#179 waking up slow

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This is the last 7 chapters of this book before I'm completely moving on to book two (which will still be Joker x Reader one shots)

***I used the word 'completely' because I HAVE ALREADY POSTED MY FIRST CHAPTER OF THE SECOND BOOK!! Go check it out. Don't forget to leave vote / feedback. It always motivates me to write faster xoxo

Also, this chapter was inspired by an episode of Code Black



The place was a bloodbath. Joker walked further into the factory, using his foot to move some of those bloody corpses laying on the ground that got in his way away. He pushed those plastic curtains to the side, they were all stained in blood as well. There was blood everywhere. Not one survivor left, not that mister J could see. He tried to think of what could have happened before he arrived, he couldn't think of any logic answer.

Their eyes were opened. All of them. Staring blankly at the ceiling. There was no stab wound, no gunshot wound on their bodies. The corpses had veins visible very clearly. Their skin that turned almost as pale as his was covered in dark bruises. Blood dipped out of their mouths, noses, and eyes. J had to admit, he was caught off guards by the disturbing surroundings. He sure seen a lot of gore, been in many terrifying scenes, yet it was never like this. The clown was clueless about what killed these people, but he eventually stopped thinking about it. How they died was none of his business anyway. In fact, it actually saved his time. He didn't have to kill them himself. So mister J shrugged it off as he walked deeper into the place to get what he came for, the drugs contained biological weapon that these men stole from the government and he was about to steal it from them in the second circle. After a couple more steps, Joker found a bag placed on a table and a grin crept up on his face. He knew immediately it was the bag, inside held one of the most deadly armaments. Sweet! Mister J reached out his hand. Though before he could touch the bag, out of the blue, someone jumped through the plastic curtains and at him. Joker didn't see it coming. It was so unexpectedly that he had no time to prepare himself when the attacker bit down hard on his arm "What the fuck?!" Without thinking, J quickly pulled out his gun and blew the man's brain off. Blood splattered out of his head it landed on the clown's face, on the curtains. The red spots were everywhere as the man fell down to the ground with loud thud. Joker was panting hard. He was speechless. His brain still couldn't process what just happened. There was a very few things that could scare the Joker - very close to none that he couldn't remember when was the last time he got scared. Still, there was no denial, what took place second earlier got him at least a little. The thing was, he'd been held at gunpoint, even shot, stabbed a few times in his life, but no one ever bit him before. J looked down at the corpse next to his feet, besides the bullet hole between his eyes, his condition was no different than those bodies he saw earlier, pale skin with a lot of veins and bruises, bleeding through his mouth and nose. Jesus, what happened to them? After J caught his breath, his eyes left the dead man and landed on his own arm. There was a bite mark there. It wasn't so nasty, yet it wasn't just a scratch either. His blood seeping from the wound, colored his white sleeve in red. Fuck. Joker growled at himself. He should've been more careful, but such wound wasn't going to kill him... right? It was just a bite on the arm, not a knife through the heart. Thus he shrugged again before grabbing the bag and starting to make his way toward the exit. This place gave him goosebumps and bad vibes. He wouldn't want to linger here for longer than necessary.


Y/n's sleep was abruptly cut short by the sounds of door slammed open and heavy footsteps stomped inside the room. She lifted her head up from the pillow and could already tell by the look on mister J's face that the mission didn't go all smoothly "Baby..." "The son of a bitch fucking bit me" Joker cursed under his breath as he made his way toward the bathroom, totally ignoring her. Though y/n could make out what he said anyway. She saw his white sleeve had red mark on it before he disappeared into the bathroom connected to their bedroom.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now