#116 no one else's arms can keep me safe

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Warnings: blood, violence

Requested by Citrusdrop

Y/n stood completely still behind mister J... literally completely still since, apparently, she felt like her body was frozen from fear. In front of her wasn't the sweet mister J that would shower her with kisses, wrap his arms around her and whisper sweet nothing in her ear. No, right at the moment, y/n was looking at the Joker everyone was afraid of. She was witnessing the bloodthirst monster slowly dragging the knife in his hand through the poor man's throat, slitting it open as dark crimson liquid splattered all over the clown's face. J cracked his maniac laughing after he was done. It sent shivers down y/n's spine. Joker stood up from the now dead man's lap, and walked up to y/n. Though she couldn't help but take a step back and yelp when her back hit the wall. She was frightened by the sight in front of her. The man's blood was all over J! "What's wrong, baby?" Mister J asked innocently after noticed the look on her face. Y/n wanted to tell him what was wrong, that she was scared to death by the show he pulled earlier. But as she was about to open her mouth, something stopped her. Would she really going to let him know that such scenes got to her? She was the Joker's girlfriend for God's sake! She shouldn't be effected by something like this! He'd expect her to be tough, expect her not to be afraid by blood and gore since it's who he was, it was what made him the Clown Prince of Crime. If she were to tell him she was just a weak little girl, would he be disappointed? Would he hate her? Or would he leave? Y/n was convinced by her own mind mister J would abandon her for sure. So she tried to act cool and said "Nothing, baby. I'm just a little tired" "Oh" J nodded. He sensed something was off with his doll, but didn't want to push her. So he just wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and started walking her to their shared bedroom.
The fact y/n flinched a little when he touched her confirmed his suspicions.

Mister J tugged her in before disappeared into the bathroom. Now that y/n was all by herself, she could hear the voices in her head spoke clearly: what if one day he killed her? Her heart fought back the thought: no, no, he wouldn't. He loved her. But then again, her brain hit back: how could she be so sure he wouldn't hurt her. He was the Joker!

Y/n's stupid little brain told her she had to stay away from the psycho clown. Though her heart said otherwise. Y/n loved J with all her heart, but she was also scared of him, scared of what he did every day. She could never get used to the violence she saw every day. Could never escape the scenes it kelp repeating itself so vividly in her head. Y/n was breaking more and more from the inside. And the worst part was she had to carry it all on her shoulders. She couldn't tell mister J. He'd make her leave, if he found out she wasn't that invincible girl he expected her to be.

Joker didn't have a clue what was wrong with y/n, but he knew there was definitely something wrong. The change of her personality didn't go unnoticed by him. Y/n had been acting so weird. Her face wasn't always filled with smile anymore. She went from the talkative cheerful girl to the girl who always locked herself in the bedroom and rarely talked to anyone. There was nothing Joker wanted more than to find out what happened to y/n. Had someone hurt her? If someone dared to lay a hand on her, he'd surely make them wish they'd never be born. J wanted to get the answer out of y/n, but at the same time, he didn't want to be so hard on her. She was just a fragile little kitten! He'd find out soon. One way or another, he had to find out.

Y/n wanted nothing more than to let it all out, to tell him what was bothering her. She wanted to let him know she was haunted by the sight of gore, the smell of blood and the scream of the innocents. She wanted to cry in his chest, and gave him rock her in his arms. Wanted him to ensure her he would never hurt her because that was all it'd take to erase all her fear of the man she loved. But still, that'd mean he'll know how weak she was. He'd leave her. Y/n couldn't leave without him. So she kept it all to herself.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now