#27 light in the darkness

Start from the beginning

Joker found himself standing alone in the middle of the room he once shared with Harley. He couldn't actually tell what he was feeling. He should be sad, but he wasn't. He was angry the moment he saw her with Deadshot, but it wasn't because she replaced him, it was more like he was angry because he felt like she disrespected him. That his pride and honor had been crashed down by that hitman. Being disrespected was the thing he hated most. He wanted to shoot Deadshot, the only reason he let him go wasn't because of Harley or he was afraid he couldn't pull up a fight with him. It was because he actually want someone to take her from him. He doesn't know why he was feeling like this. Usually, he never wanted anyone to touch what was his, but after he met y/n, he doesn't feel the desire to own Harley anymore. Right now he felt empty, mostly because all the confusion he felt right now. Why wasn't he mad? Why wasn't he jealous? Why would he just let Harley walked out with her affair without doing anything? Was it because of y/n had already taken Harley's place just like Deadshot took his? Speaking of y/n, she was probably going to left too. Of cause she would. Why would she still stay with him, when her sister ran away with that Deadshot dude. And he suddenly felt sad for the first time that night at the thoughts of y/n leaving. Thinking of probably never get to see y/n again was like a knife stabbed at his heart, and the clown felt like he doesn't have the energy to stand anymore so he let himself sank to the ground. Sitting alone in the darkness.

Y/n just got back from night out with friends. Once she got to the penthouse, she saw Harley leaving with that guy with her who y/n assumed was one of squad who went on that task force with Harls since she thought she saw on sometimes on TV. Y/n could tell something is definitely wrong. What is it that both Harls and the dude wear such less amount of clothes? "Harls, what's going on?" Y/n questioned. "Pack your things, y/n. We're leaving" "What? What are you talking about?" "You're gonna live with me, but not here anymore. I'm sorry, but this isn't the time for introducing. Just pack your thing, I'll explain in the car" Y/n looked at her sister, then at Floyd. By now, she could piece the picture at what was happening. "Harls, Joker is gonna kill you for this!" "No, he won't" Harley shortly replied. And for some reason, y/n suddenly worried about the clown, knowing her sister's affair was a highly skilled assassin. "What? Harley, what did you do to him?" The anger in her voice surprised Harley she stopped in her tracks. Even y/n herself was surprised at why would she care so much for the clown. Harley went silent for a moment then she realized why her sister was so angry at the thought of Joker getting hurt, y/n swore she could see that small smirk on her sister's lips "He's fine. He's in the bedroom. Now, sister, I was wondering, would you still like to come with me?" Y/n was caught off guard at Harley's question. "I saw the way you looked at him, sis. And I saw the way he looked at you too" Now her smirk was getting wider. "Harls, we're not-" Y/n tried to explain, but Harley cut her off with a hug "No no no it's okay, really" as Harley pulled away, she gave y/n the address she'll be living with Deadshot "In case you wanted to live with me again" She winked, but then her playful expression turned back to the sad one she had moment earlier. "I'll miss you" Harley said as she hugged y/n again, tighter than last time. Even though she wasn't Harleen anymore, she still knows y/n way too well at what she was thinking. Y/n hugged her back "I'll miss you too"

Y/n watched as Harley and Deadshot left. Sooo now what? Why didn't I go with her? What was I thinking? That J will gladly let me live with him now that Harley's gone. And the thoughts of not having Harley to protect her from the clown suddenly ran through her head. Great! now he's going to kill me, and there'll be no one to stop him from doing it. Nice decision you made, y/n. Letting your little fantasy took control over you. Y/n wouldn't dare to go upstairs to face the clown. Especially not knowing what mood he was in after what happened so she just stayed in the living room. Part of her wished she could stay here in the living room while J stayed in the bedroom forever so she doesn't have to face him. That's when the sound of scattering glass from upstairs made her jump. God, what was he doing up there? Was he okay? Y/n hated herself for caring so much for him. She tried to ignore the urge to go check on him to see if he was okay, but she couldn't. Y/n sighed as she slowly made her way to the bedroom. You're gonna get yourself killed, y/n. She slowly peeked through the door, though it was dark, she could saw the clown sat in the middle of broken glass. Y/n gulped, knowing the stupidest person on earth wouldn't walk to the Joker when he was like this, however, she pushed the door open and walked in. "M- Mr. J?" Her voice was small and shaking. The Joker now acknowledged her presence. He looked at her, eyes bloodshot. Y/n hesitantly approached the clown and sat in front of him. "Your sister doesn't live here anymore, ya looney tune, you can still catch up on her. She wouldn't be too far now" He smiled at y/n, but it wasn't his signature smile everyone afraid off. It was a forced smile that y/n could see the pain he tried to hide. "I know, I, umm, I was wondering if you don't mind me staying..." Y/n stuttered. But before she could say anything more, the Joker pulled her in, and planted a film kiss on her lips. Y/n eyes widen in shock, but eventually her eyes closed as she found herself kissing back. They pulled away after awhile. Y/n saw the pain in Joker's face was no longer there. She had no idea how relieved J was hearing she wanted to stay with him. "Now, pumpkin, I'm never letting you go" He said while holding her face in his hands, pulling her in for another kiss as he whispered in the kiss "You're mine"

Harley was happy with Deadshot while y/n was happy with the Joker. Funny how at first, J didn't even want her in his penthouse, now he'd never want her out of his life.

My Favorite Psychopath // Joker x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now