#56 worst fear comes out at nights

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Warnings: violence, blood

"Lay down, baby" Joker said with a husky voice. Y/n, being a good little girl she was, lied down to his king size bed with nothing but her cute lacy bra and panties. The clown's eyes lingered on her fragile body as he stood tall above her. She was just a little lamb, too innocent. Her eyes followed her mister J as he made his way to the vanity. Her pupils dilated once she saw him opened the drawer and took out the chains. Mister J then walked back to y/n. He took his time strapping her wrists and angles to the bed. Y/n didn't protest or say anything. She knew mister J expected her to be a good little doll, and good little doll don't interrupt or question her daddy. Once Joker was done, he stood tall and looked down at her. He was breathing heavily at the sight in front of him. He chest raised up and down like an animal he was. His eyes burned through her fragile body on his bed. She was trapped now. He could do whatever he pleased with her. God, she was so pure, so innocent. Her smooth skin was begging to be marked by him, to be ripped apart by him. Joker licked his lips, he was thirsty for her blood. The clown took out a cloth and blindfolded her. Y/n couldn't see anything now. All she could hear was the sound of his breathing. Then she felt the bedsheets moved, he got on the bed with her. His hot breath on her ear, his lips slightly touched her skin as he whispered in a dark low voice "I'll make you scream" And oh did he mean it. Y/n felt the sense of cold metal pressed against her thigh, then with no warning, she let out a loud scream as that cold metal bit down on her soft skin. Y/n tried to free herself, but it was useless. Without giving her time to catch her breath, that same excruciating pain returned on her other thigh. This time, it was worse as she felt the cold metal slit down her thigh to her knee and to her angle. "P-please stop" Y/n whimpered. The pain was too much. Her lower part was now soaked in crimson blood "Ooh then where's the fun in that?" Mister J only laughed as he pressed the knife back down on her soft skin, this time on her arm. Joker just held it there, watching y/n screaming and squirming to try to get away before he slowly added more pressure, making the tip of the sharp knife bit into her flesh. Her agony scream only encouraged him to pressed the knife deeper as he slowly dragged it down her forearm to her wrist. "Hmm baby, you look so good getting all bloody" Joker purred. He straddled her sore body and made his way to her other arm. Ignoring her sobs, mister J buried the knife deep in her last limp that wasn't injured... until now. Y/n cried out even louder as the clown cut her flesh open. She screamed and screamed, until her scream died down and she just laid there like a weak doll. Joker took off her blindfold. Her eyes were barely opened, her vision was so blurry. Mister J seemed not please with the fact her eyes weren't focused on him "Look at me!" He yelled before slapping her in the face with such force. Her blood on his hand left fingers shape on her cheek. Her eyes opened wider and she could focus a bit more. Y/n saw the love of her life's face towering above her, then she saw a bloody knife in his hand. Joker flashed her his playful, silver grin "How are you feeling, baby?" He asked as he pushed his fingers inside the open wound on her arm, blood splattered even more. No words could ever come close to describe the pain his touch was giving her. Y/n wanted to scream, but she couldn't anymore. She had no energy left anymore. She just wanted to close her eyes and allow herself to sleep as her mind traveled to the time she and mister J kissed, the time he held her in his arms, whispered sweet nothing to her as he ran his fingers through her hair and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. A small smile formed on the corner of her lips as y/n closed her eyes, lost in the sweet memories of her sweet mister J. The same mister J who was playing a game right now doesn't please with the fact his toy wasn't screaming. Why isn't she screaming? This is so boring! Y/n's little hallucination was interrupted by the hand gripped on her face with brutal grip. Y/n reopened her eyes weakly. She felt something pressed against her chest. She looked down and saw the tip of the knife on her skin, at the spot where her heart was, but the pressure wasn't enough to make it bite down into her skin. Her eyes went back to Joker's beautiful face. She could see through her blurred vision that mister J was pouting, dissatisfied with the fact his toy couldn't scream anymore. It was so boring when she couldn't scream, might as well, stopped with this boring game. Y/n felt the knife on her chest slowly made its way into her skin as mister J added more pressure. Y/n knew this was the time, she was ready for her fate. Though there was one thing left, y/n found it hard to gather all the little strength she had left, but she finally managed to do it. Her lips moved slightly "I love... you" She said barely a whisper as the knife continued to made its way deeper and deeper, closer and closer to her beating heart "I know" was the last thing she heard from Joker before the knife cut through her heart, making it stopped beating. The white mattress were now red. Blood dripped down her mouth as the life drained out of her body, thought her eyes stayed open. The last thing she saw was Joker's beautiful face. She died happily.

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