#1 please don't leave

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*Joker's smile and grin club*

The Joker blamed y/n for how the deal went terribly wrong. That man J was supposed to make a deal with just couldn't stop himself from staring at J's girl which resulted in J shot him in the head. And somehow J blamed it on y/n for him having to shot the guy who would make him plenty of cash.

*slap* the impact made y/n fell to the ground. She hold her hand on her cheek where the Joker just back handed her with teary eyes and looked up at him. "But J please I didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't my fault that guy keeps staring at me" "You you the pain in the ass. You little slut. Do you think I'm that stupid huh? Do you think I don't know how you flirt with that rat? Do you have any idea how much money he could make me? I worked for that deal for a whole month and YOU fucked it up within 10 minutes you useless bitch!" the Joker yelled at her before roughly lifted her up from the ground and pulled her against the wall with such force she sure it would leave a mark where he held her. His eyes burn hole through her. "J I didn't flirt with him please you know for me, it's only you" at this point, she was so scared of him. Through this wasn't the first time the joker hits his girl and makes her scared to death. Y/n was everything ooposite to the Joker. He was a merciless murderer, a psychopath, a violent man. Y/n was just an innocent little girl, she never commited any crime nor hurted anyone. People always questioned how could someone like her be with someone like him. Everyone was saying she deserves so much better. Most people think the Joker forced her to be with him against her will, poor little girl. No one knows the only reason she was still with him even after hell he put her through was because she loves him unconditionlly and a little part of her was hoping for just a little bit of his heart. She keeps telling herself that deep down, there's a little part of him that loves her. "I love you" y/n said barely a whisper, looking down to the ground, afraid to make eyes contact with the man she loves with all her heart while tears fell down her cheek. Joker suddenly laughed his evil laugh "Oh y/n y/n y/n I am not someone who is loved. I am not someone who can love. Huh do you seriously think I love you? Honey, I never loved anyone. I never loved you" Joker smirked, looking at her. His words broke her heart. It hurts her more that any hit he gave her. Of cause the Joker never said he loves her but he never said he doesn't love her either. Hearing him say this destroyed all the little hope she had in her heart and it hurts like hell.

Y/n slowly lifted her head up to look at him and that's when she saw it, behind the door, a gun pointed directly at the Joker, ready to fire. The joker didn't even know his life could end at any second since he was facing y/n, turning his back on the hitman. Just before y/n could say anything, the bullet went off, leaving y/n no choice to do anything but to push Joker to the side, step in and take a bullet for him.

(Joker's POV)

Joker got y/n trapped between himself and the wall. She looked so broken when he said he doesn't love her which made something in his chest hurts. The joker's eyes got soften a bit after letting rage took over. That's when he noticed her expression changed. Y/n looked like she had just seen a ghost. Before Joker could say anything, y/n pushed him to the side out of the blue, J wasn't expecting it so he fell to the ground then *bang!*everything felt like slow mothion. Joker saw the only person he loves, but never has courage to admit it, fell to the ground. His instrinct got him to pull his gun out of the holster and pointed at where the bullet went from. J shot the guy right between his eyes. He recognized him. He was with the guy J killed earlier for staring at y/n. Joker supposed he was his brother or something he doesn't really cared at this point. Joker quicky rushed to where y/n was lying and carefully pulled her to his lap, slightly shaking herbut her body goes limb. Blood soaked through her shirt from her chest and to the Joker's expenive purple suit but he couldn't care less. "Y/n baby, open your eyes. Can you hear me?" No respond. The sound of gun shots from earlier made Joker's henchmen rushed to the room. "Get the doctors. NOW!!" Joker barked at them and they immediatly leave the room to get what their boss ordered. The Joker made a mental note to teach his henchmen a "lesson" for being so careless this happened, but right now, all that matters was y/n's life. Joker looked at y/n, she looked completely lifeless, lying on his lap. His brain flesh back to moment earlier when he slaped her, the only person who ever cared for him, to when he said those words. He was the Joker, he never scared of anything, but right now, he was beyond scared of losing her. And that's when it hits him hard, the last thing he said to her: "I never loved you" and that look on her face,  he never saw her looked so lost and broken. Tears fell down his cheek, he couldn't even remember the last time he cried, for all, he was the Joker, this was probably the first time he ever cried. He said cry was sign of weakness, but right now, he doesn't care if anyone could see him like this. Joker held y/n tight to his chest, he keeps rocking her back, calling her name, hoping to at least get some respond from her but nothing happened. "Y/n, baby, I'm so sorry for everything. I was a jerk. Pleaase, don't leave me" This was all new to him, he was never afraid, never cry, never apologize, never beg. How could one innocent little girl made him like this.

