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~February 8, 2014~

Anna- 19
Harry- 20

Anna POV:

The next couple days were good. Harry was affectionate, but I think he knew better than to try anything past stealing a few kisses. Which just left me sexually frustrated because my vagina thought it was getting action and now it is in a constant state of being mad at me.

Yesterday, Harry had a session run late, so Alli and I went out to dinner with Jason and Blake, another junior associate, and I promised them that Harry would join us out later in the evening.


Harry: i'll be done by 7 today

Anna: Good. We are finishing up here, then we have a couple changes to make back at the office before we will be ready to head out.

Harry: i can come your way once i am ready

Harry: want me to make some reservations?

Anna: Sure. It will be for 7 people total.

Anna: Can you bring me my silver booties, too? I think I want to change into them if we go out after dinner.

Harry: i will 😘

Anna: Thanks 😘


Jason and I finish making the final changes to his plans, and we get them all signed off on. I look at the clock and it is already 6:45pm, so I know that Harry is likely either already here or on his way. I check my phone to see that he arrived ten minutes ago, and he had room for four others to ride with us, if people wanted to.

So, Alli, Blake, Jason and myself head to the parking garage to ride with Harry. The rest of the crew is meeting us at dinner, and I suspect some others will tag along once they hear who I am bringing to dinner with me. It's the Harry Styles effect.

I can tell that Jason is nervous as we approach the car. He has no idea that Harry and I have a history beyond a friendship, but I don't think that is even what he is most nervous about. He is meeting HARRY STYLES, and as much as it happens, I am still not used to people  I know freaking out over him.

"He's just a normal guy, like super normal." I try to reassure him. "Just be yourself."

Paul exits the drivers side of the SUV and greets me as we approach. "Did you have a good day, Anna?"

"Yes. It's good to see you again, Paul," I greet back with a hug, then introduce the others. "You know Alli, and this is Jason and Blake," I tell him. Then, Harry exits the back seat and walks over to the gentlemen he hasn't met.

"Hi, I'm Harry. Nice to meet you both," he says in his well practiced 'I give a damn' voice, holding his hand out to shake both of theirs. He then walks over to me, removes my leather tote from my shoulder, taking it in his hands and places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me toward the SUV. He leans in to place a kiss on my cheek, "How was your day, love?" he asks just above a whisper.  Though it isn't any different of a greeting than I would expect, whether Jason is present or not, I can see him stare in Jason's direction as he hands Paul my tote and holds the door for me to slide into the seat next to him.

In the car, Harry places his hand on my thigh and I move slightly to adjust myself, hoping that he moves his hand so that I don't have to answer any questions from my coworkers later. Thankfully, he takes the hint and ends up moving it, but then wraps his long arm around my shoulder to rest on the leather seat behind me like a teenager in a movie theater. Thank god the drive is short to the restaurant.

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