"This is amazing!" says Felix. "Now we stay in touch better when we're on the road!"

"Yeah!" Jisung said excitedly.

"Jeez, you 2 are liable to bring back the dead being so loud." Chan said.

"How long have you been listening?" Hyunjin asked.

"Since Felix pressed the button." said Changbin.

"Yeah." said Wooyoung. "Changbin told us to keep quiet just to see how the 'twins' would react."

"Hey!" said Jisung. "We can't help it if we like all this neat stuff."

"That's right." Felix agreed.

"Anyways," said Changbin. "You guys go ahead. There's something I gotta take of first."

"Ok." said Minho. "See you at the mansion."

The thing that Changbin had to take care of was going to his old apartment and breaking his lease. He thanked Mrs. Kang for allowing him to house Jeongin, despite it being a 1 person room. Also for letting Hyunjin and Jisung stay as well. He then gave her a generous tip as a token of appreciation. Mrs. Kang, trying not to cry, said she'll miss Changbin, and that he was her favorite tenent.

He then went and took out everything that was his and put it in a moving van they rented.

They then all headed towards Bang Mansion. All the servants were overjoyed to see that Chan and Seungmin were unharmed, especially after hearing that their mother was killed along with Mrs. Lee. They decided to tell them that their father, along with Mr. Lee were also killed.

They didn't need to say more, as the servants all knew about Mr. Bang's drug dealings. They never told the brothers anything because they all had been threatened with death. Things went down the same as well over at Lee Mansion too.

Then the Lee and Bang brothers decided to introduce their boyfriends to their servants. They were all happy for the brothers. Happy that they didn't end up like their fathers, but even happier that they all found love.

All the boys had agreed it's best to live together, so they agreed to stay at Lee Mansion. Chan didn't need much convincing, as he didn't want to live in the same place that his mother was killed.

Although Chan and Seungmin wouldn't be living at Bang Mansion anymore, they were still going to pay the servants to maintain it. They hoped if they found Wooyoung and San's friends, they could live there instead. It was large, and had more than enough space.

When the boys all settled in, Hyunjin, obviously was staying in Felix's room and Jisung in Minho's room. Seungmin and Jeongin, Chan and Changbin, and Wooyoung and San got different rooms in the mansion. Joel had sent all their things to their respective rooms, and all 10 boys settled in nicely. They were finally home.

It was already getting late, when Felix noticed something peculiar.

"Guys." said Felix. "Are everyone's clocks ok?"

"Why do ask?" said Chan.

"Just take a look." said Felix. Everyone pulled out their phones, and to their shock, saw that only a few days had passed.

"How is that possible?" Seungmin asked. "I'm sure were at Joel's for at least several weeks."

"Wait," said Minho. "Don't you remember what Joel said? Time works different in his world. It might've been several weeks, but in this world it only a couple of days."

"You know what that means then?" Seungmin asked. "Tomorrow is my birthday."

"That's right." said Felix. "So, what are gonna tomorrow?"

"Actually," Seungmin said. "I was thinking about spending time with Innie."

"Aren't you gonna have a birthday lunch, or dinner?" Jisung asked.

"I do." Seungmin said. "But I just wanna spend some quality time with Jeongin. I hope you understand."

"Oh, ok." said Jisung, a little disappointed.

"Hey don't be sad squirrel." Minho said. "That doesn't mean we can't go and do stuff together."

"I know." said Jisung. "I just wanted us all to spend time together, that's all."

"Ji, a lot can happen." said Hyunjin. "Let them have some alone time. I'm sure we'll all meet up at some point and do something all together."

"Why don't we all just start off with our boyfriends, then slowly meet up with with each other." Changbin suggests. "Leaving the birthday boy for last. How does that sound?"

"I like that!" Jisung said, excitedly. "Let's do it!"

"You know we have to wait til tomorrow, right?" Chan said.

"Oh, right." Jisung said with a chuckle.

"Let's get ready for bed then." said Minho. "Tomorrow is gonna be quite a day."

The boys all nodded, as they all retired to their bedrooms. None of them had any idea of what a day it was going to be.

The Chosen Ones (Hyunlix, Minsung, Seungin, Binchan)Where stories live. Discover now