#54 property of Joker

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Y/n sighed. A month passed by. A whole month of being captured by the psychotic clown and his "harlequin" doll. A month of not seeing any sunlight, just her and the darkness in the Joker's basement. A month of being tortured almost 24/7. Y/n used to wonder if she will ever get out of here, now it was pretty obvious she was going to die here. The only thing she dared to hope was that it wouldn't take long before death could finally took her, and all of this pain would finally be over. The pain Joker and Harley put her through.
How did she got herself into this situation? What did she do wrong? Oh, her only crime was that her father had got himself involved with the Joker's business, and he couldn't afford to pay back the clown's money which resulted in y/n, his only daughter, being in this hellhole. She doesn't know what was going on with the world outside. Of cause, how was she supposed to know when she was locked in the dark basement all the time.

Harley was always cruel to her. She showed no mercy as she cut the knife deep down her skin. The Joker was another story. Not that he was kind, no, what he did to her was so much worse than what Harley did. What makes the differences was that J wasn't all the time cruel. He kept switching from being violent to gentlemen towards her. Y/n could never guess if today was going to be the day he say sweet nothing to her or if it was the day he broke another of her bones. And to be honest, she would rather him to be all time cruel, this way, she doesn't have to play with this sick game of his. The Joker knew what he was doing to her. He loved to toy with his victims, and hell, it sure worked. Fear of the unknown was the worst. However, there were time when Harley wasn't around, and he wasn't in his "evil persona" he would tended her open wounds, put bandages over them. He even kissed it better once. Y/n knew it was his game, but there were still time when she could see something in his eyes. Something she couldn't quite sure what it was. It always gone as soon as it appeared. Fuck it, y/n. He's a psychopath who had no feelings. Don't let him manipulated you. She'd shook her head. He could harm her body, but she wasn't going to let him manipulated her mind.

Y/n heard footsteps coming closer, and she was pretty sure it was either Joker or Harley. Then she heard a loud bang on her door, followed by another, and another. The noise was too loud to be a knock. It was as if someone kept hitting themselves with the door. It was kind of creepy. She could swear she heard some kind of growl. Animalistic growl. What sick game was he playing this time. Y/n was chained to the wall. The only thing she could do was to press her back against the wall. Suddenly she heard a gunshot, and a loud thud, then everything went silent. The door suddenly flew open, making y/n flinched. Joker walked in. He quickened his pace to her, his face was dead serious, and somehow this scared her even more. Y/n pressed her back against the wall. The clown reached her within seconds. Y/n shut her eyes, knowing he wasn't in his "kind persona" She expected him to hit her, but much to her surprise, the Joker was untied her. Y/n looked at him, not believing her eyes. What is he doing? She was sure this was one of his mind game, but it still doesn't make any sense. He looked like he was in hurry. Why is he acting like this?

"Puddin" Y/n heard the too familiar coming towards the room. Harley walked in seconds later "What are you doing? We don't have time. Just leave her here" Harley said. Don't have time for what? From the look on their faces, y/n could tell both Joker and Harley were in hurry. They looked uneasy, which was very unlike them. It made y/n curious as what could make the king and queen of Gotham being like this. She wanted to ask, but decided it'd be best for her to keep her mouth shut. The Joker shot Harley a glare, enough for her to know she went too far. No one dared question the Joker. He worked on untying y/n, and for a few seconds, she was free. Unchained for the first time in a month.

Mister J grabbed her by her wrist, and dragged her out of the room. Y/n's eyes landed on the man lying in the pool of his own blood on the floor at the door. He had a bullet hole in his head, thought what got her wondered was why the dude got veins very visibly on all over his body. His skin was pale, even paler than Joker and Harley. Could it be that from the bleeding? He got shot just minutes ago, he shouldn't be this pale. It looked like he was already dead long before. That's impossible. Y/n told herself. Joker didn't give her time to think as he continued dragging her up stairs, followed by Harley. Still none of them say anything to her, and still y/n wouldn't dare to ask. Though she could tell something was very wrong.

Joker made his way to the front door, and y/n's heart was pounding in her chest. This will be the first time in month she will finally see the sun. J's hand gripped tight on y/n's wrist while the other held his pistol firmly. He stopped for a second at the door before opening it. His actions confused y/n. It was as if him, the Joker had to prepare himself for whatever was waiting outside. Which was very unlike him. He was the Joker for christ's sake, what would make him so... nervous?

As Joker opened the door, revealing the outside world to y/n, she felt her heart stopped. Not believing what she was seeing.
Gotham city had now turned to living hell. There were fire coming from the buildings, cars crashed on street, blood everywhere, people were screaming. Y/n saw they were running from... something. Something that were human, but at the same time, not human. They looked dead. Their appearance were the same as the dude who lied in the pool of his blood at the basement door. Y/n saw one caught the unlucky lady, and y/n screamed as that thing bit down on her neck, like a lion to a deer, blood splattered.
No no no no. This can't be real. What the hell is going on?!! She thought.
Have the world turned into zombie apocalypse?!!

Find out what happens next in my other book: SURRENDER (Joker x Reader x Negan)

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora