would sit next to him. Every time she looked up from her plate, she'd found Harley already staring at her with deadly stare that y/n sure if look could kill, she'd be dead by now. So she just sit there in awkward and keep her glance down at her plate.
Y/n couldn't sleep so she decided to go to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Once she was done with her snack, she goes back to her room, the guest room. On her way to the room, the Joker walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Y/n wasn't even realized but she was just stared at him. Oh my god that perfect body. Joker noticed this and smirk "Like what you see?" Y/n was brought back to really. She quickly avert her eyes. Her cheeks turn red, and she could hear her own heart beat. Y/n didn't say anything but just rushed back to her room.
"Y/n" Joker called "Come here"
"Yes, Mr. J?" Y/n slowly walked over to him. A bit nervous
"Turn around" Joker commanded and y/n obeyed. He could tell she was nervous. Y/n could feel something on her neck, and much to her surprise: it was a beautiful diamond heart pendant as the Joker slowly placed it on her from her back. Y/n was caught off guard by this. She definitely wasn't expecting that. "But- but Mr. J I can't" "I got this for you y/n. No but. Got it?" Joker cut her off. His voice was a bit harsh and command. Y/n wouldn't dare disobey since she was afraid to piss him off so she take it. This actually made her blush though. Why would he give me this? Wow can't deny it's really beautiful. Who knew the Joker could be so romantic. Little did they know that Harley was watching them with rage and jealous.
The Joker realized by now that there's no way he could deny his own feelings he have for y/n. When he first saw her, he knew she was the one. Y/n makes him feel something he never felt before. Something he tried desperately to get rid of but fail miserably. That something is love. With Harley, it never been love. It's just lust and power he likes to have over her. And he always knows Harley didn't actually "love" him. It's just that she was obsessed with him. For y/n, it's something far beyond than that. He couldn't help but hope y/n would feel the same. Though he was actually afraid for the first time in his life. Afraid that y/n doesn't feel the same. That she sees him as a monster, just like everyone else sees him. He doesn't know what to do.  Joker was lost in thought, a loud scream brought him back to reality. Suddenly realized it was y/n's. J waste no time rushing to where the scream came from
Y/n's POV
Y/n cried out in pain as Harley just stabbed her on her thigh with a knife. Y/n was tied up to a chair in the basement so there's no way she could defend herself. "W-why are you doing this?" Y/n asked as she tried to hold back tears. The knife was still in her thigh. "Oh honey, I think you already the answer" Harley fake pout as she grabs the handle of the knife and push it down further more in her thigh, causing y/n to scream even more. "Puddin is mine and no one will take him away from me. You're actually pretty cute. Too bad ya mess with the wrong girl" Harley said as she now took out her gun and pointed it at y/n's head. "No please" y/n pleaded. "Bye bye"
Am I dead? Is this what dead feels like? Why am I still feel this unbearable pain on my tight? Y/n slowly opened her eyes, the scene in front of her made her gulps: Harley was now laid on the floor with bullet hole right between her eyes. Y/n was in complete shock. What happened?
"Y/n are you hurt?" Y/n head a voice and recognized it was Joker's. She looked up to see the Clown Prince rushing for her, gun still in his hand. "I-I..." Y/n stutter. Still in shock at the whole things. Once J reached her, he saw the knife embedded in her thigh and growled. "Okay kitten this is gonna hurt, but you'll be fine" With that, he grabbed the handle and pulled it out within one swift move, causing her to scream. The Joker then untied her. He carefully lifted her up in his arms and made his way to the bathroom to patch up the wound. Y/n didn't say anything.
Joker carefully paced y/n on the edge of the bathtub. Got on his knees to start cleaning and patching up the wound. Y/n still didn't say anything. So J decided to break the silence "No one touches my queen and live" "Your... your queen? But Mr. J I'm not Harley. I could never- " "Shhh doll" Her sentence was cut off. "Isn't it obvious? I choose you over Harley. She was never my queen. You could never be her, y/n but that's what I like about you. Before Harley became who she was today, she was completely different person. I changed her to be what I want. But as for you, I don't want you to change. I lov- I like you for who you are. Y/n, you make me feel things I never felt before. Things Harley never makes me felt before. What'd you say hmm? Be my queen?" "Mr. J I..." "Shh baby. Just one word. Yes or know?" There's no denying now. Y/n fell in love with the Joker the moment she looked into his eyes that day he saved her at the club. And he feels the same. "Yes, my king" Y/n said. Tears of joy now falling down her cheeks as the Joker pulled her in for a kiss. Both of them never felt so happy.

Joker had to trick Harley into falling in love with him. But for y/n, Joker doesn't have to pull any trick on her. She loves him for who he is. And so the Joker loves her for who she is. They became the king and queen of Gotham city, and God help anyone who disrespected the queen.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora