Anna 2- CHAPTER 27

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~ February to March 2018~

Harry- 24
Anna- 23
August- 15 months old
Robin- 2 months old

~ February 14th, 2018 ~

Anna POV:

Today is Valentine's Day. It's a holiday that I have always thought was ridiculous. Harry knows better than to try and tell me that he loves me one day a year, when he damn well better be telling me every single day. Don't worry, he returns my sentiments with his matched distaste for the day. So, when Jeff called to tell us that my appointment with the plastic surgeon would be February 14th, I told him I'd love nothing more than to spend the morning with a stranger between my legs.

"Anna Styles," a nurse calls me in the waiting room. Harry is trying his best to go unnoticed. However, the fact that we are at a plastic surgeons office, and most people here want to go equally unnoticed, will likely work to our advantage in this case.

We follow the well-dressed nurse who seats us in a posh two-room office to continue waiting to meet the doctor. Harry reaches over to place his hand on my thigh, smiling anxiously as he bites the inside of his lower lip. Neither of us really know what the hell we are doing here, or what to expect, so the anxiety is high. "It's all going to be fine," I assure him, and probably myself a bit, too.

The door opens and a stunning woman in her late forties or early fifties, donning perfectly placed silver-tinted black hair, enters the room. Her eyes are the most piercing blue I have ever seen on anyone, with maybe the exception of Louis. Her face shows her age, but is flawlessly perfect just the same. Obviously she has figured out the perfect Botox to not-freezing-your-face ratio. Judging from everything else, I am sure her vagina is perfect, too. That is her specialty, after all. Who knew that was even a thing?

She reaches her hand out to shake Harry's hand first. "Hello, Mr.Styles. It's a pleasure to meet you!," she says, not even phased by a famous person in his presence. "I'm Dr.Cooper." He stands to shake her hand, looking like I am sure every husband looks like at this particular appointment. She then turns her attention to me, and her smile shows that her teeth are also perfect. "Mrs.Styles, nice to meet you, as well," her handshake is purposeful, but her skin is so damn soft that I momentarily freeze at her touch. That is until she interrupts my thoughts. "Please, sit down."

Harry and I are seated in front of her desk as she pulls out papers and types on her keyboard, eventually turning the screen towards us. "This isn't the type of thing that you're told about when you decide to have a baby, but in reality, many women experience some sort of vaginal injury during childbirth, or I would be out of business. So, I like to get that out of the way first. This is more normal than not. The main purpose of this meeting is to see how everything is healing, and talk through your expectations after healing. That will guide what, if any further procedures, are needed."

"Further procedures?" Harry asks, disliking the sound of that as much as I do. I take his hand in mine. "We were just told to get a second opinion at the request of Dr.Singh," I offer.

"Let's start with the basics. You had a perineal tear at birth. It was a rather extensive second degree tear." She shows us an image of the stitches. The area is blurred in some spots to not give away too much about their location on my body. "The repair, from what I have been sent in notes and images, seems to be have been fairly text book, but everyone's anatomy is different and some require further repairs, or revisions."

Harry and I look between each other as she continues. "I'd like to examine you myself, then we can talk about my findings, and we can make a plan to move forward."

With that, we are moved to the other side of the room and a nurse joins us out of nowhere to take notes and assist. The stirrups come out of a hidden section of the exam table. Before I know it, I am spread open for everyone's viewing. She doesn't talk much during the exam, except to tell me what she is doing. There are some extremely unwanted intrusions of the area that hurt like a bitch. Apparently, that's part of the process. Happy Valentines Day to me.

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