She Goes...

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She walks down the road,

Creeps with a board,

Visits each house,

Crawls to the next like a mouse,

And no one knows why she wanders.

She roams in the dark corners,

And she meanders

Round the corner, fleeing,

So the dark shifting,

When she drifts slowly to the lake.

She strolls around the lake water,

Moving faster at every corner,

And advances to her house,

Where she tiptoes like a mouse,

Ready to travel.

As she proceeds further,

She tramples on every feather,

As the birds ascend to the sky,

To journey toward where they lie,

As people tap below them.

She ambles towards the road,

And progresses on to the road,

And a truck rambles!

She doesn’t saunter out of the way

        To where her house is, between the shambles,

So an ambulance marches towards her.

                                                                                                  By HasiVA

                                                                                                  11 May 2009

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