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~September 2016~

Anna- 22
Harry- 22

Reminder of their locations:

- Beginning of September: both Jamaica
- September 3rd- 16th: Harry Jamaica, Anna London
- September 17th- 30th: both London

~September 1st, 2016: 26.5 Weeks~

Anna POV:

Jamaica is incredible. Here, Harry is just another man. He is rarely noticed and even if he is, for the most part people leave him alone. Of course, the camera crew following the team around last week gave away that Harry was 'somebody' worth noticing. Thankfully, they finished filming what they needed from Jamaica yesterday.

The sun is getting lower in the sky and Harry enters our room from a recording session. "Darling, are you almost ready to go?"

"Almost, just give me a couple more minutes to get my hair done."

"You look stunning. I don't see a hair out of place," he says, wrapping his warm arms around me as we stare at each others reflections in the mirror in the bathroom.

Once I am put together, Harry takes me out to local restaurant for dinner. Being able to go out in public with Harry, and not get noticed, is so refreshing. The hostess seats us at an outdoor table, overlooking the bay.

"So, how are you feeling, darling?"

'Well, August is already getting a little routine down. He seems to be less active while I am up and about, likely lulling him to sleep. When I sit down, however, he is relentless. His favorite time of day to be active is right about the time of day that I decide to go to sleep," I say, rolling my eyes.

Harry chuckles, then responds with, "well, he is definitely your son, my little night owl."

Honestly, he's not wrong. I have always been the one to stay up late and finish a project or just have some time to myself. Harry, however, has always been the up early, rise before the sun type. Not only that, but he is in an obnoxiously good mood much earlier in the morning than any human being should be.

"Either way, I am just trying to get used to the feeling of him moving. Hopefully then I can learn to ignore it for a few more weeks, before he gets so big that it is impossible to."

Harry nods his head, in agreement, and continues to work on eating his dinner. I take a few minutes to just take him in, wondering which features of Harry's the baby will get. I pray that he get's Harry's dimples, and those green eyes that I am so very fond of. Honestly, those eyes looking up at me from our little boys face... I can't. Harry catches me staring and he pops a smile my direction.

"Like what you see, Mrs. Styles."

"Always, Mr. Styles."

We talk about the album and the songs that he has finished. Tyler, Jeff, manager Jeff and Harry have all been pleasantly surprised with the work they've been able to accomplish while in Jamaica, especially over just the first almost two weeks. I can sense the shift in him. He left L.A. really anxious about this trip, worried that they wouldn't be able to get anything done and concerned that he would leave Jamaica without any solid work done on the album. Having six songs for the album written and in production was the best case scenario he could have asked for.

"So, Mr. Styles, How many more songs do you plan to finish before you leave in a couple weeks?"

He proudly answers, somewhat rambling, "I would love to leave Jamaica with fifteen contenders. We already have Anna and Sweet Creature, plus the six we have written so far, so we are more than halfway there. Mitch has and idea that he is going to work on tonight while we are gone, so it is probably more like nine songs already."

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