Anna 2- CHAPTER 51.5

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~Spring 2021: Part 2~

Harry- 27
Anna- 26/27
August- 4
Robin- 3
Florence- 21-23 Months
Hazel and Milo - 8-10 Months

~ April 2nd: Five Year Anniversary ~

Harry POV:

It's our five year anniversary. It seems hard to believe that much time has passed, but then you think about the fact that we've had five children in that time and suddenly it doesn't feel like it's only been five years. I've been working with Fredrik and Erik, for almost two years, on our anniversary project. Seeing as the traditional five year gift is made of wood, I decided to bring them in on a non-traditional interpretation of it and build her a house in Norway.

I've been DYING to tell her about, Sofie has been helping with furnishing the house and getting everything staged perfectly for photographs. I suspect Anna is going to want to get on a plane and fly to see it immediately, but unfortunately, we can't go until later this spring, or early summer. So, I'm hoping the photos will tide her over until we can actually go and see it in-person.

Before we get to gifts, though, I have to give another sample to check if we can finally be clear for sex. Apparently, my swimmers decrease at a glacial pace, and though they are extremely low now, they are not at zero, yet. Maybe today will be the day? It takes until the end of the day to get lab results back, and they always go to Anna's email, so she will know before I do. In a perfect world, we would be cleared today to resume our extraordinarily interrupted sex life, but we'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, we have dinner and a gift exchange to get through.

"So, I had some help with your gift," I tell her, sliding a small box across the table. She opens the box and pulls out a key with a puzzled expression. On the keychain is a single gold ring and a wooden disk engraved with the number five for our fifth anniversary and the house number. She holds it up in the air and I move to sit next to her on the same side of the table instead of across from her. I pull her iPad out of the bag I had along and and we FaceTime Erik, who answers standing outside of the house. "I may have gone a little overboard."

"H-harry. Did you buy me a house?"

"No, he built you one. In Norway," Erik responds as he opens the door to the house, walking us inside via FaceTime. She turns her face to look at me. Her mouth is agape, and her eyes weren't blinking until I see her close them as water starts dripping from them. She's crying so hard that I'm not sure how much she's actually seeing of the tour. Erik goes over details and specifics, while I just watch her reactions. I'm pretty sure she loves it, but her words confirm it.

"I love it so much," she says, squeezing my whole body in a hug. "When can I see it? When are we going?"

"Not for another month, or so, I'm afraid." I tell her and Erik adds, "the exterior still has a lot of work to be done and there are a few minor projects to finish up inside." She sits, unable to speak, for far too long, but I know her well enough by now to know that means that she really loves it.

"I'm afraid my gift pales in comparison," she softly confesses.

"I doubt that," I say, excited to see what she came up with.

"You can't have it until we get back to the hotel. I left it there."

Knowing that she has a gift waiting for me, we rush through dessert and walk the small distance back to the hotel. Paul shows us to our floor and posts himself at the end of the hallway for the night. "Happy anniversary, you two," he says before we open the door and enter the room.

Anna kicks off her heels in the foyer, and I bend down to untie my shoes and slip them off. There is a strange energy between us, one that feels heavy as I walk away from Anna to use the bathroom. I wash my face with freezing cold water, trying to rid my body of the energy.

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