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~May 2016~

Anna- 22
Harry- 22

~Saturday, April 30th~

Harry POV:

Unfortunately making an appointment like this requires me bringing Jeff into the middle of our baby-making business. Anna and I trying to have a baby needs to be kept a secret until we are actually pregnant and ready to tell the world, and that means NDA's signed for anyone who comes in contact with us before we share the news.

We had established a doctor in London but we needed to establish one in Los Angeles so getting the name from Ben just jump started that process. I had Jeff check into getting us an after hours appointment to avoid being seen at an OB/GYN office, specifically one dealing with fertility issues.


"Hey, H. I talked to Dr. Singh's office and they can do an after hours appointment Tuesday or Wednesday at 7pm."

I roll my lip between my pointer finger and thumb nervously before I answer Jeff. "I really need to talk to Anna about it first. Her flight should be in sometime after eight tonight"

"Alright. Just let me know, so I can get everything signed off on ahead of time."

"I will. Thanks Jeff."


Anna lands that evening and it is clear, when Paul and I go to pick her up, that she is exhausted. I think the flight was long and she didn't sleep, but I also know she has had tons of work to finish, and I'm concerned that she spent most of the flight trying to catch up.

We get inside the front door and I set down all of Anna's things in the entryway. I pull her into a kiss and I am met with a quick kiss in return, and a stiff body.

"I really want to shower, baby," she says.

"Do you want me to join you?" I ask, hopefully.

"Don't be mad, Harry, but I really just want to wash off all of the airport and airplane grossness by myself." She kisses me again, this time more softly, resting her hand on my chest, leaning her tired body against me.

"That's fine. Darling, are you sure you're alright?" I ask, because now I'm getting concerned.

"Yes. Just tired. I had a really long week," she says, and I want to believe that is all. I know her week has been brutal.

"I'll get everything ready for you to go to bed once you are finished," I tell her, kissing her forehead, and rubbing her back as she turns away to go to the bathroom.

I can't help shaking the feeling that there is something wrong with my sweet Anna that she isn't telling me.

Anna POV:

It's not lost on me that Harry is concerned. I'm struggling with so much and I don't know how to even put into words what my brain is going through. I hope the hot shower washes some of the worry away, and I gain some insight in to what's really bothering me, but I'll probably be just as lost once I step out of the bathroom as I am right now.

This past week has shown me what life could be like. More specifically, how lonely life could be. When Harry left before we had planned for him to be out of town, there wasn't anything we could do about it. He signed a contract and had to go.

I, on the other hand, couldn't leave London until I finished my obligations there. Leaving this morning was a stretch because I had so much work left to complete on the projects in the London office. Harry is right, I didn't sleep on the plane, even though I was exhausted. I spent the entire flight answering emails and finishing details to contracts and bids that need to get off by Monday morning. Even working the whole plane ride here, I probably still have six hours worth of work to do tomorrow.

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