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~November, 2013~
Anna- 19
Harry- 19

~November 6, 2013~

Anna POV:

I went out after work to a happy hour with some co-workers, but told them that I had to head out early, because I had a friend coming to town. They, luckily, didn't ask me any questions about who was coming, not even Taryn. The one thing they did question was why I always had a car service picking me up after our nights out.

"Shit, Anna, are you a Kennedy or something?" Tom asks. "Like you text someone and ten minutes later a black Mercedes or a black SUV arrives to pick you up from wherever you are.

"And, you've never told us where you live," Arden adds with a questioning glance my direction. Luckily they have all had a bit to drink, so I can just give quick answers that they likely won't remember tomorrow.

"I am staying in Tribeca," I say shyly. "at my friends flat while they're traveling for work."

"It must be a RICH friend," Taryn adds, bumping her shoulder into mine.

"So the cars?" Tom asks again.

"Its just a car service. I only use it when I'm out late, or by myself," I add, shrugging my shoulders. "Its no different than calling a cab. Really."

"Sure. Yeah. Whatever you say," Arden says sarcastically. Of course, the moment is made even more awkward by the black car pulling up outside. I laugh at the poor timing, quickly downing the remains of my drink and throwing some cash on the table to cover my portion of the bill.

"Saved by the driver," I joke. "See you all tomorrow!"

"Tell your sugar daddy we say 'hello'," one of them says as I am leaving. I'm sure Harry will get a good laugh out of being called that.

~Later that Evening~

I get back to the flat, seeing that I have about an hour before Harry is due to arrive. I quickly shower, twist my hair up in a messy bun, throw on some leggings and one of Harry's hoodies. I still have a good buzz going when I hear the elevator beep and a British voice boom, "Honey, I'm home!"

After practically no time, we are well on our way to having sex on the couch in the living room, "God I missed the taste of you." Harry breathes over me. I love the feeling of him, the taste of him, the smell of him. I just missed him. I also hate that Dr. Holcombe is right, because in the back of my mind I know that I need to stop things.

"Harry, we need to stop," I say, gently pushing my palms against his chest and he quickly sits up off of me. My vagina was screaming at me for stopping things when I did, and I had to fight every instinct to let him keep going, but my brain knew that we needed to stop.

"Why?" he said concern washing over his features, questioning if he had done something wrong.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Harry. Trust me... I want you but I am working on some things in therapy, and she suggested we pause the this part of our... well, our relationship, or whatever we are calling it these days."

"OK?" he questions, walking towards me as I move backwards to match his advances. "Anna, I will do whatever you want, but baby, I am horny as fuck!" he says as he balls the sides of the sweatshirt I'm wearing up into his frustrated fists before kissing me.

"That, I'm afraid, is a grey area, Styles. I'm not sure if I can help you with that," I say seductively, "all I know is we need to keep the actual act of having sex out of the equation for right now. Never clarified if that includes all forms of an orgasm." I add.

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