"you stupid, stupid clown" Joker thoughts to himself "How could I be so stupid? How could I never realized how lucky I was? How could I be such a dick? How. How could I do such terrible things to the only person who was always there for me when no one else was? The only person who ever said they loved me. God, I don't deserve her at all. How could something so innocent and beautiful love a monster like me? Andd what... what would I do without her. She's all I have. What if she never wake up again. What if the last thing I said to her was that I don't love her. What if she never know it wasn't true. What if-" "Boss" His thoughts got interupted by Frost, the Joker's right hand man "I called the doctors, they will be at your penthouse within 30 minutes. We should get moving. The car is ready" Joker nodded. and turned to y/n "Hang in there, baby, help is on the way" Joker whispered to her before he carefully carried her bridal style to the car. They got in the back seat, Frost driving, Joker held y/n's hand the whole ride. Her hand felt so cold from losing so much blood and her face turned even paler than his. How is she gonna survive this? When they arrived to the penthouse, the doctors were already there. Joker carried y/n out of the car to his master bedroom where the doctors would do their job. Meanwhile doctors were doing there job, Joker was waiting outside the room since he wasn't allowed to be in it. He keeps pacing back and forth. Every minute seemed like an hour. Finally one of the came out of the room, he wasn't even dare to make eyes contact with the Joker. "How is she?" J impatiant asked "We are very sorry, sir. We did everything we could but she lost too much blood and-" That's all it takes for the Joker to broke down. His mind went blank. He couldn't focus on anything the doctor was saying anymore. "She's in there. I figured you might want to have one last goodbye so we will leave you personal time alone with her" the doctor's voice was a bit shaky, probably afraid the Joker might snap and shot him in the head which he really wanted to but there's no point in doing it now not that it would bring y/n back so he just stood their while all rest of doctors leave the room to give the Joker his last time with his girl. While everyone left, Joker entered the room, he found it hard to even stand. The first thing he saw when entered the room was his little angel lying in his bed with some kind of a breathing mask and the heart monitor... With flat line. He slowly goes to take a seat at the chair beside the bed and reached his hand out to held hers. Y/n looked so peaceful. It was like she was just sleeping. "Y/n..." The Joker's voice was shaking, he couldn't hold back the tears, he couldn't believe this. He couldn't believe that this would be the last time he'd see y/n's beautiful face, that he would never hear her laugh or see her smile again and the last thing he said to her... Hell if he only knew this would happen, he wouldn't have said those things or done such terrible things. The joker always knew all y/n ever wanted to hear was the "I love you" from him but he never said it. Now the fact that she would never be able to hear it broke his heart. How could he be such a jerk.
"I love you" The Joker finally said the words y/n wanted to hear so much. The words he never knew he was actually able to say "I love you y/n. God I love you. I love you so much please can you hear me? I love you please don't leave me" He held her hand to his lips and place a soft kiss on it. His tears fell down his cheek.
"I love you too" The Joker couldn't believe what he just heard though it was barely a whisper. He lifted his head up and looked at y/n to see her eyes slowly opened, and there's a little peep sound from the heart monitor the line that was flat now started to go up and down a bit. "Y/n oh my god. You. You're awake oh my god." J said, mostly to himself since he still couldn't really believe what just happened. "She's awake!!" This time he yelled for the doctors outside and they're all come in the room. Most of them didn't believe what they just saw either. Y/n was dead minutes ago, they had tried everything to keep her alive but she didn't respond to whatever they were giving to her. But now she's awake. "This is absolutely a miracle" one of the doctors said. The Joker stepped aside to let the doctors continue with their work.
Once they were done and J was alone with y/n, he said to her "I thought I lost you, baby don't scare me like that again okay" y/n weakly smile "I'm sorry" "Don't be. I'm glad I got you back. I'm so sorry y/n for everything. I was a jerk and I'd never forgive myself for what I did to you. I promise I'll be better okay. No more hitting. No more crying. I love you"
"I love you too, J"
Both Joker and y/n fell asleep cuddled to each other. He keeps his promise to never hurt his girl again.
For most people, the Joker might be a mess murderer, but for y/n, he is now a total sweetheart.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang